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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. So you're saying that Gates is illegally downloading movies and gets away with it only because he doesn't publicly talk about it?
  2. People were complaining about Prime Time not spending enough time on the Bills game but then I hear they showed the Williams TD....that's good for 45 seconds, isn't it?
  3. Coughlin will have the last laugh when Eli leads them to Super Bowl victory next year because he got the playing time this year.
  4. Yeah, it certainly stretches the concept of "fair use." I thought their EULA also said that you have to be Bill Gates' towel boy... And as far as businesses acting unethically, I believe it has been proven that ethics play no role in Microsoft's business practices. In fact, I dare say that even the law only has a limited, advisory role in Microsoft's business practices...
  5. To race you down Main St.
  6. You missed 2000: Sat on the bench. Saw PT in one game and went 1/3.
  7. Last I checked, Kelly didn't win any Super Bowls either...
  8. Yeah, and Brad Johnson couldn't do it with Minn or Washington.... ...and Trent Dilfer couldn't do it with Tampa Bay....
  9. Here is someone who believe that "never saying a player's name is equivalent to never talking about him." Bzzzt, wrong.
  10. I thought it was spelled "Timmah"
  11. And the only reason he votes option 1 is because there isn't an option 3: "6-10 Bills lose next week, and with the season over start Losman for the rest of the season."
  12. Well I know the show enough that his name is spelled "Rudolph," not "Rudolf"
  13. Well, it gave me time to "unjinx" the Bills...almost... I said in the "worried about the game" thread that the Bills usually lose when we have company over, which we had been planning for since before the season. I went the extra step of wearing Bills gear, which usually is a big jinx. I used that TV timeout to switch out of my Bills gear. Missed the TD "live" (heard everyone go nuts downstairs though...). I'm just glad I didn't have to go the extra step of kicking everyone out! You're all welcome.
  14. Yeah, but there's no chance to beat the red flag with a TV timeout in the way. I figure, where they were at, the red flag probably came out before the ref finished signalling touchback (depending on the proficiency of the guy responsible for pulling the flag out of the coach's pocket... ), but it's nice to blame the damn greedy networks, especially since they had opportunity to put up about twice the number of ads that a normal game would have....
  15. I was surprised at Peters, though I didn't see the breakdown of who was active... When Jennings went down and they showed Williams on the bench, they were saying "they have no tackles left" and I was screaming "what about Peters?" I guess the bobbleheads were actually right....there were no tackles after Price....
  16. Actually it might still have been 7 if not for the $^*(%&^#ing TV timeout. The Bills might have been able to rush the O onto the field and run a play before the challenge came out....Oh, sure, we would have "gotten away with one" (he was clearly OB), but that's how the game goes....
  17. Yeah, I know, it's a 2-9 team, so they have to suck at every phase of the game, and the only teams that suck more are the teams that they beat (after all, they lost to a 2-9 team). What's weird is that the game went completely against expectations. Based on team stats, here's how the matchups looked: Bills O vs. Miami Passing D: Advantage Dolphins (Bills won the battle) Bills O vs. Miami Running D: Advantage Bills (Miami "won" the battle) Bills D vs. Miami Passing O: Advantage Bills (Mixed - torched for 1Q, then 5 INTs) Bills D vs. Miami Running O: Advantage Bills (Mixed - almost allowed Travis Minor 100, after only allowing 1 100 yard rusher all season). Special Teams, Bills Kicking: Advantage Bills (Mixed - Miami had some good returns) Special Teams, Bills receiving: Advantage Bills (Bills won thanks to the TD, but outside of that...).
  18. And also by inference the "pocket" he got was "inescapable." He was pretty much surrounded all year, and he couldn't even "back out" of the pocket to get outside to avoid the sack/throw the ball away. Much different (better) O Line this year....
  19. No it is not. Up until this weekend, the Miami Defense had 11 passing TD's thrown against them. That's an average of 1/game. They were the #1 passing defense.
  20. If Len Passthepotatoes is to be believed. "Heard in the Pressbox" Sidebar to his morning after column.... He also dedicates a paragraph to the Bledsoe/Losman situation, pretty much with the arguments to both sides that have been bandied about here since draft day....
  21. Well, now that it appears that the Bills have caused you to unquit!
  22. We passed the deadline for being able to do that a couple of weeks ago.
  23. And who is that Dolphin's QB? Jay Feeley? I guess he's subbing in for the injured A. J. Fiedler?
  24. Read Sullivan's column: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20041206/3031983.asp I give him credit for "not excusing good performance" like some people here have continued to do (and I'm sure Wys will...), and actually saying exactly what you are saying....of course, after this column, a certain someone here will be faced with the dilemna of being a hypocrite because either: a.) He's going to have to call Sullivan, who "consistently sees the reality of the situation" (by his words), an "idiot who lives in fantasy land," or b.) Side with Sullivan....
  25. Yeah, sorry, I called Mark by his old nick...him posting about smoking one in celebration today threw me!
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