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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Congrats to the new parents! If you thought time flew before now, just wait...it's about to kick into high gear!
  2. Is it just me, or do they all look alike?
  3. I thought it was "Fix It Again, Tony"
  4. All right, I'll say it, just to prove you're full of stevestojan. Just don't tell anybody that I was going to say blondes.
  5. Yardage is a tough measure to go by. Which do you think would hurt a team worse: a single pass interference call for 45 yards or 8 false starts?
  6. Sorry, but we don't allow bl....er, I mean your kind in.
  7. This is great! I'm scheduled for diversity training on Friday...I'll have to remember these!
  8. Didn't I see a thread that said that Shaw was officially signed by NE...with a link? Oh, and WRT to SA, did WGR also say that after cutting SA, they signed George Seifert to replace him at DT?
  9. I thought he had said the he learned the "real killer" was a season ticket holder and so he came to the game to confront the killer, only to find someone else in his seat! He is reported to have said that his "suspect" was going to be at the Ravens and Cardinals games, so he may look for the suspect at one of those....
  10. Here they were, faced with a 4th and 5 in that "too far for FG, too close for punt" field position. Drew's looking to the sidelines with a look that says "let's take a time out to talk about this." (that's what it looked like to me....) Eric's yappin' in Mularkey's ear that it's a catch. Perfect time to call an "extended time out" by throwing the red flag. Gives you that extra time (over a normal time out) to figure out what you're going to do, (you're taking the time out anyway...), and it gets your #1 receiver to shut his yap and play ball. So, okay, he loses up to two challenges, but I immediately saw it as a good strategic call. Then they come out with that whoop-dee-doo shuffle pass (or whatever the fug Mock calls it), first down. Excuse me, my kool-aid glass is empty. Time for a refill...
  11. mierda mierda mierda nope, the filter doesn't work here, either....
  12. Also selling Yanks uniform from 2000 WS and a 2002 Mercedes S-Class... http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQgotopageZ1QQsa...osortpropertyZ1
  13. Wow, something worth responding to. What I've been seeing this year, throwing the final score away, is encouraging. This offense, once it finds its stride (and it will), will do well. Negative plays keep killing us. But we are actually having drives this year, not the 3-and-out Tango we saw all last year. They are stalling because of negative plays which we need to reduce and overcome. But when things are moving well, I get excited as to what will come. And it will... I'm actually more disappointed in the defense. I'm all for aggresive defenses, but this is ridiculous. Looking at the blitz on every play and I can't help but think of a 13 year-old playing Madden for the first time. The blitz is much like the Spanish Inquisition: the main weapons are fear surprise and ruthless efficiency! Especially the surprise part. Get Milloy and Vincent back out there and maybe you can blitz on every down (whether you should is still another story), but I wouldn't with the backfield the way it is. Certainly not with Coy Wire at SS (unless he's the one blitzing...as I read in someone's post...). Sorry, Coy.McGee really looks good, but he still isn't ready to be left on an island. Thanks for the thread worthy of drawing me out of lurk mode, Simon! It goes back to "if you're going to bench the players who are making the key mistakes, then you'll be starting 22 second-stringers." And re: singing: if William Shatner can be releasing a CD that already has "grammy buzz" written all over it, you shouldn't be worried about your pipes....
  14. "While I hover safely above, Jim cuts his arm and dives into the pihrana and alligator infested river for a closer look." You can definitely tell who got the free Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance coverage!
  15. There's a middle ground between suck and dominant. I've said this a couple of times: the Pats are a team that wins by capitalizing on mistakes. They are not a "dominating" team like the Rams offense of a few years back, for example. They are unbeaten, but not unbeatable. The key is to not have any turnovers. Give them the short field and they will get points out of it. They are 4 for 5 in converting turnovers into points this year, for a total of 20 points. The 5th was a fumble on their own 1. You see nothing in our offense that has improved. Last year's offense could not move the ball. I believe we led the league in "3 and outs." This year we move the ball, but allow the drives to stall due to negative plays. A vast majority of the times we've kicked the ball away have been resulting from a negative play from that set of downs. In other words, we can get 10 yards in 3 plays, but not more. We need to reduce those miscues, and also be better at overcoming when those miscues happen. Further, we have at least found the end zone in each game, which we couldn't say for the bulk of last season... This isn't about position-by-position, it's about playing a relatively clean game. As you've seen the "wheel of blame" spin around here, it's clear that it's not a single player making huge mistakes that are costing us games. I think the bye week helped us clean out the cobwebs that have led to the stupid mental errors. I at least want to hope that.
  16. Oh, well, at least I have my comfy cool gel undies on!
  17. happy birthday
  18. Wellk, judging from this thread, I guess the answer to the original question is "no."
  19. ...how embarassing.... sorry
  20. Not up on the latest models, but you can't go wrong with Plextor. One thing to note: there are only 3-4 actual manufacturers of CD-RW drives. A lot of the "off-brand" drives are actually name-brand re-bundled. A few years back, when I got mine, it was a "Smart and Friendly," which was a Yamaha CD drive. More goods came with it, and it was considerably cheaper than the Yamaha model.
  21. Yeah, Cindy, we're supporting you like a good pair of underwear should! Great metapohr you're providing, Steve.
  22. I heard that ESPN was saying that Drew Bledsoe and Sam Gash are among the players swung at/charged at Parcells....
  23. ...and to celebrate your climb to the top of the division in the TBD pool? it's on my calendar...we'll see if it stays. Rich, you coming up for the 31st game early enough for plates on the 29th?
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