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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Oh, boy, it's getting to the point where I'm gonna be looking for a Sabres-free Off-Topic forum....Spend most of my time here to get away from the Bills' doom and gloom and it's turning into more of the same for the Sabres...no getting away from the whining/doom and gloom, is there? 7 games, two more at home...
  2. Texans press release on Williams
  3. Seems like he can do anything with a puck....except put it between the pipes.
  4. Well, they got it. Gonna start another thread? You know, when I tire of it, it will all be one, and your comments (half-sentences) are going to look really weird...
  5. How many threads you gonna start about the game?
  6. Well, except when they use 3 guys to "lockdown Forsberg" he just passes the puck (that would be their first goal). Interesting how they're showing how Flyers are taking themselves out of the game in order to get extra shots at Campbell in particular...go ahead and waste the effort boys...
  7. Uh oh. You said soup. and you mentioned the bogus marketing scheme intended to brainwash us all into eating only soup for our meals disguised as a harmless "competition." Maybe they'll let you back in around training camp time... and I know nothink[/sgt schultz] about any efforts to cheat in said evil corporate brainwashing attempt...
  8. Ahhhhh, nothing like nerds helping nerds. Easy to put repetitive wget calls in a script and run it off a Unix site. Get a couple of those running and you're there in no time...unless she says "X number of unique IP addresses..." (contract came up 404)...
  9. Actually, there are at least [the bills' pick] can't miss blue chip prospects, because you have to at least add in the next player picked that plays the same position as the Bills' pick.
  10. And they are the only players who will definitely succeed in the NFL...well, that and whoever the Patriots pick up in the 6th round.
  11. I think the Bills will trade down about three slots at a time all the way through the first round, accumulating about 12 3rd rounders in the process. Then they'll draft 3 punters. Hey, if the top 12 players are guaranteed to be gone at #8, then why not?
  12. Mmmmmmm, plates. Everyone will regret not making it, as Rockpile bought plates for every WNYTBDGPSer that showed up! Thanks Rock! This after I imagine he spent a pretty penny on a Peerless Price replica jersey...can't believe they are selling those already!
  13. It's pretty simple really. No good players want to come to Buffalo, so if we signed him, then he must suck. Alternatively, if he's so good, why didn't any of the other 31 teams sign him? At the very least he won't be able to play up to the insanely high contract offer we gave him. After all, if our offer wasn't insanely high, then why didn't someone else outbid us? Wall mentality in a nutshell...
  14. I'll be watching "NYa" on DIRECTV (MSG feed)...
  15. As I said before, I count at least a dozen players that the collective brain trust has decided "definitely won't be available at pick 8."
  16. Rocket surgeon. Slipped with the scalpel one too many times...
  17. I really don't think the guy wants to put his kid in pumps.
  18. HFB to all those fine folks....and Joe too!
  19. I could see it as a mandatory purchase for those who have a DWI offense, but everyone? It's not the equivalent of the "hands free" law, it's the equivalent of having the "hands free" law be that it's mandatory that all cars sold in NYS have "Universal" hands-free devices pre-installed. Oh, well, not that far to drive to PA to buy a car I guess. Either that or buy new in 2008...
  20. We'll just have to eat two plates each. Of course, that would take you about 3 hours...
  21. Oh, damn, that's right....Friggin' is his middle name...
  22. Why is the initial on his jersey L.? I thought his first name was Friggin'...?
  23. I can't believe you're serious about this, but I'll play along. He's franchise tagged (doesn't matter that he hasn't signed the offer sheet), which means: a.) Bills have matching rights, b.) if a team does sign him while he's still tagged, they have to give two first round draft picks to the Bills. So the Bills basically have the rights to him. It's pretty much the same thing they did with Peerless. You work out a deal with another team (for something less than 2 firsts) and lift the tag for them to sign him.
  24. I thought it was pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove."
  25. What about the FU smiley? ...and the ashtray...and the paddle game...and the remote control... and I think you might get more response if, instead of the forced-feeding of retatta, you threaten a Clockwork Orange style sit-down before repetitive playings of this.
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