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Everything posted by yall

  1. I'm not a huge fan of many of these types of laws (although prohibiting teaching that someone is inherently inferior or superior sure isn't a bad idea) but this teacher sounds like an idiot at best, and a whiny, disingenuous ***** at worst. I don't see anything in that law prohibiting her or others to discuss the murders and point out they were clearly racially motivated and are objectively wrong. That is not a controversy in any sense. "state law that requires her to provide balanced perspectives on “widely debated and currently controversial issues.”
  2. That's actually not supported by data. I believe that topic is being addressed in another thread, citing a study from Roland Fryer. Regardless, this is awful any way you slice it.
  3. I know someone close with Goodwill (with him being from Jamestown it's probably not uncommon). At any rate, he mentioned to me that Goodwill once likened being commissioner to being a warden for 1500 inmates.
  4. Definitely interested.
  5. I dunno, a little harsh for my taste although it could just be the makeup.
  6. Nice legs, shame about her face.
  7. Feel free to check my math, but yeah I'm confident this is all directionally accurate. I say that because maybe one of the felonies was a misdemeanor, etc.
  8. List of every NYS Governor and Lieutenant Governor since 2007 Kathy Hochul – new stadium, gets a pass for now 😉 Brian Benjamin - resigned while in office due to misconduct allegations Andrew Cuomo – resigned while in office due to misconduct allegations Elliot Spitzer– resigned while in office due to misconduct allegations David Patterson – bowed out of reelection due to low popularity and 2 corruption allegations Joe Bruno – convicted felon Dean Skelos – convicted felon Malcolm Smith – convicted felon Pedro Espada Jr. – convicted felon Richard Ravitch – ostensibly not a criminal, proposed working for free and was effectively sued out of office by Espada.
  9. When I see Omar and MGT agree on something it validates whatever is the opposite opinion. Even if they both have wildly divergent reasons for their votes, they are both absolute idiots.
  10. They're dumb too. Frankly, this whole forum seems to be a haven for the mildly ######ed.
  11. Just checking the thread to see if any of you ***** morons are still trying to pin the actions of a madman on Biden. "Cause". Yeah he "caused" it. Some of you are just goddam dolts.
  12. I mean they already invaded 6 years ago, this would simply be an escalation. Why some of you are so dismissive of the possibility is beyond me.
  13. Reasonable people should be able to find the 2nd largest country in Europe on a map.
  14. If by "ok" you mean legal, then yes. Unless you're one of those people that thinks countries don't have the right to manage their borders. Whether or not you agree with the cause someone is protesting in favor of, doesn't mean it's ok to just ignore the rule of law. If they are violating the law (which by all appearances they are) they should be dealt with accordingly. With that being said, speaking of burning buildings I haven't heard any updates on the arson attempt on the apartment building in Ottawa. Will any of these online betting apps let me place even money that the guy with purple hair wasn't one of the truckers?
  15. I'm not talking about the buildings being burned but rather people causing safety issues and major disruptions. I think you know this. Cool straw man though bro. I'm fine with people's right to protest. Even stupid people. But when it's this disruptive it goes beyond that right.
  16. Good, they should arrest them once the protest becomes a safety issue or is causing major disruptions, blocks traffic, etc. And before guys get your panties in a wad, I've said the same thing when BLM, antifa or any other group of ****heads clog up roads.
  17. Funny, the same thing came to mind when I read the quote. Probably because I just heard it on XM just before the game on Saturday. And for you haters, go away. Doro is smoking hot.
  18. Wouldn't the cold temperatures actually have a deflating effect on the ball already?
  19. Been waiting for this for 30 years. A little cold isn't dissuading me from going to my first playoff game for the team I love. A bunch of my crew from my old hometown in the 1000 Islands are coming too (I'm in OP now). We're used to the bitter cold. It's gonna be lit!
  20. Louie's on Southwestern (right near the stadium by O'Neils) is usually open 24/7.
  21. We actually considered this. Let us know how that works out. There are actually a decent number available for rental via private owners, but we didn't want to deal with the parking, driving, etc.
  22. A little less, but yeah. And when you split it 10 ways to have a heated bathroom and the ability to watch the 4:00 game, and 1 free parking spot, 40 bucks a head doesn't seem like a bad deal. A lot of that I suspect. Canadians notwithstanding, people citing vax as a reason are being a little silly. It's been in place all year and we've basically had a full house.
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