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Everything posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz

  1. EJ is the new version of Trent Edwards. Captain checkdown at it's finest. There are many things to blame on the field on all sides of the ball but the thing that gets me the most upset is how calm and collected Marrone looked on the sidelines getting his butt kicked, while Tomlin is losing his mind that we scored on garbage time when it really should have been a false start on Gragg. THAT my friends is what upsets me. A coach with ZERO emotion on the sidelines. Why should the players play any harder when their coach looks like he's at a day spa getting a massage when things are going wrong on the field? Give me Tomlin, Coughlin, the Chin, Rex Ryan any day over these no emotion coaches we've had. Gannon also made a good observation (which we as Bills fans already know). We have to stop this throwing and running out of the gun formation man. Hackett can't seem to change his philosophy at all. That dude needs to make majlr changes and at first I thought it was his fault for EJ not throwing down the field, but Tuel and Thad have proved that the plays are being called, EJ just sucks and won't take a shot. We need a QB again unfortunately. This kid is not gonna cut it. We're not Kansas City. We're not going to win games with a "game manager".
  2. I felt more confident playing the Chiefs with Tuel than I do this week but, I'm still expecting us to win...
  3. Here take this shot to the gut for hopes of being wrong!
  4. I believe we've always found quality players and "good" guys except for of course McGahee and Whitner. But now the "talent" portion is being attained.
  5. Yea I read this earlier. I was one of the many who thought he would be cut after watching him play in preseason. But I gotta say I'm very impressed and very thankful the coaches knew what we didn't know about his skills and kept him on the squad. Sunday is going to be a very special day for Nickell. I'm expecting 200% effort from him no matter the results.
  6. This. And also add that it's already the playoffs for us. One more loss all but puts us out of the playoffs unless the rest of the AFC wild card chasers just shut down. I believe it's already the playoffs for us and we need to play as if one loss means the season is over...
  7. He's gonna rock SOMEBODY'S world based on that analysis...
  8. This is a one game at a time approach for me. I believe 10-6 makes it. 9-7 won't. The way I see it simply put, is if we lose one more game, then we can stop the playoff talk...
  9. Oh you're thinking superbowl... I just want the streak of not making it to the playoffs to end. Of course the superbowl is the big picture and if we made it to the playoffs I wouldn't want to lose, but I just want to know what watching the Bills in January feels like man. Been a fan for 13 years now so I don't have the luxury like most of you have with the "glory days". I've stuck by this team and have only known this team in it's worst. I want playoffs.
  10. I see who wears the pants in your family. Just kidding around. I can see why she would say that and me personally, I don't take a rough game out on my dog. My dog is responsible for the good plays that we do cuz I congratulate him after a TD, sack on defense etc. But if we mess up it's not his fault. But that's me. What I like from Marrone is just the fact that he has some type of emotion. Would you rather Jauron with his cryptkeeper stare saying it's hard to win in the NFL? Gailey had emotion too but it was like an old person emotion. Kind of like if your Dad or Grandad gets very upset and you want them to calm down and not stress themselves out. I didn't want Gailey to have a heart attack. I liked the post game interview from Marrone, cuz even though his dog is going to be sad, it just shows SOME type of emotion and very similar to how most of us have felt one day or another after a Bills loss...
  11. I cannot believe this thread. I mean, for real. It's unbelievable. Do some of you guys just watch the game and then play guessing games? If you listened to Marrone's post game interview, Stevie ran his route the way he was supposed to. The Chiefs player just let Stevie go and Marrone was shocked and said either the defender knew exactly what play we called or, then he kind of looked shocked and said I've never seen anything like it. The defender gets credit for guessing where Tuel was going to throw but you want to blame Stevie for getting wide open in the end zone? Wow. If you want to be upset with him, be upset at his body language after Tuel threw the interception cuz he was the only player not running back to catch the Chiefs player, but don't be upset cuz he got wide open in the end zone man. Any average to above average QB would have seen Stevie in the endzone. Tuel threw the interception cuz he was locked on to his receiver and released the ball in like 1.2 seconds after the hike. I'm getting really tired of this blame game thing that's going on...
  12. Do you think Bellichick had something to do with the referees in our game from 100s of miles away? I think so. It's a conspiracy I tell you!
  13. I showed my girlfriend the video right after I saw it and I got excited. I told her this is why I love Marrone. But she obviously didn't see it my way. All she heard was I'm not going to pet my dog and said, what did the dog do to him? Women...
  14. No I'm fine where I'm at. But thanks though.
  15. Well then put me in the 10 percentile.
  16. I look forward to you not watching the rest of the season. Either you're a fan or you're not. Boston Red Sox fans have been through worse than us and look at them now. Our time will come. But to say this "team" stinks is way over the top. I'm more excited watching the Bills this year than I was when we started the season 4-0 a few years back. There's so many exciting players on this team, it's just fun to watch. Defense is 1 or 2 players away from being a top 5 defense. Offense is the reason we've lost every game except for the Saints game. But that's what we get for not having our starting QB in the game. Many good things to look forward to about this team and each week we've gone up against good and some great teams and have played them til the last minute (except the Saints game). This "team" doesn't stink. A few players and a couple coaches maybe, but not the team...
  17. Forget Graham, we need Easley to play DB.
  18. And likes to sit on the bench and read previous plays from the xerox machine when he should have his helmet on cuz the opposing team is in punting formation.
  19. I'm fine with the way Hackett called the game, but can somebody PLEASE tell him to throw out the shotgun formation run up the middle play? Please. That's ALL I want for Christmas.
  20. Take some advil and continue.
  21. When was the last time you saw a Bills offense put up 500 yards on offense?
  22. Missing Stevie in the endzone and throwing a pick 6 was the game. All Tuel, not Hackett. Sorry man. You wrong on that one big time.
  23. Put me on the list for one of those too...
  24. Yeah I didn't see anything of this nature either. I still think there's a shot at him playing next week based on all the limited participation he's been doing in practice and I haven't heard of any setbacks.
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