Fair enough, I see your side, and I don't consider it lightly myself.
I have two daughters myself, much younger than yours and I don't look forward to when they reach your daughter's age. Would I be afraid for them if Travis Henry moved next door? Not based on what was published about the incident he was involved in. Read this story for a refresher on what happened. She admitted to lying to him which says to me that he actually bothered asking. He made the mistake of taking someone for their word. That, to me, is far different than "Well, gee, officer, she looked 18 to me!" and at the other end of the scale from "want some candy little girl?" Criminal behavior implies intent, and I see nothing in what was published about the event that even remotely implies an intent by Travis to break the law.
and the same as well to you and yours. Kumbaya and all that stuff.