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Everything posted by Dante

  1. For her/them/Government it's easy. Just some sort of emergency, like a pandemic or unrest and everyone's legal rights go out the window. Easy peasy shortcut to communism.
  2. Paid agitators making it go international.
  3. Here you go https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/1/gun-sales-surge-80-may-research-firm/
  4. California https://www.westernjournal.com/california-man-drew-ar-15-advancing-mob-arrested-charged-assault/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2020-06-04&utm_campaign=manualpost&fbclid=IwAR2lCZP4OtR-q62r4vkU4OgzR8GIcPOTahgrtDIhSoHbM7KiCxpD4pQPz0A
  5. For home D it's better don't you think? Safer for the neighbors.
  6. I haven't bought ammo in a while. Is there a wait for that as well? I don't have a lot I really should get more
  7. One positive out all this bullshite. For all the hard work the left has done at gun grabbing, this has set it back 30 years. In fact, they are going to be more popular than ever. All the fake mass shooting. The constant fear tactics traumatizing young kids in elementary schools with active shooter drills. On and on, all for not. No one in their right mind would give up personal protection now.
  8. Our upside down world. The cities with all kinds of politicians, regulations, cops, camera' etc to keep us safe. Turns out you don't want to be anywhere near them. Nevada(or Arizona) desert here I come.
  9. Safest place in the country.
  10. BTW, any reports of a covid spike yet? Should be. There should be at least 30k dead or dying from all this close quarter rioting. My guess they are saving the resurgent spike for when this mess dies down. Hopefully they didn't put the surge tents in storage
  11. Think im gonna be sick
  12. I understood you. No offense taken. I'm kinda done honestly
  13. We are in Danville. On social media we are being targeted. Apparently we are all privileged white racists here. Who knew? Since the covaides we have seriously considering Ariziona /Nevada desert kinda move
  14. I moved my Smith & Wesson to under my bed. Shotgun from the attic to the closet. Both very much ready
  15. Wasn't Hillary, Nancy and MSNBC, CNN etc calling people that wanted to go to the beach and church domestic terrorists cause they might spread a fake virus? Seems kinda silly now doesn't it?
  16. So true lol https://babylonbee.com/news/churchgoers-avoid-arrest-by-disguising-themselves-as-rioters
  17. These people are pure evil. Create chaos, damage and death to maintain their power.
  18. The racism construct crumbles if FBI's own crime statistics are researched. More whites are die by cop every year than blacks. Not my numbers official FBI numbers. If that's the case how can the cops be racist? Especially considering that 14% of the population is responsible for 50% of the crime. That would be the African American demo. It's not racist. It's just facts.
  19. This perfectly illustrates why the racist construct of this entire thing is so disingenuous. This one weekend in Chicago represents far deeper and wide spread issues than a few random incompetent cops. Yet no one is marching based on this. Blacks killing blacks apparently perfectly acceptable and normal for sjw/antifa/blm crown.
  20. She looks like a alien. Or Beetlejuice
  21. Once the feds are on board with tyranny I think it will be much worse.
  22. Why? Because it's what commies do. And if the GOP becomes any more un-moored from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights it's pretty much over anyway. If the radical left gains power I won't have to worry about it because I'm out of here. Friends in New Zealand that's far enough away from all the a$$holes. This place will be a shite show hell on earth.
  23. These particular Bolsheviks believe in voting rights. Until the get power. Then. to protect the workers and the general good, they will take that away. The situation has already been inflamed. By said Bolsheviks. The line has been crossed from protesting to war. They are harming innocent citizens and private property. The Bolsheviks do not have the right to do that. No matter how principled they believe they are. I am weary of the police state as anyone but good citizens are dying at the hands of psychopaths.
  24. Have you hears about the random skids of bricks conveiniately placed around the country for rioters to access? Think Soros funded that?
  25. I don't think they are anarchists either. To me, an anarchist is more someone living off the grid. Like a homesteader. Someone refusing to be a tax donkey or interest payment slave to the banks. These mobs are a combo of useful idiot idealists and hard core modern day bolsheviks. This is rebellion powered by communism.
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