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Everything posted by Dante

  1. It's funny because they must think of themselves as so rebellious against the state but are still controlled enough to wear the useless clown masks. Dumb asses.
  2. My dad said to me when I was a kid. It didn't really mean much to me then. It seems more relevant today than ever. "Believe nothing of what you read/hear and half of what you see". I actually think it's a little worse than that now. I think I believe nothing of what I hear and maybe 1/4 of what I see.
  3. I don't think so. He's good with the protest not the damage. But I get you. He does seem a little to lenient. I guess it's a fine line between protecting people and property and a police state. I go back and forth all the time.
  4. Be funny if this Floyd guy is still alive kickin back a bottle of scotch. Thinking of how he is going to hide the half million the CIA gave him offshore and watch his gofundme account grow and grow. Nice scam.
  5. Best live stream going. Anything is better than msm. This is real reporting on the ground live
  6. If you listened to the questions after the speech the reporters were grilling the girl on the legality of categorizing Antifa as a terrorist group. At the same time why he wasn't more concerned about the white supremacists instigating things. Another total fabrication like they always do.
  7. Reporters questions really promoting the white supremacist narrative . Just can't stop lying.
  8. Seems reasonable.
  9. Here's the cops destroying their own car? Seems kinda strange. Honest cop. Not promising anything he can't deliver. Protect yourself at this point.
  10. I think anyone who takes the MSM or any government agency(including the WHO, CDC etc) at face value is way behind the curve these days. Naive at best. Full blown statist at worst.
  11. Usually, even if a guy has had a heart attack and no pulse for minutes they try to bring him back. Right?
  12. I don't pretend to know what is going on with this. I can speculate on the end game but it's just speculation. It just doesn't look or smell right. It's not organic. Something certainly off. Is it as simple as being just another Soro's/Commie operation?? "
  13. Some weird stuff going on now. Cops destroying their own cars. Creating evidence. Mysteriously I can't find the link for this now The original video of Floyd. When the ambulance arrives there are no EMT's. It's a cop that comes out and throws him on the gurney. Also, there is no attempt to resuscitate. Also, the cop and Floyd worked security at the same bar with overlapping shifts so they most certainly had to know each other on some level. Another strange this is that the cop Chauvin neighbors had no idea he was a cop. They thought he was in real estate.
  14. That's one of the strange things about it. Too casual. The guys(cop and victim) worked together. 3 cops just standing around while the guy expires. Just as covid is winding down they need something else to distract us.I also think they need something like this for Biden to virtue signal on. Since I watch almost no MSM has he started to link this to Trump yet? Have they checked the killer cop's Facebook page? Maybe he's a MAGA hat wearer? What always make me skeptical of this racist cop crap is the real truth. That is more whites get killed by cops than blacks do. (check out copblock.org). Check out FBI stats for that not any left or right website. This being the case why is it only the incidents when a black dude gets killed does the msm and in turn, everyone else go crazy. The lie is that this only happens to blacks. That's what makes me think this is a planned event because they know what the narrative is and it's being exploited to create instability, chaos.
  15. Whole thing stinks to me. Even down to the video of the guy getting killed. Found out this morning that the cop that "killed" the guy and the victim knew each other. They both worked security at the same bar. Dude probably isn't even dead.
  16. Carlin nails it. What the hell happened? No one in this country is storming the beaches of Normandy thats for sure. Not when the flu re marketed backs you down
  17. Almost like these freaks knew this was coming. Just a coincidence, yeah sure. Last October? They couldn't put at least a year of separation to make it look a bit less obvious? They must have been in a hurry to shut shite down. Like all hoaxes a drill usually precedes it. Rinse and repeat the show goes on. Watch within the videos page, the "Discussion..." one where they discuss how to manage "misinformation". A not talked about subtext to this fake out is how the oligarchs are advancing censorship. A nice little bonus for them I would think. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
  18. More from Beetlejuice. If this doesn't say it all. "Pledge allegiance to the NWO" lol. Man you look at her and something is just off. Blackened, spaced apart eyes. Weird hair (she got cut illegally btw) and so on. The Cory Hart "I wear my facemask" song is pretty good as well. Spot on
  19. I bet any money the 77 patients they had were homeless. Alcohol poisoning, exposure, drug abuse, hit by a car etc. They had the sniffles so the liars labeled it covid because they have to justify docking that tub there somehow.
  20. Considering 88000 died of the flu (US) in 2017-18 flu season 878 seems like an improvement.
  21. I think I would slide Bobby Chandler after Moulds at #3
  22. Front line hero's lol! Look very stressed.
  23. I will have to admit, Musk acting more like a true American more than Trump. I'm disappointed in Donald playing along with this fakery. Not like it's just the Donald, pretty much every other elected hack playing their part in the movie. Pleasantly surprised by Musk though. Unexpected to say the least. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/tesla-elon-musk-factory-reopens-california-coronavirus-tweet
  24. I would love to take credit for it but I can't. I got it from a podcast I listen to.
  25. Since when do we take orders from Beetlejuice? And check out the muscle behind her lol. This is a sneak peek into the future with these low IQ hacks ruling us. What a scary pos she is. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NpkxSfFg4RAJ/
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