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Everything posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. Congrats and welcome to the board. Well, I am fairly young (32), have 2 kids, and one on the way. I don't have any Dalai Lama advice for you but if I had to tell you one thing, it would be to just try and make your child smile and it will take every worry you have away. Every guy is always unsure as to how he will fare as a father. The hardest thing is having patience, but once you figure out that things are not nearly as bad as they seem, things just tend to work out. Hope it helps and good luck!
  2. +1.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmxsoF1id6Y&p=D9B1C9D2841E8FBB&playnext=1&index=22
  3. I did not know we released him
  4. last night...8:35 pm
  5. +1 "He said yes to Buff-alo, SPILL-ER!, SPILL-ER!" "He said Miami's going down, SPILL-ER!, SPILL-ER!" "He really has a lightning pace" "He gets the ball and wins the race" "C.J. SPILLER, Buff-a-lo's next GREAT" "Da da da da da da SPILL-ER, SPILL-ER" "Da da da da da da SPILL-ER, SPILL-ER" "He really has a lightning pace" "He gets the ball and wins the race" "C.J. SPILLER, Buff-a-lo's next GREAT"
  6. + 1......and I think I have uttered those same words about 20x to friends/family
  7. I'd love to see if my fungo bat (covered with hot asphalt) would fit up her ass....videotape it......and post it to a room full of dogs
  8. I love that place, and only live about 5 minutes away. Sounds good to me...What time will you guys be there?
  9. I know in the past, some of the wallers have gone to Danny's on Saturday night. I have not heard anything as of yet, so will there be anything going on that night? Usually the EZC goes out for some wings and brews the night before the game regardless, but it is always nice to find a spot to do some 12 oz curls with fellow Bills bretheren. If there is nothing setup it looks like it's going to be Bar Bill for some grub, then over to the Big Tree to look for "Atomic Wedgie" candidates wearing Marino jerseys. Go Bills!
  10. That's a fargin' trick question!
  11. This is NOT gonna happen! I triple-guarantee you, Merlin Olsen and his international gang of bastards are NOT coming to Buffalo! If he does, I will welcome him with shoes! He is not even within 100 miles of Buffalo! He is not in any place. Dick Jauron is still in control of the Buffalo Bills, and I will PROVE it to you! In ONE HOUR!
  12. Screw Geico.......I heard that company actually hired a dude who wore a Pittsburgh Pirates jersey with a #12 Kelly on the back
  13. My # is 46 and I will sign your jersey if you wish
  14. Where is the smiley with the middle finger?
  15. My #95 K. Williams blue throwback.......bring it Miami!!!
  16. Good lord, not another stadium thread.....while you are at it, do you think the Bills are moving?
  17. Wow.....I did not think Middle Earth had the internet.....Is he posting this from the "Shire" with his drinking buddies, Samwisr Gamgee and Frodo Baggins.....the dude looks straight out of that movie, and is about as tall as them as well
  18. A portion of the EZC is contemplating taking a limousine to the home opener and I was wondering if they were allowed to park in the regular/RV lots. I know there are plenty of short buses that park in these lots but I cannot find any info telling me otherwise. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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