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Everything posted by montanafan

  1. Manziels play yesterday reminded me when Trent Edwards replaced an injured J.P. Losman and drove the bills to an immediate score against the Patriots in his first major appearance. It was his finest hour.
  2. I was just over on a Viking message board. lot of pain and angst over there the way they lost. Feels good to be on a winning side of one of these.
  3. Moving to Orton at this stage is a good move especially short term. Gives the Bills a better chance to win now. However I have not given up on EJ one bit. Lots of great quarterbacks have struggled in the first 2-3 years ie Drew Brees. Long term it might be better for EJ to sit on the bench for awhile. When he comes back he may be a better quarterback
  4. With new ownership, what role will Russ Brandon play in the new regime? A proven brilliant marketing guy, Ralph moved him into management. Under his watch for the past nearly ten years, Buffalo has consistently had losing seasons, due to poor management and poor coaching selections. If I own the team, I pay Russ Brandon very well to continue being the marketing guy. Then I bring in someone new to run the team and make football related decisions. FWIW I keep Whaley and Doug Marrone.
  5. Golic played the game and knows football, but Greeney has yet to make an insightful comment about any sport that an average fan already didn't know. Stopped watching years ago, as show has gone lightweight. Every body here at TBD knows more about the Bills and their chances than Greeney does.
  6. I am an investment banker and do mergers and acquisitions, although not the size of this deal. But the process is the same and appears to be going just as it should. Once a bidder is selected, the sale still has to go through a due diligence process, whereby the buyer can examine all aspects of the business (in this case the Bills organization) including complete financial disclosure. Oftentimes the sale price is renegotiated as the buyer has found some red flags or due diligence he/she didn't like. I believe from what I read that while money will talk, the final bidder will be the one that will also be most likely to keep the team in Buffalo.
  7. Going back a ways to 1974.... It was the height of the Steelers dominance and Buffalo went to play Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh. Buffalo managed to get off to a big lead then the Steelers started to come back. Momentum shifted to the Steelers as Buffalo had the ball third and long on their own six. Steeler crowd was sensed a comeback and were screaming as buffalo came to the line. O.J. Simpson ripped off a 94 yard touchdown run and the crowd turned into a morgue. Buffalo went on to beat the mighty steelers in front of their home crowd.
  8. I buy and sell businesses for clients and do mergers and acquisition work. The non-disclosure agreement should effectively put a gag order on the details of the bidding process, as I am sure the parties do want the details of their offers out for public exposure. Guess we'll see if this is the case.
  9. One of my greatest childhood memories was to be invited by Cy Kritzer, the legendary Buffalo sportswriter to sit with him in the pressbox and watch the old Buffalo Bisons play. I went with some friends who were friends of him. In the next booth was Bill Mazur calling the game. About all I remember about the game was the Bisons won, Bobby Del Greco was in center field and Max Surkont came on in relief. I was about nine at the time and that along with my dad taking me to a bills game in their first season were the highlights of my childhood. I still remember wishing the game would never end.
  10. I grew up in the sixties and think the heydey team of 64-66 would have compared well with the Superbowl teams of the 90's. The front four of Sestak, McDole, Dunaway and Day was one of the all time great D-lines, and the linebackers of Stratton, Harry Jacobs and John Tracy were formidable. Butch Byrd and George Saimes formed the nucleus of the d-backs, but guys like Hagwood Clark and Booker Edgerson could play as well. The defense of the sixties was probably better than the defence of the 90's. Kemp, Gilchrist, Shaw and Dubenion were all pro players on offense.
  11. IMHO the best linebacker corp. in Bills history has to be Mike Stratton, John Tracy and Harry Jacobs. This was a group that during their tenure gave up very few rushing touchdowns and helped to carry the bills to their second championship season especially. True they had a strong front four in McDole, Sestak, Dunaway and Day, but as a group, they were the best in Bills history.
  12. I am old enough to have watched them all play. the three best runners ever: 1. Barry Sanders 2. Jim Brown 3. O.J. Simpson everyone else is a distant 4th
  13. Agreed, the Bills by any measure had a solid off-season, and with their resignings and added free agents, have shown a willingness to build a strong team. But they still haven't played a down yet, even the players are tempered in there remarks that they have to prove it on the field. TG's interview was hopeful, but tempered with a wait and see attitude.
  14. By all accounts Tim Tebow is a great locker room guy, and I think he will do whatever he can to downplay a controversy. On the other hand, he has had one year of playing time under his belt and should improve markedly with good coaching. Truth is, he may end up being a better qb than Sanchez. Somehow I see the Vince Young thing as all good. If Fitz does stink up the joint and the Bills are losing as a result, I would rather have a viable alternative to turn to and see if he can turn it around. It is better than the alternative of watching the team continue to swirl down the drain. Only the old timer's will remember this- But during Buffalo's first championship season, there was a huge Jack Kemp/Daryl Lamonica controversy. Lamonica came in several games that year in relief of Kemp and won some games. In fact Kemp was benched for one game and the fans were clamoring for Lamonica. Despite the controversy, Lou Saban reinserted Kemp as the starting qb and the rest is history.
  15. Billings, Montana originally from Perry NY
  16. Buddy Nix did a great job of filling needs this off season. Key to the whole offseason was resigning Johnson, Fred, Chandler, etc, so we didn't have to use draft choices to plug those holes. But I think they are still looking to upgrade and add depth to linebacker and tight end.
  17. I like the signing, much more upside than downside, if he doesn't behave, he's gone. I think he must realize he is running out of NFL opportunities. But when I think of Vince Young, I just remember back a few years ago when he pretty much singlehandidly beat the Bills with his running and throwing.
  18. All i remember about vince young is that a few years ago he singlehandedly kicked buffalo's butt with both his passing and his running. He is multi talented, if chan can help him get his head on straight he could become born again into a competent qb.
  19. where i live is tons of Bronco fans and we are exposed to lots of Bronco football, while fans were surprised at Shanahan's firing, there was no outcry. Too many questionable draft picks, dubious Sunday game calling and never seemed to have a plan in place. There was a reason he was let go in Denver. Shanahan would not have been a good fit in Buffalo. Chan on the other hand acts like there is no other place he would rather be than head coach of the Buffalo Bills.
  20. Thank you Ralph, been a fan since you put the team in Buffalo in 1961 and as a ten year old, went to the Bills-Patriots game that year......Bills won 38-14. And this is another high point!!! Congratulations to Buddy Nix and the entire coaching staff for making this happen.
  21. Heck, I am in Montana and spending more time on this website than i am working,,,,
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