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Everything posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. I think that they are a good football team.....but....over the past 6-7 years the team that was supposed to win in their meetings against each other LOST everytime....they detailed everyone on WGR earlier this week so let's hope that history repeats itself!
  2. No...I don't want to go....thanks for asking
  3. 1. Stop Martin early and often...he is tearing it up so we need to make a BIG effort to neutralize him right away 2. Stop 3rd and longs...I think that we have given up like 5 plays for 1st downs on 3rd and more than 12...thats not good! 3. NO MORE STUPID PENALTIES....and that means you too London! 4. Go deep early...how nice of a feeling did you have when Drew hit Evans with that first throw...do it again...set the tone MM!!!! 5. Give WM carries in short yardage situations....screw Henry's ego...he has not proven to be a guy who can get the 1 or 2 tough yards...WM did enough in preseason to warrent this...BTW we are 0-3, so what can we lose! 6. BLITZ on 3rd down...how many times does Jerry Gray sit back on 3rd down...bring the house...I am sick of a three man rush in those circumstances...our secondary is not that good...they cannot hold off for 3 seconds, let alone 5-6!!!! Shut the crowd up early...if we do #1-6, I think we can win this game. If we can win this game, I really like our chances to go on a roll....This is a good team who has yet to learn how to win...those same kind of teams can easily go on a roll if they get CONFIDENCE...we have Miami @home, then @ Baltimore (minus the convict), then Arizona @Home......we can win all 4 of these games!!!! Any thoughts?
  4. The Cardinals are a great team....no one disputes that...however they haven't won stevestojan.....if they win the big one, then you can gloat and talk your smack...they are kicking the crap out of a horseshit team (yes the dodgers made the playoffs but c'mon they are not a good team)....FUG THE J-E-T-S!!!!!
  5. I can hear it now....29, 30, 31........WE WANT 32!!!!!!
  6. Someone told me that 6 point teasers are the new wave in the "adult" entertainment business, is this true?????
  7. I am voting for "None of the Above"...anyone guess what movie that is from????
  8. Only a loser would quote himself on his signature....dude...really...c'mon, that's WEAK!
  9. How many times are we going to take the dumb penalty in a crucial situation???? As much as I respect MM, he has as much control over this team as GW had...NONE....Remember when people were saying on here that Coughlin sucked or players hate that guy...well look at them now god damnit!!!! Well since he is gone, why not JJ?????How 'bout dem Bills'....I would love it if he took us over, I am sick and tired of these "try out" coaches.... everyone proclaimed Coughlin a failure with NY before the season, they were saying, how could he piss off Strahan..."F" Strahan and that cigar-wide gap in his front teeth, that man can friggin coach and he is tough as nails.....I live and die with the Bills and it is so damn frustrating that over the last 6 years this team has done NOTHING!!!!! God damn it, when are we going to be dominate at home like we used to....I am sick and tired of this !@#$ing stevestojan.....I tell you what, Bills fans need to be on a pedastol because we support the hell out of this team...I know that I did my job last week....it's the Bills players, coaches and front office who have laid a giant "deuce" in their pants, and for them to do nothing makes me feel like they are smearing it in our faces....the new shout song should be...."The Bills make me wanna PEUKE" :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Donahoe Get er the fug Done!!!!!
  10. Hey thanks guys, i'll get that ID right out to you steve Well my new A.schobel road jersey just came in, my wife really knows what I like for b-day presents..haha...well, kickoff is in about 51 hours, I better start to drink! BTW, I took off today..that was a great call!
  11. Let's hope for the best, thanks for the article DC!
  12. Do you like to clip your toenails or tear them off with your fingernail?
  13. pipe down....your a nobody!
  14. Why do gate personal at Dolfelon stadium make me take off my hard helmet before entering?????
  15. you know you are hoping that Clay Aiken makes a speical appearance
  16. Those guys all suck regardless
  17. who's h.simon?
  18. Why is it that you are so defensive of anything that is said about Bush? Just curious.....especially something that is humorous, like this????
  19. man you got blown away in that trade....steve...that is awful
  20. "You know what your problem is Dunlop, your to fuggin old to play this game" "You take that back"
  21. !@#$ Belashit...and Pats Fans (why the hell not!) :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  22. Fug Moss...I want Culpepper...now that guy is a play-er!!!
  23. George W. Bush's reaction to the question "What is your birthday"
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