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Everything posted by yall

  1. I'm a Trump opponent, let me be clear. With that out of the way, how were their lives measurably worse under Trump? These people act as though the Trump administration was funding squads of men in white hoods to go around and beat up minorities.
  2. So re: #3.... Our CB that can't seem to get on the field is blanketing out new WR that reportedly can't separate. I try not to read much into OTA's but I'm going to take the positive route and hope that means Elam is gonna his his stride in year 3.
  3. Lefties aren't attacking, hacking or otherwise plotting against water utilities. full stop. Energy companies on the other hand...
  4. Don't you knock Reggie. He was money in NFL Fever 2002 on the original Xbox.
  5. Thanks Happy, been waiting for this thread to pop up.
  6. To bad they were in the state of Kansas. https://kansasstatecannabis.org/laws
  7. Something tells me you're functionally illiterate.
  8. The shooter. Jesus, if you're gonna post about it at least know the details of the story. And for ***** sake learn how to read.
  9. A couple of things... The victim was white The shooter had multiple social media posts indicating his intentions to harm protesters Dude was a whacko looking to hurt people. Also, don't bring guns to protests. Just because you can legally carry doesn't mean you should.
  10. As noted, hopefully this means a 1:00 PM home opener.
  11. Semi-related; Prohibition (bar/restaurant across the street from the site) throws a complementary BBQ for the construction workers every Thursday. Pretty cool way to say thanks and sell a few extra bottles of Blue at the same time.
  12. She prefers bowling where the black ball hits the white ones with the red necks.
  13. We're just enforcing the rule you never heard of that is not written or codified anywhere. Sounds legit to me! Also, totally cool to punish peaceful protesters especially when you don't agree we with them. Maybe these girls should have burned some stuff or pissed on a flag. They'd be heroes.
  14. I think you read me wrong man. I wasn't questioning the need or the purpose. I literally was asking about the weather.
  15. Coming from a place of complete ignorance, I have to ask (I'm guessing given your name and profile pic that you're in the know...) how cold does it get down there? Are winter coats something of a scarcity?
  16. I donated an amount matching his new jersey number. (Kidding aside this is cool)
  17. I'll at least give credit to the second girl for not flipping out and taking her licks. I mean, they'll get mugshots anyway, so why struggle against being exposed? You're face will be a matter of public record soon enough.
  18. Spitting image of my freshman English literature class.
  19. She should have to pay a carbon tax for the CO2 I just generated while laughing after reading that.
  20. For all the games we've played against these teams in the last two years, what's the total point differential? Without doing a bit of looking I'd bet it's no more than -7 in the opponents favor. Edit: lost to th le eagles by 3, beat the lions by three. Even. Beat the Ravens and beat the chiefs 2 out of 3 times with that being in our favor as well. So overall we have a positive point differential against all of the listen teams over the last two years. Don't tell me we're "so far behind" because the results don't support that.
  21. I think he's drafting like a guy who beat the champs once in the regular season, and lost to them by 3 points in a game where half of our starting defense was laid up This take is a load of... well, you. 😂
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