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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Has to do with a guy who was banned because he kept c-r-a-s-h-ing the board. Jay Rubeo knows him. Ask him sometime.
  2. Maybe Fletcher can get a commercial like Takeo and Levy did.
  3. If you're talking Attica/Alexander it would be Jill's family... cool, though.
  4. But was she blind?
  5. A degree above mth, duh!
  6. and the versions of the arcade games for the 2600 were, for the most part, atrocious. Before that we had a TelStar system with 4 "Pong type" games plus the gun for skeet shooting.
  7. Hopefully you don't both get your wish... As long as there's the slightest chance that strength of victory could possibly work into the math, I'll take the larger victory....of course the first step in that is actually winning!
  8. Show me where we got close enough for said kicker. Yes, Lindell missed the 42 yarder that would have potentially resulted in overtime in game 1, but that was the only time I can think of that we were actually in a < 50 yard FG try situation in those games...
  9. Do you mean the 53 yarder we tried in Seattle? Plenty of leg but went wide left. Fortunately we drew a "leaping" penalty on the play which resulted in a first down...
  10. Maybe he's enjoying broadcasting too much. He did color for the SF/Ari game this last weekend...
  11. I dare you to say that to Sean Connery's face.
  12. Yeah. Damn kid wouldn't get out of the way while I was trying to take the picture!
  13. Greatest gift? Easy...though it was a little early...12/20/99 to be precise: http://www.hipshakinblues.com/~dan/100_2828.JPG
  14. "Aaron Schobel called for the holding penalty on Bills defensive lineman Matt Schobel."
  15. Well, the movie is based on one of the potential "true" King Arthurs, one of the man considered as the source of the myth. This is supposed to be pseudo-historical (based on actual events), as opposed to complete fantasy (based on "legends"). Having said that, I haven't seen the movie, so I can't provide actual review input, but hopefully the context helps...
  16. ...and after the spanking.... Spielberg received his in 2000, and, of course, as an American it's only honorary. Other "recent recipients," including former President Bush, are listed there... http://archives.cnn.com/2000/SHOWBIZ/Movies/12/29/spielberg/
  17. Just some guy with a web site. He could really be a star if he could play with some confidence... http://www.terrellowens.com/intro.html
  18. Now that you jogged my memory, I remember him being guided off after a return. It had looked to me at the time like he had landed on the football and had the wind knocked out of him, but could very well have been shoulder. Thanks.
  19. True. I heard it on WGR this morning as being "questionable," so I was a bit relieved to see him as probable. I just hope this game doesn't come down to a last second FG try. I can't imagine synchronization happening too well with a guy who was on the street until yesterday... Anyone know anything about the Bengals' backup center? The thought of a backup being in makes me think that Sam and Pat will be causing trouble...
  20. I don't remember him suffering a shoulder injury in the game...anyone hear anything on this? Special teams would really be taking a hit if Dorenbos and Clements were out....
  21. They've already determined that Henson isn't the answer in Dallas? They are not going with Volek at Tenn.?
  22. Hey, if they can produce "highlight" tapes of the 2001 season and make it look like we won the Super Bowl, they better darn well be able to produce a decent video from this season.... But already...does that mean there are no further highlights to be had???
  23. I hear ya, Mock. I was usually picked last, just after the blind one-legged epileptic. I ended up a distance runner.
  24. I thought it was the FireFox mods at first, but then I looked at the query times and they are significantly faster! Sweet! Thanks, Scott! B) B) B)
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