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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. To go back to the QB discussion, remember that Jauron said that no one is being handed the starting job. If he signs, he will be given a chance to compete with McGahee. It's up to him to decide whether he thinks he can beat McGahee out for the starting job. Granted, it is less open than Minny, but the opportunity is there.
  2. Which is right in tune with what Jauron is saying for his philosophy: nobody is handed the starting job. The player who plays best will be the starter. He'll bench the $7M/year guy if the minimum guy is out-playing him. Works out well overall. You have a confident QB who has had a history of frustration by being supplanted by other QB's (both in college and the pros) who is coming to a team that needed a strong third candidate. The only statement this makes about Losman and Holcomb is the same statement made at the beginning: neither is a designated "franchise QB." If the job is up for grabs, why not bring a qualified, hungry 3rd QB into the mix?
  3. Damn, you must have some serious connections...
  4. Change the last line though: Christ, football fans are !@#$ing stupid. After all, we have fans here from beyond our shores...wouldn't want them to feel left out...
  5. Well if you're thinking big then you have to consider the Hulkster! (*sniff*). 24" Pythons, baby!
  6. Good move. Since they expect your utility bills would be really high due to the extra people, you can run your underground pot nursery in peace...
  7. Hmmmm, nearly a whole business day has passed and I still haven't seen anything on the Bills' site about it...nor do they mention the Idonije tender...
  8. ...and look who the leading rusher/TD's/total yds was....
  9. Damn, I think I heard Ken Stabler say to me through my dog (in a pirate voice no less) that Ochs was the odd man out....and I don't even have a dog! We all know what opinions are like...only difference is the schmoes on the radio/TV/newspaper are frequently paid to have them...unlike those of us suffering from diarrhea of the typing fingers (+ constipation of the mind) who provide it as a free service to the online community...
  10. In fact, Terrell was so cheap for the 'Boys that he made a Top Ten list already...
  11. So how does the CBA get resolved in Madden? Do you, as a team owner, get a vote on how it gets extended? How many people have had their franchise modes slowed by a lockout or strike?
  12. Let's forget the fact that you are jumping around receivers for a minute (implying in the note I responded to that we could have had TO at the same price as Andre Davis)...On the Moulds issue, cutting him saves us $5M on the salary cap. According to the numbers provided by millbank, Terrell is getting $5M just in base salary, which is by no mean a fraction of the cost of keeping Moulds, unless you are talking about 1/1. Then add in the amortization of the signing bonus ($1.67M)...and your fraction is looking closer to 7/5...and that's forgetting next year's costs...
  13. I merged it with the previously-reported "Tags to retire in July" thread.
  14. Too busy being a merge-monster on the Wall. Of course being a merge-monster is easier than actually reading most of that dreck...
  15. They were shooting fish in a barrel....
  16. Don't make me move this to PPP boys...
  17. Sounds like the speculation works as follows: a.) Mini-camps will decide who is the starter this year. b.) If Losman loses the battle, there's no sense keeping him around. In other words, if he doesn't even practice well, there's no "hope" for him to turn it into good on-the-field play. You don't give him first round money to be a backup. c.) if he's not going to perform well, then try to get something for him, going with "plan b" Nall as the backup/QB of the future... I don't think things are decided already, I think it's more about having a plan B in case they don't work out as hoped....regardless, it's all speculation. They could very well be quietly testing the market to see what their options are. But to automatically assume that they are going to trade him based on what one reporter says is kinda silly...
  18. They spent most of the time I listened driving in talking Sabres....I didn't listen the whole drive but I heard two full segments on it...
  19. Same price?! Do you mean that TO would have signed here much cheaper? Davis' signed a 1 year, $1.3M contract which includes a $500K signing bonus...
  20. While all the above points are true you do have to understand that morning radio tends to be more blather/skits than calls. Even WNSA's morning shows were that way...about one call an hour on a sports-related topic...it is apparently the "formula" in the morning...
  21. Yes votes seemed to have a late rally. When I tracked it earlier it seemed the "no" votes had a pretty strong lead...
  22. I suppose we only had two....if you don't count the two fodder folks who were assigned to NFL Europe (Woodbury and Ochs)....
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