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Everything posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz

  1. All good lol... I see your view point (just to add a little discussion to the topic) but relaxing is something I can't do at this point (without getting into detail)
  2. I don't trust any QB who is on an airplane and doesn't watch or play football on Sunday during the regular season...
  3. You can tell a kid not to play with fire, but until he burns himself, he will never know the lesson you were "trying" to teach him.
  4. If we had 11 Marcus Easleys running down the field our special teams will be unbelievable. This is the worst Bills special teams unit I've seen in years. The personnel sucks and I believe the coach needs to be changed. Two games now where special teams coverage decides the game.
  5. Poor play calling yes I agree. But a physical line would have got Freddy in there. Players didn't make the play if you ask me.
  6. Chandler not being involved is #2 on my list of issues I have with the offense with #1 being playcalling. But I have to tip my hat off to Hackett for calling a good game today. At least for 3 and a half quarters...
  7. Bills are the only team that I've ever seen where the seriously injured QBs jog and use stationary bikes on the sideline smh...
  8. Justin Rogers is inactive folks. I repeat. Justin Rogers, is, inactive.
  9. Hey man. In politics we don't ask where or how the votes come. A vote for the campaign in any shape or form is good for the cause. God Bless America.
  10. I wonder if Byrd receives cheers or boos from the crowd if his name is announced pregame.
  11. Notifications are a big help... thanks on that... 2 weeks? Damn... I got a week for allegedly calling someone a lunatic... Lord Knows what you did... Notice the "allegedly"? My lawyers are still hard at work on my case. They said I should use the word allegedly.
  12. Thank you. Your continued support will be relied on throughout this campain.
  13. I see what you're doing. You're using the word opinion a lot to mask how you really want to reply with a more direct answer, so that way the Mods will almost give you a warning point and then another Mod stops the one that's about to give you a warning point, runs to him in slow motion and stops his finger with his finger just in time and points out, "hey, it's his opinion" and they say, "oh man, that was a close one". Good strategy. I'm taking notes...
  14. So maybe we convert him to DB like we did George Wilson? I mean, makes perfect sense after seeing the way he tackles on special teams.
  15. That's a tough one. There's so much to do. It's kind of like the beginning of Saints Row IV. You play as the president and one of your workers stops you before you hhead in to a press conference and tells you that you can pass only 1 of the two bills he has on paper. One is cure cancer and the other is stop world hunger. It took me 10 minutes to decide. I asked my roommate and a couple other people what they thought and they all said cure cancer. The old me before I was in the hole would have "followed" them and chose cure cancer, but instead I am in a leader position now so I chose stop world hunger. So to answer your question, to help society, I have to become a leader and not a follower. Plus, did you notice how I answered your question without really answering your question? Just shows you how ready I really am for this position. Politics 101.
  16. Ahhhhhh I see... Makes sense... I feel disrespected... Don't you remember a couple months ago when someone posted a thread with the title "I'm not a coach but I know statistics" and posted NOTHING about statistics? That was me. It's ME. (Waits with arms out and smile on face) Come on. Come on. (Waiting and invites you in for hug)
  17. I was wondering why my post doesn't show up on the stadium wall... I always have to check my contents to see if anyone responded to this... How do I change this?
  18. Well we DO have a pretty good TE in Chandler. If our QBs can get him the damn ball, he usually gets 10-20 yards. Everytime Chandler catches a pass I find myself saying, yo we gotta get this guy the ball more which means he's not being targeted at all. I'm fine with Chandler at TE. It's the play design and QB that I find to be the weak link on this team. EJ will grow and see the game better. I'm sure of it. But 2 good WRs in Johnson and Woods (both sound like body parts and we could actually trademark that) and a good TE in Chandler, are good enough weapon/weapons to have on offense to win some ball games...
  19. I've been to Met Life stadium and also Citifield (Mets' stadium) and honestly, the new stadiums look great and all, but they feel more like a mall than they do a football stadium. As old as our stadium is, it has more of a "football" feel to it. As long as the stadium doesn't collapse, I'm fine with our stadium. They DO need to add more TV screens though (which I believe they are) and the sound system definitely needs an upgrade. Maybe a BOOM BOOM BOOM noise on 3rd down defense and have it speed up so people could start smacking their seats to start a Bills Stampede would be nice too...
  20. Thanks bro. Yeah the Mods were definitely not playing last week...
  21. Thank you sir. Even though I had to google the definition of erudite, I still thank you for the kind words... No way! So Levitre is gone? Who is Justin Rogers? And why are the kids wearing skinny jeans these days? Man the world has changed since I got put in the box.
  22. No. Not NFL related sorry. I'm back from my 1 week suspension (I think for insulting someone after losing to the Browns). It's been tough not being able to post anything on TBD. Since getting out of the box, I've converted to Islam. No wait. I was born Muslim but still. I'm a better person now and will not insult anyone again. Thank you.
  23. Give it to me on the black hand side...
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