For me it's not as much about taking sides as much as not automatically assuming that it's solely the player (or agent or team) in these situations. Not knowing anything more than the fact that the player is un-signed, only speculation from the media about length of contract being at issue, it's impossible to point fingers at anyone. Yes, if he wanted to, Donte could say "Agent, you're fired. I want to play football Mr. Overdorf. Please send me a contract with whatever value and whatever length and I will sign it." Would you, in that scenario?
You see, I don't know the exact scenario, so I won't rush to judgement. If Donte holds a presser and says "hey, the Bills can't meet my needs, I'm staying home," then I'm right beside you Joe. But until then, I will not cast aspersions at anyone involved without knowing the situation....All I was doing was offering speculation that there were situations where he is not solely to blame...