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Everything posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. seriously......btw......I know that Pete Rose had an unusual haircut during his managerial days but that "dew" that Sizemore has on is ridiculous.....that is the worst "bowl" haircut EVER!!!
  2. who is R.Rich.....and BTW......I still believe this team can win 9 games!
  3. your crazy ...and where is Vagas (is that the 'chowd' pronunciation of Vegas?)
  4. So you are saying we are a one dimensional offense? Well that being said, we have 162 yards on the ground (2.7 yards per carry)....and thats our strength!! Ugh...we have no right to be optimistic this week....we are going down HARD!!
  5. order a new NFL Bills jersey (replica) here and get it with Tasker's name on it with a #89
  6. Thats the dumbest trade offer I have ever seen!
  7. Thats the funniest god damn picture I have seen in a while (mind you a sad one) in your profile!
  8. Well you are always welcome at drive 3 with the EZC (Bills Lot right behind Louies Hot Dogs)
  9. 6-7: Drew Bledsoe rally at the Raplh in 2002 7-8: Bills rally downtown after Super Bowl XXVI 8-9: Recap of "Greatest Game Ever" Bills vs Oilers 9-10: Thurman Thomas Halloween specials (The one episode he had a full Buffalo Sabres uniform on, with the JOFA helmet, quite comical) did anyone else catch this stuff?????
  10. don't forget about Jerry Sullivan saying how bad Bledsoe is EVERY TIME he is on the freakin radio
  11. Well I just wanted to take a roll call for Sunday. Who will be going to the game?
  12. Nice decoration, however my RJ jersey looks better wrapped around one of these beauties
  13. Water...steve..I thought you live on frosty hops?
  14. How did Iraq threaten Freedom or Democracy?
  15. Think of it this way O'Reilly.....if I were a banker....and I did everything that was asked from me....I did a great job for my company....but, I made one mistake, I stole some money from the bank....just once..would I be fired? I feel like he is stealing money from the American public....the amount of money we are spending over there is insane...and for what?
  16. just don't take a stand...people will bust your nutz over everything on here...especially Shin Splints
  17. ...and that is too big of "negative" from the leader of our country...a mistake like that cannot be made again...period!
  18. 13 teams???? How the hell do you know who to root for?
  19. For the last four years...George Bush has done his best to protect the homeland from terrorism. I think that he has done a marvelous job doing that...Security is where it needs to be and our rights are not being "violated" as badly as all of these liberals make it sound. The job market has been hurt, not by President Bush, but from outside influences (strong asian economies/backlash from 9/11). Goint to Afghanistan was the right thing to do, and for the most part we have done a great job there. But the one thing that still bothers me is that we got involved in a "meaningless" war. By no means do I think Saddam was a "fair + balanced" leader. He was a tyrant who ruled with an "iron fist". Nonetheless, is that a reason to go to war. We have spent over 130 Billion dollars, suffered over 1000 deaths in our military, and what have we got out of it...nothing...he put us in a no-win situation...history has proven that people in the Middle East DO NOT like to be occupied PERIOD...no matter what their purpose is...did Bush think that was going to change???? I know everyone will say that they threatened our security, do we really believe that...and if something did happen...I think it would have been better to unleash our entire arsenal on them in that fashion...not this hide and seek war that we have going with those animals...We have made ourselves look like oil wanting war nuts and not to mention the Middle East trusts us even less than before (if thats possible)...unbelievable...thats all I have to say...Usually I do not get into politics but I had to speak my mind...oh yeah...Go Bills!
  20. good point....funding goes down while expectations go up....isn't that ironic?
  21. Is this Greg Williams?
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