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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Seems like the sports channels feel the need to "compete" with the morning talk shows by doing some non-sports content. Don't know why, but even WNSA did that. You'd really notice when someone was moved from afternoons to mornings for example, as in the afternoon they would have talked sports the whole time, and when they move to mornings all of a sudden they become Mr. Wild-and-Wacky or some-such. Not that I think WGR is great shakes. I really miss WNSA, can't listen to Mike & the Bulldog, though it is nice to see that WGR has patched things up with the Bills and now aren't automatically negative....
  2. And yet when Howard brought Drew Brees up Smerlas was reduced to a babbling idiot. Tried to blame the "system" as the reason Rivers was drafted, not Brees' poor play. Brees did fine in that "system" when Rivers held out though... They're still babying Big Ben in Pittsburgh. When was the last time his arm won a game? It took until his 14th game to get over 300 yards, and has only done it once since (in a loss). Every game he's had 31+ attempts (3x) they've lost, and he's suddenly looking quite pedestrian without the Bus there to carry the offense.
  3. Yeah, nothing like a mention of WGR to get gomper out of the woodwork....
  4. Yeah, we got off the 219 at 10:00 on Sunday and pulled into lot 6 at 10:40...Let me guess, they're going to close Abbott road to clear a path for the entourage.
  5. Going up on the Wall does not mean your jersey is retired. To the contrary, the only jersey number the Bills have ever retired is #12 for Kelly.
  6. 1.) Sometimes tickets "free up" just before the games (tickets held for seasons, players, etc). 2.) I wouldn't be surprised if Time Warner, in its bid to soothe customers after the Adelphia/NFL fiasco, buys the remaining tickets out, to ensure "all local market games will be shown on Time Warner."
  7. Except if they did that, then everyone would drop their EZ Pass, and they'd be back at square one...
  8. Do you mean like a 7 sack performance where no DB's have interceptions...?
  9. Doesn't take but a second to break a window if it is locked. Again, if it's enough value to go at a license plate with a screwdriver, it's enough value to break a window... My car has a "double glove box" and my EZ Pass actually works while in the upper one, so no problems for me with that car. I think they charge $25 to replace. If you were really concerned you could always pay $4 for a set of security screws. Recommended for anyone with a vanity plate, for obvious reasons...
  10. The outside sensor screws onto your license plate. It doesn't really have any value besides "free rides on the Thruway," so it's not like it's a big theft target. There are usually things of greater value in/on your vehicle that can be had with less effort than unscrewing the plate screws to get the EZ Pass off....If they were that valuable the window ones would probably be quicker to steal, actually... If someone did steal it, they'd probably leave the plate behind (why put it back together?), so seeing your license plate sitting in front of your vehicle may be a good indicator to check for your EZ Pass Tag.
  11. ...and here you are, making sure it stays right on top of the page...
  12. Okay...you start....
  13. So was lying to the police about him attempting suicide in the original police report his publicist's idea? TO: Ugh, medicine's really making me woozy. Publicist: All right, sounds like a boring old adverse reaction to me, how do we spice it up? Hmmmm, I know! I'll lie to the police about having to force a couple pills out of your mouth, we'll flush the rest down the toilet and say you took them all. Then, in the morning, we'll recant and deny the whole thing. At the pressers, I'll act all reticent like I'm hiding something, and you just be TO, okay? That should be good for a couple days on the front of ESPN. The guy's taking a meal full of supplements, is paid to keep his body in tip-top shape, has nutritionists, trainers and a medical staff at his beck and call, and yet no one is able to say "you know, if you mix A with too much B, it might have some bad effects..." Besides, the guy's been through surgery before, has been through the pain med routine, and suddenly now he's having a reaction for the first time? Not saying he did, but there's so much counter-spin going on here that it seems at least feasible to me, and not being a medical professional I can't rule out the possibility of counter-agents being able to "normalize" him in such a short time. I can easily see, based on the "suicide attempt" angle resting mostly with the publicist, that she could simply recant and it would be enough to release him rather than holding him. There's just enough wiggle room in my mind to create doubt enough in my mind that I can't use the term "impossible." Do I give a rat's? Not particularly (i'd be lying if I said absolutely not, or I wouldn't waste the words), just hope he gets help if it is true...
  14. One that was fired from a Predator Drone, perhaps?
  15. From what I read, the woman who called 911 and was with him was his publicist. It's in her interest to make it look like something other than a suicide attempt. Again, FWIW.
  16. Having thought about it, and again knowing Annie, all she promised was a threesome, right? Didn't see anything about her being involved. In which case, here's the other member of your promised menage...
  17. BTW, knowing Annie, this will be the third person...
  18. What about Antoine Winfield?
  19. Dang, if I had known it was your burfday Annie... Hope you had a HFB, despite the weather and the Bills' loss...
  20. There was a year where the refs would actually address the crowd if the visiting offense complained. "Please quiet down or your team will be assessed a penalty" or somesuch. I don't even know if it lasted the full season...
  21. It's been a few years since I've been to a game, and it was weird seeing the "mute" scoreboard encouraging us to cheer on the defense. I'm thinking "where are all the sound bites?" Then I remembered... I say the microphone/headphone idea should go into effect only if they are able to put the frequency up on the scoreboard.
  22. Did I just read that title? I guess it is time to prepare for the apocalypse....
  23. Shhhhh.... he's on a roll.
  24. Actually, if anyone jinxed it, it's all the press guys who have been spending the week glowing over how the offense has not given up any turnovers...
  25. Well, as they say the bigger they are, the harder they fall...so expect a very soft fall next week.
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