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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Yeah, so I busted a few chops in here so I may as well make my entry into the "ugliest mug" competition....even though you are all amateurs. Me and a typical Waller talking about the Bills' hopes for 2006....
  2. Yesterday morning I pulled up the 10 day forecast on Weather Channel. I had to laugh when I saw both the circled links juxtaposed: Picture
  3. Ralphie seems more an Intellivision kinda guy to me...
  4. Working their way "up" the difficulty levels in signing their UFA's...Denney next? Or will we bring back Thomas and/or Edwards?
  5. With a moustache like that it was more likely a porn movie.
  6. Hey, you hold onto your dad's back pretty well there.
  7. Could be they meant NFC, rather than NFL?
  8. "In-Bred Goat-Humping Cross-Dresser's" annual swimsuit issue. If not for any other reason than for the death threats from BF for denying him his 6th straight cover.
  9. Someone please try and convince me that we need yet another Moulds thread...
  10. Oh, daninator blew his point by bringing up that whole "exclusive rights" nit so I'm sure VA picked up his ball and went home....
  11. Wow, you're a girl?
  12. Go back to the first post in this thread, which reads: "Mark Gaughan, of the Buffalo News, reports the Buffalo Bills have re-signed OL Greg Jerman to a two-year contract worth $1.27 million."
  13. Well, if you had read the post above yours you would have seen that Jack linked to that story...he even had Larson's name in the link...
  14. Did you read the article? What's so sucky about it? The agent laid it out to the team on Friday, didn't say anything for the whole weekend, as all these deals are going on...it's not like the demand was made to the press first. He's just asking for them not to hold onto him until June/July/August just because they can...
  15. I dunno, smells to me like they held off on all extended contracts until the CBA thing was done. So, normally, when you'd get the UFA's you wouldn't mind keeping re-signed before free agency, they just waited. I thought the numbers looked to me to be a pretty much vet minimum deal. It's not like the Bills got into a bidding war for him.
  16. I find it even more amusing that all the JP bashers are pointing at WGR's version of EM's statement and equating that to: "See?!?! Moulds doesn't want to work with a loser QB!!!" Well, if he didn't want to, he could have saved weeks of back-and-forth with Bills' management and make a "trade or release" demand long before now... BTW, article here on it basically says that the "trade/release" demand is based on the assumption by Moulds and his team that the Bills will definitely release him at some point, something that I'm guessing WGR didn't mention. He just wants the situation resolved, and you can't blame him.
  17. Ummmm, then why pick now to demand a release or trade? He had all off-season up until now to demand it, and since the coaching staff has settled he knows what the QB situation is. But yet he still let his agent "negotiate" with the Bills, has been speaking all along (directly and through his "advisor") that he wants to stay with the Bills. Why the charade?
  18. Small world, isn't it? Would have been larger if some clown hadn't taken a 2x4 to it back in high school... I would have been a top NFL pick if I hadn't come up with a bad case of Unathleticism in school...
  19. Stupid frickin' archers!
  20. Gloria Reuben.
  21. "Don't think of us as cutting you, think of us as quitting you...." Sounds like a euphamism to me...
  22. Reuben Gant. You do know that's done intentionally as an "ICE-ism" rather than unintentionally (a la resign)? I'm guessing it's still a pet peeve anyway (maybe even more so), but just wanted to make sure you knew...
  23. You're a quitter.
  24. What he did was stumble through a cynical statement, filling in the blanks it would read something like "I was apparently the only one there who couldn't read the last proposal in its entirety and feel comfortable with the contents enough to vote in 45 minutes. Guess that makes me a drop-out." As in, if those other guys can do it (which of course they couldn't, and didn't, they were just desperate to get a deal done...), they must be smarter than me. What's so out of control about that? Sounds like he was more in control than the other low-market guys who were willing to make a "bad deal" just to get a deal done...
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