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Everything posted by yall

  1. Pretty much this. It's plain to see they are rotten to the core, but to prove they actually perjured themselves needs a little more than gut feelings.
  2. I'm assuming it means under 18 in this context. Although recently people have started grouping 18 year olds in the category of "children" when reporting on certain things like victims of gun violence.
  3. In a surprise to absolutely no one who is paying attention, it's now being initially reported that the shooters were juveniles who were having a dispute.
  4. 54% in 2021. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/
  5. About the same, but that includes suicide by firearms which are over half of total gun deaths.
  6. Probably not in this case. Street beef/gang related is my bet given that two people are in custody.
  7. Oh the irony of attacking the very thing that allows you to protest.
  8. I'll stop with the insinuating then; it's antisemitism.
  9. Isn't Russia indiscriminately blowing up ***** in Ukraine? Funny, because that's been going on for a while and yet I haven't seen global protests condemning that, and in that case they are purely the aggressor, not a nation responding to an existential threat. I can't imagine what the difference could be...
  10. A lot of WNY'ers say "I seen" and it's nothing short of maddening.
  11. Man, if that isn't some WNY grammar, I don't know what is!
  12. Intersectionality at it's finest, showing how the most vocal antisemites also hate America, think 9/11 was an inside job, support Hamas, etc.
  13. It's not particularly notable because he's always been an idiot who says stupid *****. But then again so has Biden. The difference seems to be that one is a current commander in chief and appears to be in rapid cognitive decline.
  14. Try reading that conversation again and look at the question to which I was responding. Settle down Beavis.
  15. Explicitly stated? No he hasn't. But I think anyone who is paying attention can clearly see he's trying to stir something up with his purposefully cagey statements and vague tweets.
  16. The trade rumors may well be nonsense, but a trade is probably his only way out. If he wants to endear himself to any potential suitors, of course he's going to put on a good public face.
  17. It's like he and his VP were made for each other. 😂
  18. Angling for votes in Dearborn.
  19. You don't have to like it, but there are tons of 'em. And yeah Beyonce is hot (Swift has a weird face) but I'm not sure that should qualify her for an award outside of Penthouse. To be fair I don't listen to that style of music by choice so I'm probably not the best judge.
  20. I can't tell if you're being facetious or not, but a huge portion of her fanbase is most certainly of voting age: https://www.businessinsider.com/taylor-swift-swifties-white-millennial-suburban-democrat-50k-eras-tour-2023-11 Semi-related; I'm not a Grammy watcher but saw Jay-Z was complaining last night about his wife's lack of album of the year wins (in spite of her not having a qualifying album this year). Seemed like a swipe at Swift. And while I'm no great fan of Swift's music I can at least appreciate the fact that she writes or co-writes her material. Unlike Beyonce, whose albums have a multitude of people claiming song writing credits.
  21. I'm curious what your friend didn't like? I've not talked to my Tampa buddies about this incident yet, but what was your friend expecting the administration to do differently regarding those guys getting lost at sea?
  22. "If you disagree with me you're a sociopath." And they can't fathom why young men are running in the opposite direction.
  23. Sand *****? Sorry but pointing out that there are a good number of religious maniacs is one thing but you just descended into straight up racism.
  24. Are you my liver?
  25. So a butchy lesbian lady is banging 3 dude is that like to dress like chicks? I feel bad for the kid.
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