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Everything posted by yall

  1. No one is invading Canada for Christ sake. We'd sooner have a military coup before that happened. Yeah, he's an idiot but he's not starting a ground war on our Northern border.
  2. I wish he'd shut the ***** up. Every time he opens his yap he's costing me money.
  3. Maybe, and while it could be an incredibly bad and impactful policy decision, it doesn't change civil rights in the US. People are just flailing at this point.
  4. It's quite literally in the article (i.e. CIVICUS). A simple lookup on Wikipedia will show they are funded from grants and backed by Soros. Maybe do a little research before you start acting like an immature child and calling people names. Good Lord some of you need help.
  5. So I'm supposed to be upset that some group who is funded mostly by Grants and largely backed by Soros is lowering some arbitrary rating based upon the cuts to USAID? Gimme a break.
  6. The guys on the WGR 550 Morning show made a suggestion that once a player publicly demands a trade that they shouldn't be allowed to resign with their current team. Far-Fetched to be sure but as a thought experiment, I like it.
  7. The gangs in Chicago alone could probably fend off any incursion by the Canadians.
  8. One of the diehard trumpers/magadiots on my Facebook feed was posting some tripe about how Switzerland had banned mammograms and that Canada, Italy and others were about to follow suit. I tend not to argue with people on FB or call them out for their stupid ***** (well some of the hardcore libs I will when they accuse Musk of not solving world hunger forever by lack of him donating 6B to UNICEF...) but I was in shock that I actually felt compelled to post a link that refuted such a nonsensical idea: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/switzerland-has-not-banned-mammograms-contrary-online-claims-2025-02-20/ The dem/lib crowd has had their share of stupidity but damn, the trumpers are giving them a run for their money these days.
  9. I just hope her hair stylist can find work.
  10. Since when is losing in OT a humiliation? Shoot, we practically consider it a win when it's the Sabres.
  11. I think the bolded is something upon which we can all largely agree. As much as they shouldn't have to negotiate a peace deal that concedes land, the alternative is endless conflict (they can't win outright, just bank on Russia giving up) and at a certain point we can't be expected to bankroll them until that happens. I'm pro-Ukraine but when is enough death and money?
  12. No, the veteran who just advocated for a "giant" military budget didn't realize that China poses a threat. I also think our military budget has a metric shitton of waste, and asking people to sharpen their pencils after years of funding stupid and wasteful projects isn't a terrible idea. I'd be shocked if they even hit 3%, but having aspirations isn't a bad thing. Jesus, you're a ***** mess dude.
  13. Are you implying we still don't have the largest military budget? Larger than the next 8 closest combined? I'm all for a giant military budget. It just used to be that you guys weren't.
  14. Liberals in 2010: We have the biggest military budget in the world! Cut military spending! Liberals in 2025: OMG we're going to reduce military spending by a target of 8% per year, the sky is falling.
  15. Read my original response. I don't think it should be removed. It's stupid. But it ain't banned.
  16. Still publicly available in many places, including public libraries and amazon.com if anyone would like to read it. AKA not banned. Keep trying though.
  17. Or maybe it's the very disingenuous use of the term "banned" that has most people ignoring it or rolling their eyes. The DoD removing material from DoD run schools is not a "ban". It can be overzealous, and downright stupid, but calling it a "ban" especially given the constant undercurrent of Nazi Germany comparisons, is nonsense.
  18. Hitler said the Jews were a cancer that must be removed in 1919. He was pretty clear from the onset. How terrifying it must be to live in some skewed reality where you actually believe Trump is going to round people up and put them in gas chambers.
  19. Saying that male athletes like Lia Thomas don't have an advantage is pure nonsense. The amount may be negligible to you, but to those girls competing it's everything. It's like the unemployment rate. Most people don't care what the rate is. It's either 0% or 100% that matters to people. You're either employed or you're not.
  20. Meh, I'm not super wound up about it, just curious why you seem to have such an issue with something that's common sense. Really, the only part that is annoying to me, is how the girls who stand up for themselves are painted as transphobic. The injury stuff, while sad, is probably overblown for the most part. You could probably find similar examples all across the spectrum where there were no trans people involved.
  21. No one cares that people are trans. You're being purposefully obtuse. Just keep boys out of girls sports. It's not complicated.
  22. I'll bite. Could it possibly mean defending against large scale deception? It's not exactly a stretch.
  23. I mean, have any of you heard of a Federal employee complaining they were unable to retire or delayed for any reason? Me neither. Seems like a non-issue. And re: record retention - they don't ever dispose of this stuff. They should but often don't. It's easier to shove it into storage than actually adhere to the policy.
  24. I mean, I get it. The government uses way too much paper at all levels (from municipalities all the way to D.C.) and yes they rely on antiquated and woefully inefficient processes, but with all that being said this claim doesn't really hold water for me. Iron Mountain is just a repository where these documents go to live and in most cases never seen again. No one is processing retirement paperwork down there, and it's incredibly unlikely that anyone has to go down there to retrieve something in order to effectuate someone's retirement.
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