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Everything posted by yall

  1. Eddie is a bit of a jerk. I don't know that he was being villianized all that much. Considering MA hasn't really had much to say on the topic, I'm hard pressed to call it a celebrity feud. More like Eddie running at the mouth. Fair enough, point taken.
  2. Fairly well known to me since I saw Eddie say so much in an interview with Howard Stern. Not quite speculation, more like fact. And I don't really give a rats a$$ what you think, but I figured if you are gonna start poo-poo-ing what people have said in posts that you actually have something to back it up other than "dur i dont beleive tv". Perhaps I expect too much from mods around here...
  3. So you know otherwise, huh? Or is it your lifelong dream to pi$$ on a post in each thread in some way? It's fairly well known that Eddie dumped MA for two main reasons: 1. So Wolfgang could play in the band. 2. He was pi$$ed at MA for touring with Sammy.
  4. Actually, they are already installing it in some areas here. I think West Seneca has it...
  5. The second this shiznit drops in Cheektavegas, I'm all over it. I'm anxiously awaiting the day when I get to tell Time-Warner to suck on the snotty end of my f*ck stick.
  6. I'm not sure who told you that, but putting a bass string on a guitar will probably really screw up the guitar. For it to be in tune he'd have to have the tension on the low E (assuming he used a bass G string) so high that the neck would likely warp. Additionally, I'm not sure the ball end would even fit through the bridge, but I guess that would depend on the brand. Even though the gauges are similar, they are different strings. At any rate, I'm pretty sure Vaughn used D'addario .013's with a .054 gauge low E. Edit: I was wrong about his brand and E gauge: http://www.jcdisciples.org/musicians/srv/g...itar_setup.html Stevie tunes his guitar down a half-step and uses GHS Nickel Rockers measuring .013, .015, .019 (plain), .028, .038, and .058. On this particular day, Rene had substituted an .011 for the high E to keep down the sore fingers that blues bends can cause. Rene changes strings every show for each guitar that gets played. (Rene Martinez was Stevie's guitar tech)
  7. Did anyone in another thread actually state that there are traits that are 100% heritable, or did the OP just misunderstand something? (Im not going through that tedious regression thread again to find an answer...)
  8. I do, she is the Lorena Bobbit of the architechtural world. Glad I'm not her husband....
  9. Tall buildings, NO! Bait shop, YES!
  10. Regardless of the type of agreement (verbal or otherwise) it was publicly acknowledged. For Bills management to go back on their word, especially on something that is fairly high-profile, would not be a good way to attract and retain good players.
  11. Are you sure that's what they said? Can a trait even be considered to be 100% heritable?
  12. Are you trying to discuss the finer points of evolution, or merely use another thread to discuss regression?
  13. I thought the revenue sharing percentages were roughly the same. Do you have a link to support this? Not trying to be argumentative, just curious...
  14. I saw this thread and had to throw in my 2 cents. I have a Wii and a 360, and might eventually get a PS3 when there are actually some reasons to have one (i.e more games). Right now there is no doubt the 360 is your best bet. The library of games is huge and there are some killer games available. Steve, feel free to look up games sites like IGN and 1up who will clearly state that the sports games like Madden and NBA07 look better on a 360 than they do on a PS3. One of the biggest names in game development, Gabe Newell of Valve software (Half-life, Counterstrike, Half-Life 2, Team Fortress) just declared that the PS3 was a flop and a lot of other developers are probably feeling the same way. John Carmack of 'id' (creator of Doom, Quake, etc.) says he prefers developing for the 360. he bottom line is the 360 has more games right now. The 360 has better games right now. And if you read what these devs are saying the 360 will have more and better games in the future because that's the platform they want to work with. Now as far as reliability goes, I have 2 360's (I know it's overkill, but dammit if I wanna play Phantasy Star Universe and the old lady is playin Viva Pinata, what am I supposed to do?) and neither have had any issue. And even if you do get a broken unit, the warranty and service from MS are good. One of my friends had a unit die almost a year after he got it. He boxed it up and they sent him a new one within a week.
  15. According to this article in Forbes, if the Bills were to raise revenue by 10% they would be in the top 10 in terms of yearly revenue. We are 13th in operating income before taxes, etc. edit: oops forgot the link - http://www.forbes.com/lists/results.jhtml?...mp;passKeyword= If they were to implement my plan of raising ticket prices by $20, that would generate close to $11 million in additional revenue. This would put them between 15 and 16 in terms of revenue generated. Hell, just raising the price of all tickets by $10 would be an additional 5-6 million and would put the bills a few places up on the chart. These numbers are pretty raw and don't take all factors into account, but it's clear that the Bills can remain at the middle of the pack with some minor cost adjustments. edit - I know it's 04 info, but it's still relevant
  16. You raise ticket prices. The market will support it. Raise the price of each ticket by 20 bucks. By the time you figure in the preseason games, there is 10 million more in revenue. It's not as if Ralph is going broke. I agree, revenue sharing needs to implemented in a way that it levels the playing field, but the ticket prices need to come up too. While sell outs alone won't save the franchise, they will go a long way in helping to keep the team here. That goes for any market, small or large.
  17. Forgive me for asking, but weren't the Bills playoff contenders and hadn't they been to the superbowl when they were unable to sell out the playoff game against the oilers? It's not as though we have never had blackouts before this season folks. Although I'm still not sure how moving the team to another country is saving it....
  18. I like JP a lot, but I also don't expect him to perform miracles (or even play really well) when he gets his first playoff experience. Rivers is young and so is LT. They'll be back.
  19. Why would they? Isn't there some saying about glass houses?
  20. I said below the PROPOSED minimum wage, not the CURRENT minimum wage. The point is, the post I was referring to made it seem as those the only people that would benefit from the minimum wage increase were those making the minimum wage, which is not true. Anyone making below the proposed minimum wage would benefit. I'm pretty sure there are more than 500k of those people.
  21. I wouldn't call him a bad human being, just a dumba$$. Yeah he pays his child support, but the problem I have with the situation is that he seems to not learn much from these life lessons. I dunno, maybe I'm way off and this is what he thinks is the right way to do things. But it just reeks of stupidity and being irresponsible to me. I mean get a rubber for crying out loud. I'm willing to bet he didn't intend to father those kids, and probably wishes he didn't. I used to go to McDonalds every spring spring and get a shamrock shake. And every single year after about four pulls on the straw (only one of which would yield any of the shake) I'd throw it out and say to myself "Man, those suck. Im never getting one again". Finnaly though, I learned my lesson and never bought another one. Or McDonalds cancelled them. I can't recall. Anyway, the point is it made me a dumb$$. And when you do something like that with human beings, that I'm sure is hitting you hard in the wallet, you are really a duma$$. I can't argue with that. This is the one thing that gets me. I don't think for a second that Willis underchieves. I really don't. I think he gives his all, ever game, just like 99% of the league does. It's just too competitve for anyone to rest on their laurels and get away with it for very long. No offense, but when talking about LT and Willis, stats aren't the only category that don't match up well. LT is a class act, to the point that the media is enamored with the guy. Perhaps it's due in part to the fact that many guys who perform at such a high lever can be jerks, and the press is just pleasantly surprised at his demeanor. The point is, I have heard LT asked similar questions, and his responses to to show humility rather than bravado. Again, you would be right in saying it doesn't make Willis bad, but it's another facet of his character that rubs me the wrong way. He doesn't have to lie, but he could use a heavy dose of tact. Why is wanting him to be replaced "hating" on him? Hell, I used to play Halo 2 with him, I don't hate him. As fans, we feel like the team is a representation or extension of ourselves. Yeah, it's kinda pitiful, but that's what a lot of fans do. So why is it a surprise that many fans don't want a dumba$$ who isn't putting up good numbers? I can take one or the other, but not both. When Josh Reed was in a rut, I still wanted him on the team because he was a total class act all the way. He is a really nice guy, so there is something positive about his presence for me as a fan. Then you have someone like TO (no, Willis is nowhere near TO on the extreme end of the retard scale) who fans will tolerate because he at least posts good numbers.
  22. How 'bout I talk to you now after they already cut out to watch college football?
  23. Was that one of the good brain cells kicking in for some damage controll?
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