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Everything posted by yall

  1. Personally I like the sound of "Red and Blue" better, but what do I know? So today is the big day! Who is going? Are you tailgating? What are your expectations? I heard they gave out 70k or so tickets, probably we'll see around 40k (unofficial guess ) I don't think we're doing a full tailgate but definitely will be having a few cold ones prior to going in. Looking forward to seeing the boys in action today!
  2. Randoms mostly... Sammy Morris Dante Whitner Freddy Jackson (bday present that came in the mail the day he got cut ) Custom jersey that says "Yall" (that was another bday present) Ryan Fitzpatrick Paul Pozluzsny Josh Allen (for my daughter)
  3. He's probably using voice to text just to pump out updates for information hungry people. You guys need to lighten up a bit.
  4. I'm sure he just gave cover one a lot more clicks.
  5. Just a little Everclear to take the edge off for her. Pre-K can be stressful.
  6. Already have my tickets. But damn, 9:00 a.m. start for the tailgate? My 5-year-old daughter will be wasted by kickoff.
  7. Obviously the autopsy would reveal her as a lizard person, imbedded amongst the true patriot protesters as an FBI plant. It's right in front of your eyes if you cared to see. #Sheeple #PrisonPlanet
  8. WNBA = What, not basketball again....
  9. Referring back to the OP, how many people were murdered in this country on Juneteenth? (I'm guessing it's a non-zero number).... Follow up question; How many of those murders were committed by white supremacists?
  10. Most important distinction about the 200 level: They serve alcohol the entire game.
  11. I don't post here too often, more of a lurker. Being somewhat of a centrist, you get hit with traffic from both directions.
  12. What exactly is your problem? Just looking to pick fights on a football forum when someone makes a joke you don't like?
  13. It's pretty simple; they can't get prostate cancer. And I'm not looking for anyone to agree with me, frankly I don't care or really have any skin in the gender game. I thought it was a funny little jab. Also one last thing; I'm pro choice. So cram it with walnuts, ugly.
  14. Man, regardless of what side you're on everyone seems to agree on what a woman is today....
  15. Don't go cheap on the rental. Spend a few extra bucks on a place with amenities that chicks will dig (or at least have a place near some hotspots). I'm guessing you guys are single and you'll want to take advantage of the fact that Buffalo girls are pretty easy after a victory. Get the most out of a season that should have a lot of wins.
  16. This. Party is being overrun with semi-literate, conspiracy fueled morons. Seems like we have a good number of them in this thread. A few sensible candidates and the Dems could be easily routed. But nooooo, the loudest voices in the room are once again the village idiots.
  17. Apples and oranges here. While you're not wrong wrt hamstringing cops, this wasn't one of those cases. They were just straight up pussies.
  18. Are you implying that they weren't absolute cowards putting their own well being over little kids and instead were worried about being prosecuted for unreasonable force?
  19. My wife is included as part of the sale?
  20. I tried a full order of suicides at Barbill once. Once. Now I just an order of hot and an order of another flavor (HBBBQ or Sicilian) with a side of suicide for some extra burn.
  21. But you don't know that, yet. In fact, if they were black, I'd expect someone to be all over it and exposing the media for their usual race baiting antics, and then said media not issuing any form of apology and probably even doubling down and making some pathetic attempt at justifying it. But I'm not seeing that, yet. Until then I'll withhold judgement.
  22. Stop projecting. I'm not assuming the race of anyone here. I'm also not outraged about dumb kids putting up signs in school regardless of what they look like. I'm just simply not jumping to a conclusion.
  23. So you don't actually know. Gotcha.
  24. Did something in that article identify the ethnicity of the perpetrators?
  25. Anyone could be subject to frivolous lawsuits based upon any number of existing laws. Like I said, I'm not a fan of this particular regulation but I also don't see it posing any increased risk to educators acting in good faith.
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