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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. His position coaches claimed he was playing better than Faine in '04 season....sounds like he could be inconsistent but a more natural center than Teague, and not as naive to things like stunts as Duke.
  2. During the day I can pick it up all the way into Rochester and back...sometimes buzzes out going down 33 through Bergen, but I pick it up again...I give it a try every six months or so...hearing the bozos today and their 1.3 MILLION OHMYGOD I remember why I don't bother...
  3. Well, gee, Holcomb's familiar with Fowler's butt, does that mean Holcomb is the starter now?
  4. It's not as much about the pick as 1.) Moulds finding out what he's truly worth, and if he still wants to bolt, 2.) the Bills picking where he goes...
  5. Now try explaining this to the bozos at WGR. 1.3 MILLION!!!! THAT'S STARTER MONEY! Yeah, in 1990...
  6. Wouldn't it just be a formality at this point?
  7. Don't big macs already eat through gas masks, without any of your secret family recipes?
  8. I always love the football half-time walkoffs: Reporter: Coach, you're heading into the locker room down by 3. What do you think you need to do in the second half to win? Coach: Well, we gotta run the ball and stop the run, we gotta get more yards passing and stop them from getting more yards passing, we gotta make fewer mistakes... which translates to: Ummmm, score at least 4 more points than they do?
  9. The kind you load into HARM missles and launch from a Predator drone?
  10. BUT, BUT, BUT, the Skins signed a ton of players I know! They have to be winners!
  11. but only if the team he's coming from has a very highly paid player with the same qualifications....
  12. That's what I said, kinda...
  13. I was just looking that up and came across some detail here. Even says he'd rather be backup here than starter there. His 4 year, $6.6 million contract came with a $2M signing bonus....and that's before the salary cap went up $20M...
  14. Well, he's managed to do something that SDS hasn't, in fact something that no one has ever done: made his way to my ignore list in fewer than 20 posts.
  15. yeah, but now who's laughing? Thanks for the ...ummmm....insights.
  16. No, they were making Nall take the gamble over whether he was to become the starter or not by accepting "backup" money. To put it another way, he was told "we'll give you backup money but an equal chance at earning the starting job." No risk on the Bills' part...if he does become the starter, you drop Losman (you don't keep him around to be a lifetime backup) and spend the cap money extending Nall with a bigger $$ (starter's) contract.
  17. "Man, that chick, she's really hot. I'd like to ask her out but there's a 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that she'll say no, so I won't." My gosh, you guys make it sound like the entire Bills organization stopped everything they were doing holding their breath for this to happen. The Cards did leave him hanging out there by not giving him the higher tender, why not take the chance?
  18. And why was he out-played by "TSW-Yawn-Worthy" Fowler? source (one of many).
  19. Well of course that old trueism relates to a good farmer keeping his livestock off of others' properties... Good neighbors, indeed. I'm guessing Dennis Mitchell may not go to Mr. Wilson's house today...
  20. That article said that they are giving their 2003 first round pick (a guy by the name of Faine) permission to seek a trade...
  21. Ummmm, yeah, that's the point of "matching." If the Bears choose to "match" the offer, that means they have to pay him a $1.8M signing bonus...
  22. Nice.... I'll delete mine...
  23. Did you see how much Nall signed for? It wasn't like we threw $6M/year at him. Some people look at the chance to start as being a higher motivator than tons of $$$, knowing that if the starting job comes, so will the $$$. Are you content with Shaud Williams as the #2 back? Marv and Dick are looking to improve this football team. By bringing in quality guys to compete at a reasonable price you aren't "pushing aside" two #1 picks, you are challenging said #1 picks to be their best. If the #1 pick (which weren't Marv's, so he has no sentimental attachment) can't beat out a "value" free agent, why do you continue to throw money at them? Losman needs to prove he's a starting QB. I think adding Nall to the equation makes the challenge adequate. McGahee has to get serious about the game, that's the knock against him. He has tremendous talent and the ability to be the best but he needs to be pushed...
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