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Everything posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. "The Secretary" Bania: 42, That's what I am now. I've been working out, I’m huge. How'd you like to sell it? Kramer: make me an offer. Bania: 100 Bucks Kramer: Surely you jest. (walks away from Bania) Bania: 175 Kramer: Look at the stitching (takes the jacket off to show Bania) This is old world craftsmanship. Bania: 300 dollars. Kramer: Sold. Follow me into the dressing room. Bania: You throw the shirt in? Kramer: Bania, you're killing me. Bania: Hey that's the women's dressing room. Kramer: There's nothing in there that I haven't seen before.
  2. Mr. Petelowski.......0.0
  3. Wow...great episode...the last 5 minutes was pretty intense. Seriously, who the hell is the hooded dude (chained to walkers?) with the kitana, and what the hell was the last scene showing in the distance?
  4. Section 122 will continue to be rocking
  5. + 1......I'd love to beat that guy over the head with his keyboard
  6. But the catcher dropped the ball!
  7. WINGS and Genny Cream Ale's ALL NIGHT!
  8. MARIO WILLIAMS AGENT: "Look, do you really want to buy Mario's services, or what?" NIX: "Hey, hey. Take it easy. I'm not gonna be pressured. I'll walk away right now." MARIO WILLIAMS AGENT: "All right, just get out of here." NIX: "All right, look. I'm going to be honest. I'm very interested in Mario William." MARIO WILLIAMS AGENT: "OK, fine. 'What do I have to do to put him on the BILLS today?'" NIX: (pointing to the newspaper ad) "Well, I don't really have any money. But it says right here, 'interesting trades considered'." MARIO WILLIAMS AGENT: "You put that in!" NIX: (pulling out an undershirt) "And I'm glad I did. Here." MARIO WILLIAMS AGENT: "You want to trade me an undershirt?" NIX: "No, I want to trade you screen legend Anthony Quinn's undershirt. He took this off to do sit-ups in the park and I nabbed it." MARIO WILLIAMS AGENT: "That's disgusting." NIX: "Well, it's my final offer." Anytime a negotiation is going on, I can't stop but think of this!
  9. That guy jumped on my back once.......ONCE!
  10. Who owns the Chiefs? Owns....Owns
  11. I think I sang this on Rock Band. Sweet melody!
  12. Agreed.....NFL officiating is a joke, almost as bad as the NHL playoffs
  13. wow......that was a quick whistle NFL officiating is a joke. That is blown dead in 1/2 second of no forward progress. If I remember correctly, Shawn Nelson was held up for 10 seconds against the Ravens last year when Ray Ray stripped him
  14. jboyst62 drives his tractor with assless chaps on
  15. So the Lions should have gotten rid of Calvin Johnson at the end of last year. I mean really, what was their record WITH him???? Dumb logic like that is why this team continues to suck. You have to keep decent players and compliment them. Not lose players and replace them!!!
  16. So after 5-3 you gave up on them? Also, doesn't coming to this site mean you are still following them? I mean, it is a BUFFALO BILLS fan site, right?
  17. My friend stevestojan told me he was giving up on the Bills once.........ONCE!
  18. I don't forsee any of those 3 things happening. Au Revoir!
  20. 2 men enter...1 man leaves
  21. Nice throw up 28 with a minute to go. I would B word slap someone right now
  22. With the season of Festivus upon us, I would ask all of you for your charitable donations made out to THE HUMAN FUND (attn: EndZoneCrew). Thank you.
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