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die hard bills fan

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Everything posted by die hard bills fan

  1. Good luck. I always liked him but he never really lived up to his potential I guess due to injuries and poor coaching.
  2. I think EJ can but will need A LOT of help. Check out this article.http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/all-that-matters-in-the-nfl-is-your-quarterback/ar-AA9yC2g
  3. I know it's way early in the season and FA hasn't officially started yet but I'm getting nervous about the D. Kiko is gone and Hughes and Searcy are probably out the door too. These are good/very good players and I don't know if we can get the same quality players in FA. Factor in a new HC, DC and the potential switch to a 3-4 scheme and it's got me worried. It wouldn't be good if the D regressed this year given the ground and pound offensive strategy.
  4. The Bills have a new QB It's Matt Cassel
  5. He didn't do so well with the colts. He is good but he is benefited by our system and especially the 3 pro bowlers he lines up with. He may not do so well on another team and imo not worth the franchise tag or 12-13Mhe may get in FA.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulNgVRMflTI&list=RDulNgVRMflTI
  7. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  8. I know exactly what you mean. The guy has admitted BPD. A relationship with him could be extremely toxic. Would consider only if he is in therapy regularly and even then have a very short leash.
  9. I hate both teams. I wish the game went into quadruple overtime with the play deteriorating every minute and the players and coaches bickering and fighting with each other. The game would not end until well after midnight and people would turn off the tv in disgust or else pass out at the farce they are watching.
  10. Little Tommy needs to learn about feelings again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsISd1AMNYU
  11. Yes. The Seahawks and Carroll are not just going to let this happen to them and like Dungy said get an apology letter the next day. Expect their own substitution wrinkles on Defense/Offense or a lot of injured players. I would, and dare Goodell to play favoritism towards the Pats.
  12. That would be interesting. The Pats could claim a conspiracy where the ball boy or someone else deflated the balls then alert the other team who naturally would report it to the officials. The Pats would cry a setup took place and could blame it on any Pat hater in the world and then they would be blameless. The NFL would then have to hire "a high profile investigator" to figure out the mystery but it would never be solved and the Pats get off free and clear.
  13. I agree. I think half the problem with EJ was poor coaching under M/H, and not just with EJ but also with the whole offense. Poor O line play, poor run game, unimaginative play calling all impact one another. Hopefully with better coaching and nonQB offensive play, it would make EJ's performance better.
  14. I would love to hear his explanation on why our O-line regressed so badly.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PljkJTYt7M
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