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Everything posted by yall

  1. I'd say I practice 7 days a week, but that in and of itself is supporting white supremacy, given that the calendar we use is a construct of Western civilization and therefore supports the patriarchy along with white supremacist ideas.
  2. My bet is on the Bills. Last year I bowed out from a few opportunities/offers to go to the Bengals game. Team didn't look right to me and I felt they were gonna lose. This year I'm feeling much better about their chances and will be in attendance.
  3. Still pushing that fabrication?
  4. People always have been, and will continue to be stupid.
  5. 😂 No, but it's definitely going to be impacted in that there will probably be lines and delays getting into the lots. Put it this way, I'm not planning on grilling anything.
  6. Gonna be a ***** show around the stadium when it comes to parking. OP got another foot overnight. Presumably a good percentage of the private lots won't be open, so people arriving early to park in their usual non-official spots are going to find themselves in one big traffic jam. OP police and the Bills are advising people to not show up too early.
  7. It definitely turned around 4:45-5:00 in OP Wind picked up and the snow increased significantly. Be safe!
  8. Sure, but on the scale of things that matter this is about as low as I can imagine. Somewhere on the level of what shoes Biden wares. I'd rather focus my ire on something with at least a modicum of importance. This is just a distraction.
  9. DKDC Like I said, other things with this administration have my focus. Flag won't matter when we're overrun from the southern border.
  10. It's coming down sideways, Forrest Gump style.
  11. Well it's currently an advisory. Unnecessary travel is not recommended, not outright banned. Once it's an actual ban, if they pull you over and decide to ticket you it can be up to a $500 fine and a class B misdemeanor versus a lesser citation. In terms what they will direct you to do will be mostly dependent on the situation where you are/road conditions. In most cases these tickets will be issued once you actually become stuck. If it's bad they aren't going to be out driving around looking for people to pull over which would only create another dangerous situation.
  12. This topic is becoming the weather equivalent of a PPP thread. 😂
  13. I'm sure it would suck for a lot of people, but it's also a holiday. Wouldn't be the end of the world, in fact if the wind isn't as bad it would probably be to our advantage.
  14. Completely surrounded by idiots. Now you finally know how the Israelis feel. 😂
  15. The best part is that you somehow think that makes it better. 😂
  16. So our women are whores based upon some non-religous viewpoint of yours? Sure thing Ayatollah. Also, you claim not to be an anti-semite yet given every opportunity you double down on the Jews control everything trope. You're a real character.
  17. Man, the "your women are whores" is gonna have me smiling all day. For that, I suppose I should be thankful for his rants.
  18. Imam Justice, spreading the religion of peace.
  19. She's like Schumer. Attention *****.
  20. You can go to CNN, Fox or any number of sites and find links to the story. The idea that it's not being covered (it is) or that the strikes in Yemen (that we've been threatening for weeks) is intended as some sort of distraction, is just more conspiracy "Jews control the narrative" nonsense.
  21. Is dude blind or just so desperate to make a point that he's ignoring the clearly visible eagle in the seal of the United States that's present on the new version? Of all the things to complain about with this current administration, this is noise and not at all relevant.
  22. About damn time.
  23. My kid thought it was awesome.
  24. I'm not quibbling over verbiage. Fundamentally, I agree.
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