I don't know. Tua could elect to retire based on medical advice and then sue the hell out of the NFL, Dolphins, medical staff and anyone else involved. Public opinion would be on his side and imagine the amount of money he could get.
Have to hold the medical evaluator responsible. It's his job to make the call and protect the player (his patient) from returning to the game. I'm sure every player will say he's ok to play but the evaluator has to protect the player from himself sometimes. It really is crazy to not think he was concussed
This game reminds me of the New England wind game last year. The weather really played a role and helped the other team...Miami is acclimated to playing in hot weather. That, along with all the injuries makes me want to think the game was an outlier and not reflective of how good we are.
As far as Josh is concerned he was our offense. He may not have had his best game but no one did. He probably played the most minutes of anyone.
Think the 112 degrees didn't affect him?