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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Cute. It had its moments...They forgot to mention that all words ending with "er" will now end in "re" (theatre, centre).
  2. Man, he gets free and turns on those jets and he's gone! Wow!
  3. The question is: can a guard report eligible?
  4. Edwards. With the way he was able to chase down McMichael in the Miami game, why not?
  5. Neither does Arizona's red zone D. I give you credit for not just coming in and saying "We'll whoop your @ss 107-0! J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets!" It'll be settled on the field this Sunday. May the better team win (in other words, let's not let the refs decide it. ).
  6. But it's 5 points more than you beat us by in your house....You're in our house now.
  7. Yet he also said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." and "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." "As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. " By the Christian doctrine, we Sin because God gave us free will. Jesus did not want to take that away. He would want all to follow the principles, but would not advocate condemning someone for not following. He sought not to punish sinners but restoring by reaching out to them. What of Matthew? He was a tax collector, whose profession was one of the most hated and corrupt at the time. Did Jesus condemn him? No, he dined with him, and asked Matthew to follow him.
  8. Yup. Really enjoyed it. Of course, I'm a drummer, so my opinion would be biased.
  9. If I remember right, Chris V. and Ross Tucker were among the best "interviews" done on the Brother Wease program during training camp....two very entertaining guys. For the out-of-towners, Brother Wease is the local "whacky morning show" guy in Rochester. He does his show from training camp every morning, and gets a couple of players each day. Wease will let sports guy John Ditulio ask an obligatory football question or two, but it's usually more about learning the person behind the player. In these cases, the better the personality of the player the better the interview...
  10. and, oh ,by the way they started out 1-3 with the "inserted guy."
  11. Remember how the Jets were 2-5 and the laughing stock of the AFC East halfway through 2002? Remember how they ended up? One game at a time. Right now we are 1-0 on the rest of the season. Yes, we have to be "1-0 on the rest of the season" following just about all the games, but let's worry about this weekend first.
  12. Thanks to you "Wonder Boner!" You helped keep Jimmy in line in the mornings, and you kept things goin' for the boys post-WNSA. Best of luck to you!
  13. That's a difference between you and me: I will never hope the Bills lose (or loose) any games. Not to effect a change at QB, not to move up in the draft during a "lost" season, not for any "selfish" reason. From the outside to the core I root for and want the team to win every weekend. As I will this weekend.
  14. But you brought the cowbell.
  15. Congrats /dev. Aussie here just guaranteed that your "look at me thread" will hit multiple pages. And Aussie, without pics, are you sure...?
  16. Leave him alone, he's probably drunk.
  17. Hey Howard you forgot to log in.
  18. Hey, at least she isn't wearing a see-through dress!
  19. go out. get drunk. get laid. get dumped. come back and tell us all.
  20. So whenever you get drunk you're supposed to go out and get laid....dude, you must have some seriously interesting tailgate parties!
  21. I heard he was trolling the Wall.
  22. Actually it has happened with every re-election besides Clinton's (when Perot won 8.4% of the vote). This has actually been the closest re-election victory in the last 40 years. Again, outside of the Clinton re-election, all others have been at least a 16% difference in popular vote, with at least 85% of the electorals...
  23. Yeah, did they say "Simon says?" After the posts the last couple of weeks where people said "The Bills did such-and-such with so-and-so" and then later seeing a link to an article on WGR's site that says "the Bills should do such-and-such with so-and-so" I'd wait before considering it true.
  24. There's an interesting new twist on this scam. You'll get the e-mail from "Citibank" for instance, and the link in the e-mail actually ends up at Citibank's web site, by way of a redirection. It's their way of "pre-sniffing" for valid e-mail addresses, people who are stupid enough to click those links, actual Citibank customers, etc....
  25. Dude, you need a beer. Are you actually saying that most of the posts on this Wall come from people who are sober?
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