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Everything posted by coloradobillsfan

  1. i am accountable. i'm right friggin here
  2. sorry for any misinformation, i was trying to refer to 3rd party sales. i'm still not clear what happens if i buy my ticket from a season ticket holder.. if i'm entitled to the same rights. and if so, would i have to bring the ticket to the bills ticket office? mail it to them?
  3. my understanding is that you will only get a refund if the game is canceled entirely. if it is postponed, and you are unable to attend on the new date, you are SOL. i've been considering getting away tickets to our first game in KC, but i'm not sure what happens if i buy the ticket from an individual seller and the game gets canceled. to my knowledge, i'd lose my money - otherwise who would i get my refund from? would love to hear otherwise though! edit: FYI, this is on stubhub: "The NFL lockout isn't settled The NFL is currently in a labor dispute with its players. If the lockout is not resolved by the start of the season, August 1, here is what you should know. Due to the NFL lockout, there is no guarantee your favorite players will be in the game. If you buy tickets and the game is played, the tickets are yours to use, regardless of who is playing and if the game is rescheduled. If the game is cancelled, we will refund the cost of the tickets plus service and delivery fees."
  4. We had an old tape where you could clearly hear one of the band members say 'shut up donna'
  5. Pulp Fiction deserves a nod 'Royale with cheese' 'Bring out the gimp' 'You hear me hillbilly boy? I'm gonna get medieval on your @ss' 'sh*t yeah, i don't be ticklin or nothin' 'Zed's dead baby. Zed's dead' 'It's the one that says Bad Motherf*cker' edit: nice dickleyjones, i was editing my post and wondered if someone was gonna post this one in the meantime
  6. Grew up in West Seneca... was endlessly amused as a youngster being able to hear the crowd from Rich Stadium in my backyard. Became a fan when I was old enough to grasp the fundamentals of the game. Went to college at Brockport and became a bigger fan when thrust into social gatherings with Giants and Jets fans. Moved to Colorado after graduation, and became an even bigger fan - seems like the farther I got from WNY the bigger fan I became. There was no Bills Backers group here when I moved here ... so I helped start one. Today we boast hundreds of members. I feel a little guilty sometimes about leaving Buffalo for greener pastures, so I do what my head and heart tell me is the best thing I can do which is to FLY THE BILLS FLAG as high as I can and make it a personal passion to teach everyone out west how awesome people are in WNY, and that we celebrate a proud culture that is completely separate from New York City. This is hard to do because out here anything associated with 'New York' is considered as NYC. But one person at a time we are helping to change that. Our reputation is being over-the-top fans; one local once pulled me aside and said 'you know you guys cheer first downs like touchdowns!' .. I told him that if there is one way to describe Buffalo fans it is that we are way too high when we win, and way too low when we lose. The very definition of passion in my book, and something I will carry with me for the rest of my life no matter how far away from HOME I ever go - and HOME in my heart will always be BUFFALO.
  7. > tonights game is on Versus! 7:30pm eastern. not a huge deal but i missed part of the 1st period because i thought it started at 7:30 NY Rangers at Buffalo 7:00 pm EDT Wed Mar 30, 2011
  8. i just got a text from 'gr that miller is not playing tonight
  9. i found myself with one of these 'gift' subscriptions. had to do some detective work but found it originated from a web site i bought concert tickets from; a legit site (i think tickethorse but not sure). when i called rolling stone to cancel (or whatever 3rd party they use to handle their subscriptions) the agent acted surprised at how angry i was.. he told me that this was a 'gift' subscription and 'of course i could cancel at any time'. i tried to explain that being opted into something that i have to opt out of with my own time is anything but a 'gift'. this is a real BS way of conducting business but i'm guessing without tactics like these, paper publications like rolling stone would be bumped off by online resources a lot faster than they probably are. this piece of crap is full of so many ads it's hard to believe anyone would willingly shell out coin for it anyway.
  10. love melindas quadruple-x reserve, but the first thing i have to do is remove that silly plastic cap so the chunks of habs can flow
  11. i am a little curious about the rock band 3 pro guitar that has 6 strings and buttons on every fret. in pro mode, rather than dropping colored 'notes' it (basically) emulates tablature - so you can actually learn real guitar.
  12. original link doesnt work anymore but i found it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUs7iG1mNjI
  13. them: 'have a good one' you: 'i've got a good one. i just wish i had a GREAT one' obviously works best if you are a guy...
  14. i had to look it up too, but it makes sense it's mostly because option qb's get hit a lot more often, and they're just plain worth too much money
  15. link that shows this is a hoax? nothing on snopes, and even drudgereport and my local news channel have picked up the story.
  16. http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/amplifier/51933/golden-voiced-homeless-man-captivates-internet/ just saw this on yahoo... pretty inspirational. would love to hear him on NFL films, or announcing a baseball lineup, or really anywhere; his voice is almost addictive to listen to.
  17. i was thinking about this!
  18. lots of interesting links on this subject on the net. here's my favorite because it includes two printable 'no you can't see my receipt' cards, one fairly polite and one rude http://bigrobby.com/walmart/print-your-pass/ here's a couple more: http://www.crimedoctor.com/loss_prevention_3.htm here's another that references the 'shopkeeper's privelege' part of the law: http://www.freelawanswer.com/law/2181-law-5.html
  19. apologies... yes im having a glass half empty day, but i can't stand 'prey on the lowest common denominator' "auction" sites like this and especially that terribly overmarketed 'skoreit'. the commercials state "joeblow just bought a $100 ipod for five dollars total cost to the buyer" - they actually say those words when that is not true at all. if you add up the 'bid costs' the buyer paid more, and also everyone who makes a bid and loses pays for those bids too and the 'auction' site makes out like a bandit. your posting of a referral link for this on my favorite bills forum kinda struck a nerve with me, but if this is okay with the mods then it's okay with me too
  20. and what do you get when we use your referral link to sign up? http://www.quibids.com/?refer=3379232
  21. FWIW, our Squish the Fish tailgate party will be starting at 8am this Sunday and we're at a bar almost 2000 miles away
  22. I've lived here since 96; before their first SB win. I see a lot of 'fans' who yawn at mention of the Broncos as soon as it becomes clear they are not going to contend for a championship. Their gameday 'tailgates' are pathetic compared to Buffalo, unless you consider showing up an hour before kickoff and grilling up hotdogs a tailgate.
  23. fwiw, according to a reporter at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune he is expected to play this weekend
  24. i can't believe drudgereport picked up this story...
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