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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. You're right ICE, kinda. JP is not the backup, he's the 3rd string emergency QB. Let's let him actually beat out Shane friggin' Matthews for the #2 job before we anoint him start, mmmkay? There are about 12 players that you could say "We would be 6-3 IF..." about. You've clearly picked yours...
  2. His feelings were hurt by all the postings he read on the Wall about trading him....This week, why don't we focus our collective wrath on someone who won't play next weekend, so that none of the ones who are playing will have the negative "Wall Mojo" on their heads....
  3. 10 points on offense and a 45.1 QB rating "looks great?" Mmmmmmmkay..... that explains a lot. The kid showed poise, played some plays "smart," had a good drive, but still has a way to go. As some have mentioned, for one thing he has to learn that TE's are not the only eligible receivers....
  4. He is so quick off the snap that half the time I expect a flag to be thrown. Amazing...
  5. And to get him that first hit on his leg, so JP would know that it was healed... So, is Mark Lindsay Rudy's dad?
  6. Oh, BTW, as for you, if you work in IP, you should know that "copywrite" is what ad people do, for which they can get a "copyright" from the LOC. And WRT VCR's, companies did not decide to accept them, they were told to accept them by the Supreme Court. http://www.virtualrecordings.com/betamax.htm
  7. All right, let's try to straighten things out here. I certainly read the Bill "wrong" the first time, but took another read at it without automatically thinking it was a "bad thing." First the "Family Movie Act." Here's the key text: The spirit of the law was to allow movies for home viewing be available in an "edited for TV" version done automatically by the DVD player/TIVO box/etc. It basically allows the product/software to modify a movie as it is playing, with restrictions. Note this Bill is an extension, which actually gives more rights. This is not furthering restrictions. Looking at the letter of what is written there is nothing that bars you from fast forwarding (fast forwarding does not change/delete/add content, just the speed that it is going by). By the same token, neither does a "chapter skip." Again, since this is an extension of rights, if fast-forwarding through commercials is illegal by this law, it would have already been illegal prior to this law being passed (note that this is all listed as an "Exemption"). There are two potential sticky parts here: a.) Video editing software. You can use video editing software to remove commercials from broadcast movies, and have always been. The illegality of that does not change (again, these rules extend the rights), and though the draft could have been better written the spirit is intended to stop manufacturers from making products that automatically remove the ads from shows. b.) "Cross marketing/product placement." According to the text of the bill, it is uncertain what happens to scenes that have a "placed product" (James Bond driving around in a Mercedes, for example). Are such scenes non-editable under the "commercial advertisements" wording? By spirit, no, but by letter... And now taping in a movie theater Actually, depending on the value of the apples and your prior record you could get charged with a misdimeanor petty larceny charge or a felony grand theft charge (Yeah, I know, Grand Theft: Apple would make for a fun game ). This is an extension to existing rules about making illegal recordings of live performances (Section 2319A). Further, the penalty is no more than 3 years on first offense (Sec. 2319A, is 5 years). And your cutesy example leads to problems not with the creation of the laws but the prosecution. Vehicular manslaughter is at the very least a Cladss D felony, punishable up to 7 years. 1st degree V.M. is considered by some states a Class B felony, punishable up to 25 years. So guess what: if Leonard Little is caught taping a movie in the theater, he'd probably get off with a slap on the wrist as well. Yes, there's a point where there's an implied "intent to sell" which is what makes it a felony, but there's also a provision, like in 2319A, that allows you to get permission from the copyright holder beforehand. Then you are doing something perfectly legal. I'm deciphering the "sharing" stuff right now, but in short it does look poorly written, as the term "copies" is never clearly indicated. I've provided enough to read here. I was with you, Fez, when I first read the rhetoric, but reading the Bill I don't see where a person who has been doing no wrong has anything to worry about.
  8. Maybe it's the dealer tray lock? (Prevents DVD from being ejected when running in "demo" mode at retailers). Doesn't seem like it would hurt to try the codes listed here: http://www.regionfreedvd.net/player/tevion.html
  9. As the man says, "love the one you're with."
  10. for other young QBs. It effectively says "yes, he's playing smart football, but he has a team around him who allows him the opportunity to play smart football." Clark Judge, from CBSSportsline.com.
  11. Yeah, I noticed that! My guess is Spikes.
  12. So, in other words, ICE, when Ralph dies you want him to be buried next to John Butler so you can dance (and spit) on both their graves at the same time....gotcha...
  13. All your stadium seat are belong to real fans.
  14. Here's a tutorial I found using GG's tool: http://www.faqs.org/docs/htmltut/images/im...amsupp_220.html At least I think that's what you are looking for, right? If you want more info/detail on how to do it, PM me.
  15. That is a downside to any "manufactured" computer (Dell, IBM, HP/Compaq, etc) , and an upside to home-built PC's. Upgradability, though not as big an issue any more with manufactured computers, can be an issue with them as well. You always have to look up compatibility to make sure that whatever you want to buy to add to the systems (sound cards, video cards, etc) will actually work.
  16. Well, it sounds like changing the transmission will only patch a "symptom." Based on many of the other symptoms you describe, it sounds like your problem could very well be the car's computer. I have a feeling that if you replace the transmission without actually fixing the problem, you will end up having to replace the transmission again within a year.
  17. Vikings: 10-6, won the division, lost in the Wild card round to the Bears Chargers: 11-5, won the division, played in the Super Bowl vs. SF Colts: 8-8, 3rd in East (would have tied for first if they could have swept the Pats) Jets: 6-10, last in East Bills: 7-9, 4th in East Bears, 9-7, 2nd in division, beat Minn, then lost to Super Bowl champs SF in Divisional Playoff So that's 3 playoff teams, including the Super Bowl losers...plus the rest of the East... And the Patriots lost in the playoffs to the Cleveland Browns...I'll give you 3 guesses as to who the coach of the Browns was... 1994 standings
  18. I believe you need to have a license to dispense such medication, and ours was revoked Sunday night. The only bragging rights we have are head-to-head with you...so far, which yeah, of course it feels good, but would have felt better if you had a few more wins. If you are masochistic and seeking out "punishment," head over to the Pats board. If you're looking for someone to drown your sorrows with, hang here. At least until the week of the 5th Heck you're even welcome then....to talk "reverse smack."
  19. Don't know if you watched Babylon 5 at all, but that was Mira Furlan who played Delenn.
  20. Exactly. He needed that "first hit" on the leg to prove it was better. And the only place you are going to get that is in a game, since they are not supposed to touch the QB in practice (And of course in Sunday night's game MM could pretty much guarantee that JP was going to get hit ). I think the "schocker" element of it was to not give him too much time to think about his leg before going in... I pretty much said as much, though not quite so eloquently, in another thread.
  21. Did you buy "everything," or did you harvest parts/software (including OS) from a previous box? Some people don't have generic copies of Windoze lying around. Just curious. My last was a custom build, and it was only because of re-use that it turned out as cheap as it was.... Good consumer board question. This thread over there should provide some sites that will help with at least the cost parts of the equation.
  22. I remember when he and Ozzy seemed to have a running battle about who could get the youngest "hot phenom guitarist...."
  23. Naw, I just put on random channels and record random things at night when I go to bed.... B)
  24. The only problem is that I represent about 50% of the people in my zip code.
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