I voted Meh, then read your post where the Bills traded up
This changes everything, and I would certainly vote No I'd be Pissed had I known about the trade
The Bills have put themselves in a position to be able to draft pretty much any position they want outside of QB. That makes things pretty exciting to me. Somebody's gonna fall, they always do.
I don't like the idea. I think onside kicks should be difficult and converting them a rare occurrence. I want to see the better team win the game, not allow for more ways for lesser teams to upset them. My .02 anyway
Through 23andme I was able to help an unknown relative who was adopted find out who his biological father was.
He grew up not really having any relatives at all (his mom was adopted too).
Now he has cousins aunts uncles and even a half-brother. We had a zoom call which was full of laughs and some tears.
We are close enough that under different circumstances we would have all had the same last name!
So for us it was a fruitful experience.
There are still bullet holes in one of the airport hangars. They said they could have just as easily been from friendly fire during the chaos, but that hardly matters.