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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Hey, aussie, aren't you supposed to be on a flight to Florida? (wanted to make sure somebody asked that in this thread, as somebody has in every other thread you've posted in today....)
  2. At issue is not whether anyone has knowingly acted unethically or illegally, it is: 1.) whether downloading and/or making unlicensed copies of movies/songs/software is illegal and enforceable. I think we finally all agree that this issue is settled, that the acts are illegal, but the chances of enforcement will vary based on the ways in which you will partake in these activities (much like "speeding" isn't usually enforced unless you are more than 10-15 MPH over the limit or are doing something else illegal/questionable). 2.) What we teach our children about performing illegal/immoral acts. Parents will always be caught in dilemnas where they may appear hypocritical (giving your son a talk about how drinking is bad while you're drunk), but it's about helping your kid learn how to figure out what the "right thing to do" is, regardless of whether you've been guilty of the thing in the past. Fez's story is a good example. Do we know for certain that his father never stole a thing in his life? No, but that didn't stop the Dad from trying to teach his son a lesson about stealing. In helping your kid with illegal downloads, what message do you think that sends him, Tracy?
  3. Are you absolutely sure that Lombardi said the exact quote that's in your signature? Wouldn't want you spreading false information....
  4. They didn't tell you it's okay, because you didn't get caught? After they reacted that way, how did you feel about stealing?
  5. I heard that they just sat and chatted on a sports-related message board for two years, and then when the deadline came up they went out to Staples and bought a $0.25 Bic.
  6. on your very own TBD Blog There are some people using blogging software for cool stuff, not just "I made toast today. It came out kinda dry. I'll try turning the toaster down tomorrow" type stuff. Dave Barry's blog, for example, features unusual/funny stuff, with his usual running gags. http://weblog.herald.com/column/davebarry/ Then there are blogs different categories of things, like engadget and gizmodo for things techie... So, yes, web log is more appropriate...
  7. "...and son, if you ever find yourself in the middle of a major riot, loot like the dickens! The cops will be too busy with the rioters, and so you'll never get caught."
  8. Again look at the data. CD singles dropped significantly in 2000. If you really want to talk units, use the Unit sales figures. The other charts show demo break-downs better, but this chart shows the actual units shipped. The ten year data show that units shipped in 2002 were ~23% less than 1994, and while $ revenue figures are above 1994, the sales of CD's relative to cassettes should show a much higher figure (look at the climb in revenue from 1998-2000, even as overall sales were stalling).
  9. I really like the Viansa wines. Not really available in stores though, so it has to be shipped (extra $$). Bought a bunch for Christmas. http://www.viansa.com/
  10. Look again. Napster came on-line in '99, behind other file sharing sites. Look specifically at what happens to the young demo's (15-19 and 19-24) in that time-frame. First the college age kids start dropping, then the younger ones. The sales of singles bottom out in 2000.
  11. I'm still trying to figure out why he names all the girls in his signature Pat Tillman: "To all the Brooklyn girls...To the stewardesses flying around the world...Thanks Pat Tillman!"
  12. Well, all that pro-sharing/anti-capitalist stuff you were spewing in the Kazaa thread tipped most of us off.... Man, the "look at me" threads have been exceeded by the "look at him" threads....
  14. If you had a color printer you could just download one and print it.... oops, wrong thread!
  15. Kind of like a "guy" Just a term of endearment that Aussies have for the Brits.
  16. Don't listen to him. He's just starting a crusade to get this thread moved to PPP.
  17. You held out longer than most. The former "prime demographic," the ones who would buy based on one song, was the 15-24 range. Of course that demographic has changed its buying habits as well in the past few years....
  18. He'll be fine...until he goes to college...
  19. ..to make room for someone with quicker feet at right tackle, like Willis...duh!
  20. All sorts of info on RIAA.com, including unit sales http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/facts.asp#unit and purchasing trends http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/purchasing.asp An interesting thing to look at is this consumer chart: http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/pdf...umerprofile.pdf If you go down to the age demographics, notice how the numbers tank for the 15-19 group starting in 1999. I'll give you three guesses as to when Napster first went online. If you look at the raw sales numbers: http://www.riaa.com/news/newsletter/pdf/2003yearEnd.pdf you will see that sales growth slowed significantly between 1999 and 2000, and then started to decline. The 2004 mid-year numbers look like they are improving, and the unit sales outpacing the $$ would indicate to me that the "end" to price fixing is evident, combined with the pricing of CD's relative to the established "market" price of downloaded songs. I would say too that the number of sales increasing could potentially be related to the lessened availability of illegal download markets (and yes, fear tactics with lawsuits to back them up...).
  21. A buddy of mine was taking his test. They were on a narrow (but two-way) street that ran behind a row of shops, and a delivery truck was parked behind one of the shops, eating up most of the lane. My buddy went over the solid line to get past the parked truck, and was failed for it. In my test, I might have hit the curb on the parallel park, if there didn't happen to be a driveway where I backed up... As far as Jack's driver's ed experience, sounds like it would be enough to make a mierable prick out of someone...
  22. I liked the First Night when it was downtown, haven't been since they moved. But I'm one who will take entertainment over drunken revelry. If you're looking for the latter, steer clear of First Night. The downtown fireworks were really cool too. Shot them off the top of the NiMo building...do they still do that?
  23. Only if he insists to his kids that not stopping is perfectly legal because the roads in Alaska are always so %*^&ing icy. And besides, the guy in front of us didn't stop in front of the line, and he didn't get a ticket, so it's perfectly legal...
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