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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. If the Bills score first, and maintain the lead, they don't have to overcome a deficit.
  2. Short answer: not true. Cincinnati game. They were down three at the half. Took the lead. Bengals went up by three in the 4th, Bills tied it then won in OT. Jets @Bills - Jets scored first. Bills took lead, never looked back. Titans/Bills - Titans went up 6, Bills scored 10 unanswered points.
  3. You think KC can do it without Priest? My upset special is Chicago over Jacksonville. Tall order, but I got a feeling, and it would help.
  4. Yeah, don't they over-inflate the kickoff balls?
  5. I concur PTR, J. Michael Straczynski did a great job with B5. He really tried to create something that didn't stretch reality too far. I remember that he wanted to make space "noiseless" like in real life, but the powers that be insisted he make things go "boom." The cast was good too, especially Katsulas and Jurasik.
  6. That's what the weather guy in Toledo was doing. Counted them as they "showed up." "1...2...3...4...5...Happpppy Thaaaaaanksgiving from W......"
  7. When Miami kept scoring, I said: "They are getting all their scoring in now, as they no they won't get anything in the second half beyond the usual token 4th Q TD."
  8. Had an 11:30-12:30 show up on my calendar @ 5:00 today... Maybe it will end early...
  9. and I would rather he go than Clements... We'll see...
  10. And he at least admitted that part of the problem was the play-calling...rare that you get that.
  11. I got an idea of the Buckeye State's idea of "the media" this summer when I vacationed at Kelley's Island (right around the time of the "outbreak" at Put-in-Bay). Got to see the Toledo newscasts. My gosh what a group. Damn weather guy spends half the forecast braggin' on his "Triple X Doppler 2000 3-D with karate chop action." 'Here you can see the view of the storm from the NNE, and if I click here, you can see the storm from the SSE." Interesting channel-surfing to see what the "top story" was on the three stations...
  12. "You call that a lap dance?!"
  13. We figured you'd be good for something someday Thanks, Mike.
  14. Can't wait 'til I can spend a whole (long) day watching all three! (he says, re-arranging the pens in his pocket protector...) Of course it will never really happen with the kids and all, maybe an all-nighter....
  15. Yeah, I always considered LAMP a post that stands as nothing more than a desperate plea for attention.
  16. Cost you $.02 though ($87.95 after NY/Erie County Taxes...whoops, wrong thread!)
  17. Pictures? Link?
  18. You just did it. Look At Me Post
  19. Does Wyche have the "additional" voice necessary to move from assistant to Coordinator....?
  20. Next you're going to tell us that one of them doesn't play hockey.
  21. Sorry, at Aussiew's request we have taken on the "proper" spelling of words. Pretty colourful language you use there.
  22. I'm going to go get in line for tickets as soon as I re-tape my glasses.
  23. Yes, 1/3 of JP's throws are interceptions. The good news is that somebody has caught every pass he has thrown!
  24. You stalking me? Yeah, I'm 1/4 mile off 63, what of it? And WRT trucks, that is somewhat of a downside. Got a curve in 63 near the house...occasionally a truck will have to put on its clampers and we'll hear it. Truck traffic should decrease with the new Canadian Pacific railway arrangment.
  25. My 2400 sq. ft. 4 bedroom with 9.5 acres was under $100K too...but I'm out in nowhereville...
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