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Everything posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz

  1. This is juuuuuuust great to watch...
  2. I'm sorry guys... I'm not saying this because of Stevie's play just now buy, Stevie gotta go... EJ plays better without him IMO...
  3. Ummm why am I watching the Chiefs game instead of the Bills? Come on CBS
  4. I wish I could watch the Bills like this (the way I feel) all year. Knowing playoffs are out of reach, it doesn't hurt when we suck.
  5. Not too sure about this one...
  6. I see. Well being that Choice isn't on the team, wouldn't that STILL clear up any cap space next year? He took up some apace this year and granted he will still get paid for this year, wouldn't next year's cap have a bit more room since we WON'T be paying Choice?
  7. I think gilmore has a cast in his left throat. He doesn't speak. They can't mic him up... I'm with you on the whole Hackett being on the sidelines thing. I love it. Right. I forgot about that one. It really was entertaining. But Dareus just has that personality that I could watch all day. Funny dude...
  8. What I like about the wired up for sound thing is this. I always thought (based on how it looks on tv) that after every play, Spiller talks trash and I find myself saying, ok C.J. stop talking, you only got two yards. But in reality he's just having fun.
  9. His speed is definitely great. Can he play LG?
  10. Damn that was quick... I just got the text 2 minutes ago and I see you posted it 5 minutes ago. Good job...
  11. But could still be used on Byrd no? A couple hundred thousand closer to getting a deal done.
  12. I wonder what he said to the receiver that dropped an easy TD on him. Spiller's audio was just ok. My favorites will always be Dareus. That dude is hilarious.
  13. You sure? I thought Choice had a decent salary as a 3rd string RB.
  14. By the way, how many more years did we sign up for this Toronto crap again? Honest question cuz I don't remember... This answered my question thanks.
  15. If Toronto wants us, we should give them the 3rd preseason game where the starters play the most and the coaches begin to gameplan. No regular season games though. No offense to people that live in Toronto but I hate that place now and I've never been there. Plus Drake is from there and he lied about starting from the bottom now he's here.
  16. Maybe it's also to gain more cap room after the season, to be able to re-sign Byrd. I'm pretty damn sure Wingo doesn't even tickle the cap space.
  17. Ok you know what? Enjoy watching that video all day today and enjoy the rest of your day. Me? I'll be taking it easy on my day off taking my dog to the park and then playing some PS4. Lynch will definitely not cross my mind. With all the problems we got on our team right now, Lynch was definitely at the bottom of the list of my thought process. That last sentence you wrote was funny though.
  18. You gotta stop living in the past my man. I clicked on this thread and when I saw the video option, I thought it was going to be a video from last night's game. Instead it was an old video. We've seen that video already. Was I happy when we let Lynch go? No. Am I happy with some of the mistakes I've personally made in the past? No. But I'm not going to sit there and focus on the mistakes of past, when I can better myself now for the future. Lynch is not Adrian Peterson. If we let an AP caliber running back walk, then I get your point. There are 10's of Lynchs out there.
  19. Meh. Who cares about an earthquake when you can have a fan actually fall on top of you? Forecast for Bills game at the Ralph. 37 degrees, partly cloudy with a chance of falling fans.
  20. Who cares about Lynch? I sure don't.
  21. I honestly don't know what this team needs anymore. To think we need another defensive end is ridiculous thinking though. Our whole D-Line is playing lighys out. So if there was an issue on defense, I would say it would be the OLB position. I had high hopes for Bradham, but I never see him or hear his name called during a game at all. I guess having a sick body and being in great shape doesn't mean Jack when it comes to football skills. I also would love to have an offensive line like how the Patriots of past had. The one where Brady would hike the ball, make a phone call, order a pizza, be put on hold, then finish his order, play sudoku on expert level, finish it and THEN throw a TD pass to Randy Moss. That would help us out. Simply put, OL and OLB are the top two on my list.
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