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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. I don't know if you want to call it "impact" (since he didn't touch the ball on those plays), but Moulds seemed open/single-covered a lot more than he was last year...
  2. Hope this is my bad weekend...7-7 pending the Broncos win it. Picked BAL in the survivor pool.
  3. Don't worry, he'll be the one in the Flowers jersey...
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. You know, I didn't even think to ask who was being deflowered! Was it Theresa's first plate too? BTW, cable, Chris got the glasses very recently...told us the long sordid tale of the extra steps the doctors had to go through to find glasses that didn't disrupt his X-Ray vision.
  6. ...well, the Bills have nothing on the Chicago Cubs!
  7. It's not a mullet! It's long in the front as well...all party, as it were...
  8. After all, he's your computer-matched fantasy QB, isn't he?
  9. ...and has been sacked more times.
  10. nflpa.org only lists player salaries, but simple math gets you to the remaining bonuses, etc...At 23 M his pay is mostly bonus money though... 2005 1000000.00 2006 2000000.00 2007 2500000.00 2008 2500000.00 2009 3000000.00 JFTR the top 5 salaries for DE for this year are: Howard, Darren DE New Orleans Saints 6503000.00 Pryce, Trevor DE Denver Broncos 5350000.00 Brown, Courtney DE Cleveland Browns 4700000.00 Strahan, Michael DE New York Giants 4250000.00 Berry, Bertrand DE Arizona Cardinals 4000000.00
  11. I chronicled the event with a couple of photos here: http://www.ofoto.com/I.jsp?c=198ol9cm.pxbtbsy&x=0&y=-tockfw (click on the "view photos" button beneath the picture). Used the camera to help chronicle "plate times," as people here are always stats-hungry! Rich's first plate took about 14 minutes, 2nd a more respectable 11, but he was clearly takin' it easy (and moved in the middle of the first plate). Unfortunately took the group shot after 34-78-83 left...you'll have to wait until Rich and Lisa's pictures get posted. They are out of sequence (group picture was last), but I liked that picture better for the "cover" of the album...
  12. I just hope it's not turf toe...that can screw up an entire season.....
  13. He "split" the special. Instead of getting a chesseburger/red hot combo plate, he had a cheeseburger plate, followed by a red hot plate. Still can't figure out how such a small guy can eat so much. Got some pictures, they'll be up soon...I know Lisa took a shot or two as well... In attendance: 34-78-83 CDCampy and his lovely wife Rockpile Dan Gross R. Rich and his lovely wife Psycho Ward Candidate KRC and his lovely wife
  14. Didn't you watch the Bang Sports Network's Bills Camp Report? They have a little remote control cart to do that. So far, Manning has lived up to his segment on that report...
  15. I'm sure no one on here will post spoilers for those who want to watch it on DIRECTV.
  16. Gee, I would have thought your guess would be the "Statue of Liberty" play.
  17. When I was watching the game last night, I thought to myself "Heaven help the new server if the Bills pull the same stunt that the Pats pulled on their first drive..."
  18. The Pats are different from "dominant/dynasty" teams of the past, because they've never looked like an unbeatable team in the last three years. They don't dominate, but they capitalize, and the margins of victory in most of their games attest to that. The key to beating them is to play a solid game. They are a team that you simply can't afford to screw up against. Take away any one of the key mistakes that Indy made (red zone give-aways, the sack at the end), and Indy would have won that game. Did it seem that the Pats O at least was playing a cocky game? I saw some real ill-advised throws (the bomb from the end zone, for example) that had me shaking my head...
  19. Hey, WNYTBDGPS members, I started a division in the TBD football pool called WNYTBDGPS (imaginitive, isn't it). I left it open for all to join, but it's $1 to get in. Winner of the division gets lunch with the winnings.... http://www.twobillsdrive.com/footballpool/...andings&rdiv=69 I'm willing to work on an "honor system" for those I won't see on Friday to get me the $1 sometime...
  20. I have had a ton of luck with Mushkin: http://www.mushkin.com/epages/mushkin.storefront I haven't bought from Memory Man, but have also heard good things about them: http://www.memman.com/
  21. You know, it's funny. I read down through the TBD headlines, and I get to that article. I read the "pertinent quote," and before I even click on the link, I say to myself "let me guess, Jerry Sullivan wrote this." Of course, I did see it was a link to the Buffalo News...if I hadn't seen that, I might have had trouble determining whether it was Jerry or Mark Weiler...
  22. Everybody seems to think that Donahoe was upset over the "Whitey" part....maybe he just didn't want to be called "old."
  23. ...and you don't have a spray bottle of ammonia handy!
  24. It depends...do you drool whenever you hear a bell ringing?
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