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Everything posted by Jtowntobuffalo

  1. Zero deescalation skills by the officers. I wouldn’t want someone behaving like that policing my community because he comes off as explosive lacking self control and patience. Now where we differ is if he could take such action not on if his department should discipline or fire him. He can be asked out. If he refuses he can be charged. Doesn’t matter if all his windows are down and he’s naked and calm and compliant.
  2. If it’s a valid traffic stop. Yes you can be asked to step out of the vehicle, as it The Court held that the intrusion of asking a person to exit his or her car was “de minimis.” The Court also noted that the police officer is much safer from not only oncoming traffic but from any potential nefarious act of the driver or the passenger. The current state of search and seizure law allows a police officer to order a driver and the passengers out of vehicle that is stopped for even a minor traffic violation. However, the law does not require you to answer any questions or to consent to a search of your vehicle. I said if one refuses to exit there vehicle on a valid traffic stop. They can be charged and arrested. And yes they can.
  3. 100% correct. Just because 98 out of 100 officers may have just ignored that they they could remove Hill out of the vehicle, the fact this officer chose to take action I don’t think on its face makes it a unreasonable action. Each state and department have different guidelines. But speaking to weather legally you can remove someone from a vehicle the law has ruled you can. Now the amount of force you use to make a lawful arrest is weighed by the objectively reasonable standard.
  4. If the cop asks you to exit a vehicle you must do so. Period. Penn v Mimms. Hill doesn’t have to roll down window. But he must exit if commanded to do so. If not he can be arrested and removed forcefully. Period. cop may be fired for his tone, lack of patience, and attitude. But legally he was within his rights to do what he did. If Hill did in fact refuse to exit.
  5. 1. Cop can ask hill to roll down window. 2. Hill can refuse. 3. Cop then can tell hill to exit. Cop does not need probable cause or reasonable suspicion that anything more than a traffic infraction was committed. 4. Hill can choose to refuse, but then Hill can be physically removed and arrested (in nys issued an appearance ticket) Appears Hill refusal to exit wasn’t charged but it could have been. Officers do not have to charge someone, they also can choose to unarrest someone (discretion). Cops use to be trained when dealing with a difficult person refusing to comply: ask, tell, make. Now it’s more ask, beg, plead, ask again, then speak to a supervisor, ask one more time. They let them go because it’s not worth it. Is he required to ask Hill twice to exit? No. Obviously he could have been more patient. Does he have to be? No. Can a cop rip you out of a car for refusing a command to get out. Yes. They can even put you on the ground and cuff you. They didn’t punch him on the ground, they cuffed him. Cop may have had an ego, but was justified in his actions legally. 98 out of 100 cops may have been cooler, more patient and chose not to ask him out of the car, that doesn’t mean this officer wasn’t justified in his actions legally. Can he be disciplined? Absolutely if they believe his tone, attitude and language was unprofessional. Hill is no victim here. Not Complying was his choice and was illegal.
  6. Also you build your high/excitement up to the point your in a altered reality but when it ends you end up exasperated and usually unfulfilled with the result.
  7. I went to school with a few people who had learning disabiltys. They required individual education plans that for example needed all test read to them. Some people's brains just learn information different. One of those "special education" kids ended up going to Yale on a partial academic scholarship. Could you imagine walking into to a test with the best football players in the country and asking to have special accommodations and have the test read to you. Wouldn't happen, you would take the test listen to the world mock your stupidity and then explain your disabilty to teams. I am not saying this is the case but I wouldn't judge him yet. Why they even have this test is beyond me. You can learn everything you need to know about a persons intellect from a 1 on 1 interview. Teams will find out from his meetings if he is inteligent enough to play in the NFL if there doing there jobs.
  8. He's probably just a secret Bills fan just trying to amuse himself. The tuff talk makes me thing that he's likely just having a laugh.
  9. LOL, u loan people money and then put them through walls to collect..no way you are not joking. Uppity, might come after me, threw wall, no door. Good stuff.
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