D-BO: "Look, do you really want to trade for me, or what?"
BUDDY: "Hey, hey. Take it easy. I'm not gonna be pressured. I'll walk away right now.
D-BO: "All right, just get out of here."
BUDDY: "All right, look. I'm going to be honest. I'm very interested in your services."
D-BO: "OK, fine. 'What do I have to do to put me in a Bills uniform?'"
BUDDY: (pointing to the newspaper ad) "Well, I don't really have any money. But it says right here, 'interesting trades considered'."
D-BO: "You put that in!"
BUDDY: (pulling out an undershirt) "And I'm glad I did. Here."
D-BO: "You want to trade me an undershirt?"
BUDDY: "No, I want to trade you screen legend Anthony Quinn's undershirt. He took this off to do sit-ups in the park and I nabbed it."
D-BO: "That's disgusting."
BUDDY: "Well, it's my final offer."