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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. He's been on my ignore list for a while, but it does me no good when 20 people quote him.
  2. By any chance did you also happen to have an exchange about the difference between turf and grass?
  3. He wasn't by any chance wearing a Pacers hat was he? Thanks for the reports, Rock and Lori!
  4. 867-5309. Ask for Jenny.
  5. No, no, Matt Bowen went to Iowa.
  6. Speaking of which, anybody hear anything about the QB battle going on at camp? I hear one guy is throwing every ball into the ground and the other has yet to throw a ball past the line of scrimmage...I've heard the third guy hasn't had a single bad throw in practice for almost a week...is he our guy?
  7. IIRC, last year there was still a way you could legally grab someone by the collar of his jersey and pull him down (I think it was okay if you didn't land on them, or somesuch...I thought I remembered Willis or someone getting tackled such and getting the explanation that the technique was still legal). I think the rule change prohibits players from being pulled down by their collar altogether.... There's a line there, but I think its pretty visible. What you'll probably see is a longer time before the "down by contact" whistle is blown. It's not like everyone stops immediately when the whistle is blown these days, especially when it's a gang tackle situation...
  8. Ask John from Hemet. He seems to know. Don't ask him to spell it though... BTW, your teeth look nice. Donte tell me, you've been using a whitner, haven't you?
  9. Please, Donte, don't make John from Hemet create another thread in your honor! Spare us the "Daily Donte Watch" and sign!
  10. That's not a nice way to refer to UConn James! HFB to all!
  11. I would tend to guess that, since they only have home throwbacks, he means the home opener...not that we haven't worn the blue on the road, but usually that's in response to a warm weather city choosing to wear white early in the season. So, if you're planning this far in advance, again I'd think he meant home opener.
  12. I'm not so sure... Thanks for reminding me of it...
  13. Practice tomorrow (Wednesday, 8/2) has been moved to 10:15 in the morning for those who don't know...
  14. I'm sure Ed will be... oh, you meant cards...
  15. Wease does his show from camp every year for the full duration. Gets players herded in to be interviewed. Said interviews tend to be a little atypical...not a lot about football, more about the players...
  16. Isn't "sending messages" how we ended up with a QB injured for half a season two years ago?
  17. And so you know for a fact that it's solely Whitner, and not Overdorf/Levy/Wilson/Agent (whose name I'm too lazy to look up, even if it is given in this thread).... Why don't you go back to blaming Levy for picking Whitner in the first place? That's more your MO...After all, how can Whitner be the one screwing the team when he's a player we didn't need in the first place?
  18. Been reported? By whom? Whitner? His agent? Or the Bills? I guess it's just amazing that you'd turn your cynicism in a direction other than towards the Buffalo Bills organization. Surprising and shocking to see you side with the Bills on something....
  19. For me it's not as much about taking sides as much as not automatically assuming that it's solely the player (or agent or team) in these situations. Not knowing anything more than the fact that the player is un-signed, only speculation from the media about length of contract being at issue, it's impossible to point fingers at anyone. Yes, if he wanted to, Donte could say "Agent, you're fired. I want to play football Mr. Overdorf. Please send me a contract with whatever value and whatever length and I will sign it." Would you, in that scenario? You see, I don't know the exact scenario, so I won't rush to judgement. If Donte holds a presser and says "hey, the Bills can't meet my needs, I'm staying home," then I'm right beside you Joe. But until then, I will not cast aspersions at anyone involved without knowing the situation....All I was doing was offering speculation that there were situations where he is not solely to blame...
  20. Like I said, he's complicit in staying with the agent. But there are three players in this deal and Whitner is only one of them. To say that he's "sitting out like a spoiled child" implies that Joe either knows something we don't or is jumping to conclusions that Whitner is solely responsible for not being at camp, that Whitner doesn't want to go anywhere near the team until the Bills meet "his terms." I'm just saying there are other possibilities....yeah, I went a little overboard in response, but I'm tired of this garbage...
  21. Yup, you know the situation Joe. You know that he's staying away from camp and it's not the Bills telling him he can't be anywhere near camp until he's under contract. You know that he doesn't want to play, and that he's patiently waiting for the Bills to come up with his terms. The hold up is all his doing and not his agent's...Not saying he isn't complicit in sticking with the agent, but don't you think there's a possibility that this kid just wants to play football, and he happened to pick the wrong agent, and now isn't the time to try to change...? I mean, I don't seem him out there holding Reggie Bush-esque pressers gloating about the possibility of holding out...do you?
  22. Or a century, depending on when it starts...
  23. Let me guess, without even reading: Hasek was quoted as saying "I will be a Red Wing forever!"
  24. Here I thought it was motion sickness from riding in that raggedy Vette...
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