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Everything posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. Id take the over on the amount of Labatt's Blues I am going to pound to numb myself for the putrid offense I am going to see on sunday. Vegas Line: +/- 13
  2. I just copy and pasted off of stojan...damn that moron..
  3. me pesimistic....NEVER....... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  4. I am looking for the DVD set of the show "Combat", it was an army show during the 1960's........I heard it came out on DVD......can anyone help?
  5. Mike do me a favor..... take that piece of stevestojan and flush it down the toilet, thanks Joe
  6. This is not the typical fish-Bills game.....they are AWFUL....Fiedler would beat us because we would key on Ricky bigtime, well that is not the case this year so I expect a HUGE Buffalo win! wait..we are awful too, I still am taking that prediction baby!
  7. Does Losman go by the alias Tim Euhus???
  8. Fiedler Sucks....his appearance will not be the sole reason we lose...
  9. so...good bye Travis, good bye Jonas, good bye Trey
  10. Will Lt. Frank Drebin be there as well??
  11. I'm sorry, I hope Pedro goes to hell....that guy should NOT become a Yankee....the guy is over the hill...he pitches great for 5 innings and then he is done....definately not worth the top 5 pitcher $$$$ he is going to command!
  12. good point, let's hope so....a good pass catching TE is tough to come by these days!
  13. nice theory, but I do not believe that his salary was anything to get excited about....however, it does help and I am glad that he is gone!
  14. Drive 4 off Abbott, along guard rail closest to Louies Hot Dogs p.s. I will have on my Adams Atoms College football Tee Shirt
  15. you're an idiot....nice post....and I feel like even more of an idiot reading this trash and responding to it
  16. no nosepicking allowed....are you in?
  17. is it Bills or Pats jersey?
  18. This definitely opens the door for us to pick up Justin Armour once again
  19. ...is like the getting hammered and putting the beer-goggles on....the more you drink the better the product is
  20. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ................
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