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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Because Buffalo is a Bush league City.
  2. Umm, it is being shown, just not in the local market. Local stations get first broadcast rights, which means the NFL network can't show it in Buffalo before tonight at 8:00. True of every home city, though I don't know if all make the effort to broadcast tape-delays of the home games during the pre-season...Buffalo is in fact non Bush League because they actually bother to. Not everyone gets NFL Network, in fact, with the buyout of Adelphia, most won't, but anyone in the area can get channel 7. That they are using up prime-time to do the rebroadcast is a testament to the area, if you think about it...But I'm guessing that thinking isn't among your strengths...
  3. Cancer a couple of months ago. So, Pooj, did he happen to "correctly guess" the details of the case that weren't made public? Or were those details fed to him by someone else?
  4. Funny you mention the Waste Management logo. There was a time where I'd see the WM and think Willis McGahee. I think it was the combo of the initials and the almost-kinda-MiamiUish (for someone who doesn't follow college football) colors....
  5. I didn't show up either. Sorry...too late a notice...too busy a day...
  6. Just memorize this line: Oui, je peux creuser un fossé
  7. If it was injury, why would it advantage Anderson to work with the 2nd team (as reported), instead of just sitting out or continuing work with the 1st team? If anything, you're facing guys that are more "desperate" to try to move up to 1st string, so it is potentially more dangerous. Football is football, whether you're playing against the 1st, 2nd or 3rd string, so it seems if you're injured you either play or don't play, you don't drop to 2nd string to 'rest an injury.'
  8. What's Fowler doing playing chess when he should be focusing on football 24/7? [/ROSCOE]
  9. You're making a pretty large assumption that there's logic to follow...
  10. See, that's the problem with kids these days: 1.) They pose a problem: 2.) Someone proposes a solution: Me: You could dig the ditch 3.) They whine about said solution:
  11. Wasn't meazza just saying he was looking for a job?
  12. Without even considering the level of Moulds' play of late, consider a.) Moulds was definitely leaving the team, and b.) all the pundits said that, because of the above knowledge, no team would be stupid enough to trade for him but rather wait for his release... I'd say it's a fair swap...
  13. Denney was taking snaps with the 1st team today too.
  14. How disappointing. I was figuring from your description that it was video that this snapshot came from.
  15. Who? Mike Williams?
  16. Yup, that's the only place in New York State where taxes went up in the past few years...
  17. HFB!
  18. I dunno, based on the description, they probably ought to test that slugger.
  19. Have anything to do with his planned post-football career?
  20. I don't think he gives any indication that the article is anything but an editorial, and I have yet to see an editorial that isn't slanted...isn't that kind of the point?
  21. Well, according to WGR's intrepid reporter-on-the-scene, the offense keeps getting worse as camp goes on and you may as well either look for another team to root for or something else to do on Sundays, because he can tell before they've even taken a snap against another team that the Bills won't score a point the whole season...
  22. Have fun!
  23. More like speed problems. It's a Flash program, and I would guess a pretty big one at that...it won't run until it's loaded.
  24. Exactly. Pitching to the best hitter likely robs Romney of his chance at being the hero... Seriously though, part of it is on the Red Sox coach in putting together that batting order, creating the "no win" for the Yankees' coach. Yes, I know, there are no guarantees as to how the lineup will turn out, it was partially coincidental that the slugger was up being the winning run with two outs in the bottom of the ninth. BUT, in an "everyone bats" league, somehow the slugger and Romney were still up in that position...[edit: was apparently typing this while Ken was putting his .02 in] Further, let's say they do pitch to the slugger. Anything less than a home run puts Romney at the plate. So then what...? Do you pitch to strike Romney out? Go "easy?" The Sox coach created a bunch of opportunities to be able to "cry foul." As far as the age goes, if they are at the level where they actually have playoffs and a championship, if they are rescinding "courtesy rules" for the playoffs (like the 4 run per inning limit that was lifted for the championships), then they are at a level when they are playing to win. If it's a completely "for fun" league, you don't do playoffs. As Darin said, they treated Romney like a regular player... Just some devil's advocacy to munch on...
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