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Everything posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. LOL, I was like holy crap, it was like the end scene of every Benny Hill episode.....definitely not Michael Myers speed! Something is up with the old dude and the black guy as well, he was really freaking me out when he got all racist. I really like the show and look frward to it every Sunday night!
  2. Whats the deal here? I cannot get the song out of my head and where is the relationship with the other Halloween films? Nonetheless, I cannot turn the channel when it comes on!
  3. Well, let's see Dr. Rosenpenis, call me crazy, but when you quote yourself during a speech, I take that as being senile! WILSON SAID! Canadians have been coming here forever! This was way before the Toronto game, thus the moving of one of our home games was not part of regionalization! What is so hard to grasp here?
  4. By afloat do you mean that they were not making money without the Toronto game? Show me the year that they lost money prior to the Toronto deal. First of all, we do not play a game in Rochester. Second of all, regionalizing is fine, so as you make it about padding your fanbase. Have you even watched a previous game in Toronto?? There are more hosers there wearing 30 other NFL jersies than the two teams playing. It is not getting any more fans for the BUFFALO BILLS!
  5. Thoughts from last nights episode? By the way, will that little girl be lost the entire season or what?
  6. Incorrect sir! This is not "regionalizing"....This was a one time MONEY GRAB for our greedy and senile owner. By the way, define viable for me. Thanks
  7. Please upgrade the bathrooms outside the tunnel endzone
  8. RIP buddy! Always one of my favorites!
  9. I just caught the last 2 episodes of the first season and the opener of season 2. I have not watched a new TV series in a few years so I am excited! By the way, was Jenner the assistant coach in Miracle?
  10. Watch the video and scroll to the 2:00 mark Our Company was founded by (president) in 1987 as a blind installation and window washing company. After years of installing blinds and washing windows, customers continued to ask, "Do you know anyone who cleans blinds?" After four(4) years of hearing this request for blind cleaning, it prompted us to investigate offering a blind cleaning service as an addition to the existing window washing and blind installation business. We visited or contacted all the major ultrasonic equipment manufacturers and decided upon a company to purchase a blind cleaning machine from. We were given less than one day of training on how to clean blinds and run our new business. Unfortunately, after purchasing this equipment, we came to the conclusion that neither this company nor any other company in the industry had any real concept of how to market the blind cleaning service effectively or clean blinds correctly. At that time, we had to literally shut our business down for several weeks while we went through the learning curve alone on how to clean every type of blind without the guesswork. As we were learning, we took this information and compiled it into a computer database so that we could train our future employees about blind cleaning. Tying that in with our marketing skills, we developed into one of the largest and most successful blind cleaning operations on the East Coast. At that point, we realized from our business mistakes and our own experiences with cleaning blinds that it requires more than half-a-day's training to be a successful blind cleaning operation. That's why Dirtyblinds.com created both a three (3) day Hands-On Training course which evolved into the industries Only Digital Quality On-Line Training Program.
  12. Reg, Reg, that reminds me. I was coachin' in Omaha in 1948 and Eddie Shore sends me this guy who was a terrible masturbator, you know, couldn't control himself. Why, he would get deliberate penalties so he could get over in the penalty box all by himself and damned if he wouldn't... you know...
  13. All right, FDR; this wish is for all the marbles. You win, you get your wish: I drop dead. I win: I don't drop dead, and I get one-hundred-percent anti-drop-dead protection - forever
  14. You obviously are a rookie and do not know that controversy leads to higher ratings (in this case more site hits). Now we know SDS is a shrewd businessman. It's no secret that he has 40-50 aliases in which he starts pessimistic threads so it pisses off guys like you, thus forcing you to continously check this site. Like I said, it's all ball bearings these days!
  15. TJ Housh/Torry Holt? Did these guys retire?
  16. What about Kamil Loud or Drew Haddad?
  17. I noticed that he was not in there in the 4th but I did see him walk through the tunnel towards us (after the game concluded) and he looked like he may have some sort of ankle issue by the way he was walking
  18. I would not mind a guy like Brandon Stokely for this offense
  19. ....I drank a Milwaukee's Best PREMIUM at 7 am before I left for the game!
  20. Wrong an all accounts....would kind of person takes pictures of this?????? I don't blame her one bit, this generation of kids who take pics of everything need to learn you cannot do that kind of BS
  21. Had some of the Saranac Imperial Pale Ales a few weeks ago and I was bombed after 4 of them......In tems of taste I like the Sierra Nevada, EBC, and Southern Tier IPA's the best
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