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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. I would. He's continuing to play the "Franchise chicken" game that most Franchisees play. He doesn't have to sign the tender until Summer, IIRC. Time is on his side, and he's not going to jeopardize that long term $$$ potential by risking injury in "voluntary workouts." He's not demanding to be traded, so at the very least the Bills will likely keep him even if it means paying out the franchise tender money for one year while they groom his replacement.
  2. The bigger question is whether it made breakfast for you in the morning...
  3. A source.... in case people look to having links to authenticate.
  4. Oh, great, now they'll be reporting threats to the FBI from here...
  5. In case the threats get deleted... (pdf).
  6. I have a couple friends who lived pretty much right up the street from the Cordial for a few years. They'd use the Cordial as a "staging area" to sit and talk about where they wanted to go that night...
  7. No, no, no, only if Motley Crue won't be there. Poison, on the other hand....
  8. Authentic, game-worn.
  9. I have trouble believing that one. I can't help but think his last word will be "SCOOOOOOOOORE!" He has lost a step, but he still has "it."
  10. The heck with them both. I'll take Chess boxing over either of them any day.
  11. Oh, I forgot to mention that just before the "idiots" question, Mr. Moose asked Hitchcock a knock-knock joke and dumped ping pong balls on him. Probably wasn't a good thing to mention the "idiots" comment right after that...
  12. Well, when their obviously slower-than-cooking-retatta team can't keep themselves in it by clutching and grabbing any more, I guess that kinda takes the fun out of it...
  13. Actually, my understanding is that he started the presser by taking blame for not getting the team prepared. Then they asked him about Lindy's comments about the Flyers players playing like "idiots," and he got angry, stormed off, saying "tell Lindy to !@#$ off" on his way out. Something like that.
  14. See?! I told you JP wasn't a bust!
  15. Amazed by Rockpile's apparent mind-reading capabilities: 1.) Dan Gross 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
  16. I don't think they were close enough for that to be a factor in their relationship... Either way, kind of a personal thing to talk about, dontcha think? Unless of course it was warning about a girl...
  17. If he's been so busy at the stadium doing his job that he hasn't had time to look for a place, I hope it is an indication of his coaching.
  18. According to the FAQ on the Bills' web site, the number is (716) 648-1800.
  19. I unfortunately was not there but heard several first-hand reports that the replay was shown once, it was the play only (not the eyes-rolling close-ups that OLN was showing of him after the play), and it was not shown until he was in the tunnel.
  20. 2008 is his last year.
  21. Well then, of about a dozen plays with #7 throwing the ball, a couple of them were on-target. You would expect, an NFL caliber QB, throwing indoors, to be able to throw off-target with better consistency?? In fact I don't think it's too high of an expectation that all the passes should've been off target. I'd previously only seen Losman in game action before and was hard-pressed to criticize him too much being that he was playing in the elements and had 300-pounders rushing at him. What I saw in this film clip wasn't very encouraging on his success.
  22. Don't forget the pickle juice. [/token retatta reference]
  23. Whenever I see LeBatard's name my mind "dyslexes" it out to Dan LeBastard. Then I chuckle to myself. And that's followed by a sense of what a pathetic life I must live to get a chuckle out of something like that, especially considering my own last name...
  24. Probably tired of people laughing at that silly hat.
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