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Everything posted by josephfrei

  1. Well, that's a great idea. Would love to see that happen , too. I'll have check into what New England's got....
  2. The first few I'd guess to go via which ever way: McGee Barnett and probably Spencer Johnson, though i don't know, maybe he fits in with Pettine's scheme (a one gap guy? vrs. a two gap/Ted Washington/Pat Williams type player? ...but wouldn't this new scheme of Pettine's still need both types to some degree &/or do we have enough one-gappers already??) Scott's on the fence, but maybe a decent option at safety still? Wilson, I like, but don't how good he's been at Strong safety. Moats - might not make it past training camp, but cutting him now might be a bit premature. Troup " " " " Fitz - wait a little and see if some trade is feasible?? Shephard - I think would at least be good for depth. Nelson - I'd like to see come back from the ACL and be a contributor again.
  3. Stadium Renovation renderings So I posted this comment already with the above topic-discussion and felt the need to apply it here, as well. ... Here's my first thought after reading just the snippet of the Buffalo News article on TBD: Visions emerge of upgrades to Ralph Wilson Stadium '“We want it to glow and light up at night,” said architect Scott Radecic, a former Bills linebacker who is now senior principal at Populous. “We want it to be a beacon along Abbott Road. We want people to know and to be obvious about what it is. We want to reinforce the Bills brand when people are passing by the stadium.”' So that thought would be: " this SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE A LONG TIME AGO ". And then pondering the reasons why, i suppose. {p.s. I re-tweeted this and, wow, you ARE famous. ...RIP Senior Russert, I truly miss that guy & think the whole world does too!}
  4. Here's my first thought after reading just the snippet of the Buffalo News article on TBD : Visions emerge of upgrades to Ralph Wilson Stadium '“We want it to glow and light up at night,” said architect Scott Radecic, a former Bills linebacker who is now senior principal at Populous. “We want it to be a beacon along Abbott Road. We want people to know and to be obvious about what it is. We want to reinforce the Bills brand when people are passing by the stadium.”' So that thought would be: " this SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE A LONG TIME AGO ". And then pondering the reasons why, i suppose.
  5. I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with Chandler, (though that's an interesting quote to have sited --thanks!) , but i just had to finally remark on that other awesome quote you've got under your postings from Dan Dierdorf. And I'm sure there's been plenty said of it already, but makes me wanna say "When you look at Dan Dierdorf, you are looking at a tv analyst of the NFL" ....i guess, or some other DIERDORF thing to say to that effect. ....anyways. Oh yeah, and RICO, (again off-topic) nice avatar pic!, Keith Richards, i presume?
  6. That some teams still have more money to spend (in general, not necessarily on salaries, but to stay in existence). And in some places it's never a problem, or ever dwelt upon ...(however, the # of such places has probably been decreasing in recent years ....i.e. probably Miami, SF, Oakland, San Diego, maybe others?). So, is that still too much for you to contemplate? {p.s. this isn't to say that a franchise with healthy finances couldn't be run or coached poorly... i.e. New York Jets..... BUT, especially in their case, that's a whole OTHER thing!} {p.s.s. THAT^^ being said, didn't "NEW YORK" just win a couple recent Superbowls ? ... sorry, I digress.}
  7. I caught this much though, from the Globe... Patriots thrash the hapless Houston Texans The Patriots defeated the Texans, 41-28, in the first de facto preseason playoff game in NFL history to move on and face the Ravens in the AFC title game. STORY 1 OF 15 READ FULL STORY ... So much for that one 52-3 outing someone had in the AFC title game against the L.A. Raiders (sans Bo Jackson).
  8. Dr. Trooth Posted Yesterday, 09:00 PM Yawn. people really need to get over their self esteem issues. Pats rule, Bills drool... until proven otherwise. I don't know if I've come across this before, but the link on TBD to the fore mentioned Boston Globe article is now pay-to-read only. That never happens for the Buffalo News or the D&C, but whatev.... It's not what it said about the bills or anyone per se; but seemed pretty smug without giving a thought to any financial concerns. As for "self esteem" issues.....here's also hoping it does NOT take either Brady or Belichick to get old and retire before the Buffalo Bills at least win this damn division !!!
  9. Buffalo in the Top 5 ___?? Buffalo, New York? Yeah, I mean correct me if this isn't the case, but it's a fair shake teams in NYC, BOSTON-erNewEng-LAND, DC, frigin DALLAS ---you know all those mega metropolises are able to routinely get their hands on more money way beyond whatever revenue sharing systems the NFL has in place. Not that I'm saying it's dirty, or even if the NFL can do anything more about it. It would've been nice, at least in the Bills & maybe Dolphins case, had the article in mention at least acknowledged that this might of played some role in he decade-plus of success the Pats have enjoyed & numerous firing of coaches the rest of the division has seen. Had Brady /Belichick been in Buffalo this whole time, they would've gone to 1 or 2 Superbowls. Not 5 and counting. Keep in mind the years of Buffalo's 4 Superbowls (no wins) were almost all before free agency.
  10. 1. Green Bay - Market #70. So does this mean the entire state of Wisconsin; because I don't know if anyone even lives in Green Bay itself. And as far as small market teams having enough financial support & not just surviving but being competitive on average, Green Bay does NOT count. That franchise is a very unique case in pro FOOTBALL; you can't expect any fan-base to go to such extremes as Packer fans have historically; and no way in any amount of years does the NFL let that club fold. Yes, it's always nice to see smaller market teams go all the way; and hopefully this is something that'll continue to improve (which is what's good for the NFL now at this point in time -- that every team/market has that chance realistically to be competitive on average). But, then again, take a further look at the teams winning championships or even more importantly who's been able to be competitive more so than not in pro FOOTBALL (the most expensive sport in which to do so) in the last decade or so. Pittsburgh would be the most impressive club in terms of superbowls; but I still don't see that the competitive gap between large and small market NFL teams has shrunk enough, yet. I'm not sure about you, but I'm so bored with NEW YORK and BOSTON winning championships in football &/or whatever sport in most years.
  11. I can imagine people saying something similar about what we have here...(Buffalo, Rochester, and ?). Then there's Connecticut/Rhode Island which probably figure in to some some degree.
  12. Here's more arrogance from Boston area writers. This is in response to the Bills related link from TBD Jan.13, 2013 (go there for full story): Doug Marrone might pay off for the Bills http://bostonglobe.c...VfGL/story.html Does it ever occur to anyone what nice little financial advantage, fair or unfair, it still is to have not just a behemoth-sized urban market to pull from (Boston), but also be the one only NFL team in their state, AND to have a market encompassing how many OTHER states?! I know the NFL has tried to address the market inequality issue, but here's hoping that Marrone is the coach who can finally do more with a whole lot less ...($).
  13. I like Fitzpatrick but, you know, he's got a Frank Reich type skill-set w/ probably a Jim Kelly type contract. ....does that at least fit in between those extremes ??
  14. Gruden in Buffalo is probably as likely as Andy Ried, or Cowher ....or even Bill Walsh.......coming to Buffalo to save the day. I've never been a fan of Gruden wanting to do everything in terms of coaching AND being gm, and whatever else.....the Bucs seemed to go down hill personnel-wise as time continued to pass following their SB win. (he was a better OC then anything) Any word on say Steve Spagnuolo or maybe Jim Hasselett ....depending on choice of OC's, one of those MIGHT be a decent /more possible HC option ....maybe??
  15. I know there's been a long standing apprehension about drafting QB's around the second round (understandably w/ the overall historical success rate); but I think there's been enough success with 2nd rd QB picks and rookie QB's in general in recent years that, with good professional evaluation, the Bills would do fine taking a shot on a 2nd or 3rd RD QB if the situation arises ......AND letting Fitzpatrick go IF it's too expensive. I like Fitzpatrick but, you know, he's got a Frank Reich type skill-set w/ probably a Jim Kelly type contract.
  16. Never really been sold on this idea ..... I think i like taking a shot with Kirk Cousins even with his limited play or even Mat Flyn w/ his limited play and contract rather than going through the whole process w/ vick ....guess it's just a feeling, I've never been overly impressed w/ Vick AND all that has & still might come w/ him. IN any event, would still need to find a decent younger/ long-Trm prospect at QB = this is ISSUE #1 !!
  17. Great Job ! Abs-o LUTELY !!
  18. Two cheers for the "Man Genius" ?! No?
  19. I just saw it for the first time tonight....didn't know NewEra was headquartered in BUF ....i like both of those things!
  20. I'd like some feedback on whether this is an issue or not, 'cause I honestly haven't paid a lot of attention to it over the last couple years.... but it seems like Spiller has a knack for fumbling . I'm hoping he'll be the real deal.
  21. Hopefully the ball won't go into Spillers hands and onto the ground!
  22. good to know, this is why im just a fan . hope we don't lose anyone else to lengthy injuries like last yr.
  23. yeah, i admit i had to google this guy....sure enough on Wiki: signed to Bills pract.squad w/in last 48 hrs. Couldn't find it anywhere else. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifton_Geathers
  24. Im a little nervous with only 8 DL total considering the amount of rotating they want to do this season. Then again, you can be a little nervous about a bunch of other positions, as well. ....I guess CB would be at the top of the list.
  25. Here's hoping he'll be .... Dynamite!! Dynamite!!
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