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Everything posted by MississippiBillsFan

  1. He might be good the 2 games a season he wouldn't be injured..
  2. I thought they were grooming Ozzie Newsome to be the next Commissioner..That obviously isn't going to happen now however..
  3. If Roger Goodell resigns or is fired at some point soon, who do you guys think will be the new Commissioner? Any thoughts?
  4. Still early in the season but it sure is nice to be on top of the division...If the Eagles lose tonight that only leaves 6 teams..Pretty excited so far this year, what say you guys?
  5. Should be interesting when it comes time to work his contract..
  6. What say you fellow Bills fans...At this point in his career. Whats your true evaluation of Gilmore..
  7. With E.J.'s history we might all be supporting Thad as our starting QB sooner than later...
  8. Eli or Patrick Willis..
  9. Well I think his day's as a starting QB or maybe even a 2nd string QB are done...He has the drive to play in this league with a killer work ethic...Other players have switched positions with success...I can see him leading a special teams and playing some fullback/tight end...No desire to see him as QB...I think it could work
  10. Just a thought...Since we lost McIntyre, what do you guys think if we could get him for a 6th or 7th round pick...Or even wait and just pick him up....
  11. Got to see him every year, usually along with Thurman and J.K. when they would come to my casino for a charity event that Kent hosted...Being from Mississippi and a huge Bills fan, they knew who I was and would go out of their way to say hi to me... Kent was a great man in many ways and will be very much missed...
  12. I'd do like the guy did on Old Skool and get bloody drunk and go streaking through the quad with nothing on but a Bills Helmet!!
  13. I guess the real question for me would be if Fitzy was hurt, ok I appreciate him trying to play hurt and all and tough it out...But if our 2nd string QB is sooooo bad that he is not a viable option when your team is losing game after game... Why was he our 2nd string QB in the first place??
  14. Yeah they just gave me free Sunday Ticket as well with 30$ off for the next year...Also gave me a "free" HD DVR to replace my old regular DVR...That gives me 3 HD DVR's to record and watch our Bills win their first SuperBowl!!! woot woot
  15. I think our biggest need is a Starting QB...To be honest we have a VERY good backup already in Fitzy.....
  16. I meant any year... But was opening discussions for not just our highest pick not to make the team , but any notable ones as well....
  17. I was wandering about this earlier... Does anyone know our highest draft pick to not make the team that year.. Or for that matter some of the highest ones...Recent ones to not make the team..
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