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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Something to consider. Perhaps the police report is blank because nothing actually happened. It's stage event to get uninformed, marxist stooges agitated. Obviously having at least some success. Wake up chief the world isn't close to the way you perceive it.
  2. Very good. Now the LIKE walls. lol
  3. Stupid games get stupid prizes. Can't say it was disturbing like the disclaimer warned me at the start of this gem. This may be better than the moron that set himself on fire last week.
  4. They like telegraphing
  5. Billions take a fake virus seriously so why not? A entire world full of dupes. That was awesome.
  6. All fake. All the time. Too funny. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-06-08-false-flag-obama-foundation-tweeted-george-floyd.html
  7. Loving beer can chicken these days just on the bbq with the little stand. Easy peasy. I have bad luck with brisket on the smoker. Always comes out chewy even when it's on there for 10 hours or so. The first time I smoked one I got the cut from a real (brentwoodfinemeats)butcher but for the life of me I can't remember the cut. I know he gave me two options but I can't remember. It turned out great. Anyway, I since have got the brisket from Costco and it just doesn't work for me. Makes me think it's not trimmed correctly or something to do with the cut. Tried a couple times. I wouldn't think that a top restaurant would be doing meatloaf. I mean, you really don't think of it as high end dining. Crazy. I really do like a good meatloaf though. Next day as a sandwich sounds pretty good as well. I think I would use a different cheese though ?
  8. Probably funded by BLM/Soro's to post various sites. At least I hope he/she/it is. Otherwise what a horrible waste of time and worse what a sad hateful mentality to wake up with every day.
  9. So can whites tear apart some cities to get justice for the Irish kid? I mean the racist thug that assaulted him is out on bail. Most likely this video will be scrubbed by morning. Youtube being the digital book burners that they are. https://voiceofeurope.Com/2020/06/ireland-boy-hospitalised-after-brutal-stabbing-video/
  10. I think the only thing that needs to be defunded is the government. It has to be painfully obvious that the current system is woefully inefficient and incompetent to handle situations. Whether it be fraudulent plandemics or domestic terrorists like we have experienced in 2020. Starting with the feds. Trim that shite down to a 3rd. WTF do they do except go to war with other countries that the average citizen couldnt give a shite about. When shite goes down here they can't protect anyone. Who needs em? I don't. There other function appears to be redistributing money that they steal off us in the form of taxes. The major upside for them is that they skim their commission of of the trillions they shuffle around to their constituents and their buddies. All organized crime. After that we can work on the state level. jmho
  11. Yeah. I'm also part of the NFLPA cause I watch the Bills on TV.
  12. Ok I know you guys don't pick up on this but here is another one. The guy who threatened to torch the diamond district in NYC. And we know who is big into the diamond business. He goes by the handle "Ace Burns" but read farther down the article and see what his given name is. It's a joke and yes, they continue to mock us. This guy isn't real. Or at least his threats aren't real. Once you can see through this shite it is kinda amusing. https://www.foxnews.com/us/ny-man-diamond-district-threats-charged
  13. If being in the KKK means you don't cvuk to terrorist organizations like Antifa and the BLM. If you don't accept what treasonous governors/ and mayors/MSM blurt out lies while virtue signalling. If I don't accept guilt for something that happened 250 years ago? I guess I could be of that mindset. However I don't have a membership card or pay dues or anything.
  14. It really does seem like they are mocking us. They put this stuff out there I'm sure for a laugh. Floyds elementary school teacher "Waynal Sexton" Really lol. Man this country is a clown show. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2020/06/09/375503/what-george-floyd-wrote-he-wanted-to-be-when-he-grew-up/
  15. Heck if I was with BLM my first target of protest would be Planned Parenthood. That place is a full on extermination camp
  16. No political leverage to be had here. Like all leftist organizations they are inverted. Black Lives Matter? Not so much. They could care a less about black on black crime.
  17. Wonder if BLM is doing anything to help in Chicago?
  18. Before you get on America's case too much look into a couple things. 1. Who sold out their own people to be slaves? In other words, who was the supplier? 2. Do a little research, worthless indoctrination at whatever University doesn't count. Look up how many slaves Brazil has had over the years. You may find that country might be a richer target for your commie subversion.
  19. Lebon is great. This is Australia. Aside from the nonsense of this protest, which is a fraud on it's own, is social distancing not a thing any more? Or did the sheep find another shiny new cause to push communism? What a clown show the world is now. Where is a real pandemic when you need it with all these dipshites clogging up the cities.
  20. More lies. Standard technique. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/supposed-sheriffs-deputy-that-went-viral-after-resigning-busted-as-a-likely-impostor/
  21. You mean scripted to speak. She was cast for this part. She actually attended a casting call.
  22. Well then it is seriously on.
  23. Lol what a clown show
  24. What makes the reverse racism against whites even worse is that it's sanctioned by the state in the form of quota's. No hiring on merit. Try getting a job as a fireman or government worker. Been to a airport in the last 30 years?
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