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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. ...and you can always go to Niagara, Genesee, or Chautaqua counties (depending on what's closest) to save 1%....part of the reason I live mid-way between the Buff and Rachacha....
  2. Fla may be the place...I hear that the NFL is considering putting a pro football team in Miami....
  3. Well, in many places that is a requirement. The real issues begin with "mowing the lawn naked."
  4. I thought they were all Bledsoe's fault....?
  5. You're making the assumption that those living in Paradise would want you as a neighbor...
  6. Thought so...so I imagine his test might have started with him thinking: "Name: Jason Dicks... no.... Johnsons....no.... Peters, that's it. Man, these questions are tough...."
  7. Are you sure that wasn't his Wonderlic score? (IIRC, his was pretty low...).
  8. Fair enough, I see your side, and I don't consider it lightly myself. I have two daughters myself, much younger than yours and I don't look forward to when they reach your daughter's age. Would I be afraid for them if Travis Henry moved next door? Not based on what was published about the incident he was involved in. Read this story for a refresher on what happened. She admitted to lying to him which says to me that he actually bothered asking. He made the mistake of taking someone for their word. That, to me, is far different than "Well, gee, officer, she looked 18 to me!" and at the other end of the scale from "want some candy little girl?" Criminal behavior implies intent, and I see nothing in what was published about the event that even remotely implies an intent by Travis to break the law. and the same as well to you and yours. Kumbaya and all that stuff.
  9. Get him and P-Diddy in the 2 TE set out on fly patterns!
  10. I noticed that. It certainly looked in better shape than the Grinch DVD I paid for.
  11. 1.) Show me where rkFast "insulted" ICE's family. He stated a fact about something that ICE was bragging about on this very message board, that he and his wife had separated. Though, IIRC, ICE has since reconciled, but that's not the point. 2.) There is no doubt that what Travis did was wrong, and I do not condone sex with 15 year olds. But even in the stories about the incident there was no doubt that the girl lied to Travis about her age and told him she was 18. But your comments (something along the lines of parents feeling safer if Travis left) imply that he actively sought out sex with a 15 year old, like he was a dirty old man loitering around the high school with a bag of candy, and that it's an activity he currently engages in. 3.) I wish nothing but the best for you and yours as well. But I'm not going to imply that you're a loser if you are not the top paid person in your field.
  12. Oh and referring to our current second string running back as Travis Gump and implying that he's a pedophiliac sexual predator is AOK?
  13. Coach Wyche too...
  14. Yeah, they would have. But you and I know better. We know it's spelled Moorman.
  15. The dog isn't shooting up...it's fetching poorman's syringe. Good doggy!
  16. "So you think it's a good idea to download the essay from essays-r-us.com because all your friends told you to? You'll never get ahead that way! After all, if your friends are suggesting that site it's probably the site that they use and you don't want to turn in the same essay as someone else in your class, do you? Let mommy help you find another homework site that will have different essays. "
  17. Would that make her an AILF?
  18. Oh, boy, encouraging words from a troll. We'll get you converted yet! I'm not worried about Cincy, I'm worried about Cleveland. We are 1-0 on the rest of the season....
  19. [....cue bad funky jazz music here....]
  20. Between LCoS finally hitting the market and SED technology oncoming, that's not a bad idea, if you can wait...
  21. I thought Gilbride and Bledsoe would be a "match made in Heaven."
  22. or maybe he had to go set himself up for another one...
  23. I thought you were just saying all the TE's sucked? Too bad for Campbell, though.
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