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Everything posted by coloradobillsfan

  1. there's always this guy
  2. not to go all police de grammaire, but it's "sous vide"
  3. Interesting info fellas; from what I'm reading it looks like the hypothesis (not theory I think that word is misused, at least technically) is that there were comet or asteroid fragments that bombarded Earth around that time and set huge fires which actually extended the Ice Age due to the debris in the atmosphere blocking the sun. If proven true, it would certainly be a game-changer in terms of how human civilizations adapted to this catastrophe since it's really not all that long ago. I know the Toba supervolcano eruption about 75,000 years ago has long been suspected of decreasing the human population from millions to possibly only thousands and may explain the bottleneck in ancestral DNA that seems to be traced back to right around this time. We are certainly a much more fragile species than we might like to think.
  4. I have never heard of this hypothesis but 12k years is a drop in the bucket in terms of geological time, so there would be a LOT of visible evidence still remaining at the impact site. But events of this type are massive and define geological time periods, ie. the K-T boundary about 65 million years ago (Chicxulub crater) so I find at least this part of their idea to be incredible.
  5. this reminds me: don't live by the golden rule because it's bullsh1t
  6. does it absolutely positively have to be an even number? a 17 game regular season (dropping 1 preseason game to 3 games which it essentially is now anyway) seems like a reasonable compromise. and it would not necessitate adjusting the current nfl scheduling much since preseason week 4 would become regular season week 1.
  7. I had always wanted to feel an earthquake, but of course not get hurt. While I was on a trip to Yellowstone waiting for a rare geyser, I got my wish - we were less than a mile away from the epicenter of a 3.6. Not huge by any means, but it made a thunderlike audible organic groan from the ground that echoed through the whole valley. For a split second it was scary - how could it not when the very terra firma under your feet gives way. Considering each step of the richter scale the magnitude goes up 10X, I definitely have a deeper respect for those who experience 6's and 7's and even higher. It has to scare the willies out of people, even those experienced.
  8. I believe there are more swampers out here than a/c, due to the dry climate The main wall in my living room faces West - I have hit 90 degrees every month of the year due to greenhouse effect. Got a small window a/c unit that I affectionately call my 'cool breeze machine' because you really can't feel it unless you're right in front of it. But as soon as the sun goes down the temp drops quickly and just a window fan is all I need to be comfortable enough to sleep.
  9. it's not exactly a "classic" per se but Gov't Mule Live... With a Little Help From Our Friends is a stellar 4 CD live release. tons of talented guests, and the band played so long that they ran out of tape and ended up using a fan's recording of the encores. today's lineup is okay, but for me those power-trio years with Woody were the best.
  10. from the NPS web site:
  11. That's for sure! It's been said that more money and effort went into the production than the Japanese spent on the actual attack. On a side note, I got to visit Pearl Harbor a few weeks ago and it was outstanding. A little bit of a bummer not getting on the Arizona Memorial (closed til Fall for repairs) but the new Aviation Museum was amazing, as was standing on the surrender deck of the Missouri battleship, and even battling claustrophobia while crouching through the Bowfin submarine tour. I highly recommend a day there to learn, pay respect, and also have fun.
  12. Hoped the 1994 'partial reunion' tour (Winwood/Capaldi but no Mason) would have yielded more music and tours, but no such luck. Feel fortunate to have caught one date - I think it was SPAC. Steve Winwood opening for Steely Dan at Red Rocks a few years back was pretty awesome too. I remember Walter Becker saying something like 'you know you have made it when Steve Winwood is opening for you'
  13. What Gilmour Wants, Gilmour Gets (sorry Rog) But I'm pretty positive Gilmour wants absolutely nothing to do with a reunion tour. Maybe just maybe we'll see a one-off again for charity though.
  14. And Live8 in 2005, which was magical albeit brief. I believe David is not interested though. Heck I don't even know if he has the guitars to play any more since he sold them all at Christie's Auctions earlier this month (proceeds to charity). I'm sure he could find some, but even the black strat is now in Jim Irsay's collection (~$4 mill) With the passing of Rick Wright, I believe this would not ever happen. Still nice to dream though
  15. Wildfire threat has squashed all fireworks here including these and even bang-snaps. Sadly, personal fireworks are only a distant childhood memory for me.
  16. The snow fell in "Colorado" not Denver. Steamboat Springs is quite a distance away. The city itself did not see a flake.
  17. big Laurel and Hardy fan here. Loved them on Sunday Morning Funnies as a kid in the 80s, and they still make me laugh when I watch the clips on youtube today. It's all about the timing in comedy.. and nobody understood that more than the comic genius who was Stan Laurel who both wrote and directed many of their best skits and films.
  18. To each their own, but I would rather pay a more reasonable $5 per beer and have the option of paying the extra $1-3 based on the service received rather than having it built in.
  19. this was a point my friend from England made too, but it seemed to me like the tip may have been 'built in' by the inflated prices, ie. pints of beer were commonly £5 which came to over $8 at the time of my visit to the UK
  20. But you had to have the BIG SALAD!
  21. Out here they actually put squeeze bottles of honey on the tables for the outer crust, to give you an idea of how bad it is
  22. scantrons were like an open invitation.. do they still use those? for some reason in our college lecture halls they sat us every-other-seat for tests, providing a perfect diagonal view to at least 2 other students papers in the row ahead. between that and mastering using a baseball cap brim to conceal my wandering eyes and.. yeah.. well I learned a lot more outside of the classrooms in college than in them (especially in the dorms)
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