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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. dropbacks sacks db/sack Jim Kelly, Bills 416 37 11.2 4th worst in 1996. Source: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/events/19.../oilersnum.html (scroll down)
  2. Normally noon, but we're waiting for Rich.... and no, we're not waiting there! Nick's hasn't become and "Internet Cafe"... yet....
  3. happy birthday!
  4. REM and Tom Waits as well...and Queen Latifah with an album of Jazz and R&B favorites (great CD BTW, if you're into that sorta thing). A very retro Top 20...
  5. You're looking for a catapult?
  6. I like the picture of Bledsoe that goes with it! Good likeness!
  7. Three weeks ago, it was "Drew needs to be a leader! Call out his teammates publicly and challenge them to do better! That's what Kelly did!" This weeks he does it and so it's "Drew needs to be a leader! He needs to take responsibility himself instead of blaming his teammates! He's going to lose his team that way!"
  8. Translation: "The depth chart for the organization is the coaches' responsibility, not the GM's." If he says "I believe we will win with Drew" then everyone will say "MM"s only starting Drew because OW says he has to." No winning...
  9. So Bobble would never have to pay for a plate again....
  10. Ooooh, they have quorum plates now? I'm definitely there!
  11. Don't tell Ed. He'll send the telephone poles after you.
  12. So I guess this is why he seems to have lost the "magic" he had in the pre-season of "always finding the end zone:" He sees there are a bunch of defensive players between him and the end zone, figures he can't make it in anyways without getting a "knockout blow" from one of the defenders (risking injury in the process), so he just stops.... I was yelling at the screen when I saw it "live." I saw McGahee bail on it, and was disappointed....
  13. ...involving cloned cats...
  14. Gee, I've heard of "getting into the game" but how much will that set you back? Which coach? Tolbert, Wyche, Gray?
  15. Right on MLB's web site: http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/news/mlb...4news&fext=.jsp I thought it was good. The only part of the game I watched...but then again I'm a backwoods moron...
  16. That's the interesting thing: the two questionable guys (Milloy/Henry) sound like they are going to play while the probable guy (Jennings) will likely not...
  17. Yeah, I tried looking for the full exchange between them, and all I could come up with was that quote. Funny how he didn't think of Fart!
  18. My wife didn't care for her initials. Her maiden name was Griggs, though....and then she married into my last name on top of it. (Yeah, I know, "Eeeeew, Gross!") There were so many things to consider with naming the kids that we didn't even consider initials until we named them. So we ended up with Kiera Elise and Alannah Ruby.... Of course, thinking about this kind of stuff takes me back to the "I Married Marge" episode on the Simpsons, when they came up with Bart's name....
  19. Buy him a garbage plate instead. In fact buy him two, they're small.
  20. Uh, oh, billsfanone, you're, um, billsfanone.
  21. Wow, I wouldn't have expected Jesus to do such a thing, but if you say he did...
  22. I knew he was really bad, according to the experts here, but I didn't realize Mike Williams was playing that poorly. Their "Team Efficiency Ratings" are interesting.... http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teameff.php But they are wrong, because they have us at 12th. Aren't we supposed to be the 31st best team in the league?
  23. He said Buffalo fans were the meanest in the league because they hated living there, or something like that... Edit: to be more specific: “When I was playing in Buffalo, it was tough. Because they were, they had a great team, plus the fans. I mean that’s what they live for in Buffalo. Because truly, they don’t want to live there.” Full story here: http://www.wgrz.com/storyfull.asp?id=23654
  24. Channel 2 news was bragging on how they posted the e-mail for "Inside the NFL" after Marino's comments about Buffalo came out, as the show was absolutely swamped with e-mail. Apparently they spend something like the first 10 minutes of the show on the issue, and they showed a clip with Costas holding a thick stack of paper that he said were all complaints about Marino. He said "HBO has not received so many complaints since [some character I don't know because I don't watch the show] was snuffed on the Sopranos." He flipped through the papers, Collinsworth picks one out at random, and Bob reads it. Dan is just beside himself the whole time....should be interesting to see in its entirety...
  25. I'll tell: it's R. Rich/Memphis Jim!
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