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Everything posted by Dante

  1. His questions seemed pretty logical to me. As far as the weirdo thing? It's a strange world where a guy who questions killing kids in the womb is considered the weirdo. That dumb a$$ chick I swear was ready to give that guy a bj he just had to ask. That's how sick they are.
  2. Virtue signalling a-holes get owned. Perfectly executed. The loser kneeling is funny as hell as her brain kinda shuts down
  3. If your all in on a abstract concept/conspiracy theory like the bolded, it's pointless.
  4. Still not wearing a mask. Still no anxiety (as far as health goes). My anxiety is what our very capable leader Gavin is going to do to us as the propaganda machine seems to be laying the foundation for the first Covid 19 sequel in the fall. "Covid-19: The Reckoning"
  5. "Learn" something from Netflix?? That's where I quit reading. Crickets lol. No leverage against the white male patriarchy to be had here. Might actually have to internalize to identify the real problem. No one to blame then.
  6. Defend public transit now!
  7. And we have more censorship from Google. When are these guys gonna get Anti-Trusted?? Anyway, no way Google can have any more real "woke" people around. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/google-bans-two-websites-its-ad-platform-over-protest-articles-n1231176
  8. LoL so dramatic.Why won't Lebron post more relevant pics of dead black bodies from last weekend in Phili or Miami or Atlanta(none of them killed by whitey btw). Instead he wants to live in the past? Like a hundred years ago? What a lying pos he is.
  9. These are the people that lead us. Make important decisions like shutting down the entire economy(except for their buddies like the banks, Google, Amazon etc) for the flu. Like letting entire cities burn to the ground while under attack by domestic terrorists. You know, mundane every day policy stuff like that. Yeah ...it's these guys
  10. I saw this last night. Commentary is what really makes it good! Even if this wasn't a lie. I would say it's about time guns in this country were used for what they were meant to be used for. Defend against enemies both foreign AND domestic
  11. My grandfather was Bulgarian. Back in the 40's he couldn't get a job at Stelco (Steel Company Of Canada) because he was a "bull hunk " eastern European scum. Those jobs were reserved for the Scots or the English. Bullshite?? Of course. I'm sure I could dilute myself into thinking that somehow I have been effected financially because of that prejudice and sue the Stelco. I wont' because it does no good to penalize the decedents for the past and rekindle hatred and resentment. Impose an injustice on innocent for the sins of the past??
  12. in my mind I'm already out of here. Just one more reason. I'll be damned if I let them loot me for even more money. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/502582-california-lawmakers-advance-reparations-bill
  13. I think the Bee or the Onion must be running a lot of the media. Some of these stories are funny if you look at the carefully. They are mocking and f'ing with us. Whomever it is they do have a sense of humor. "Ginny Fuchs(fvcks?)" cleared of passing doping substances during sex??? Awesome. There's lot's more of this stuff around https://people.com/sports/olympic-boxer-ginny-fuchs-cleared-testing-positive-banned-substances-passed-during-sex/
  14. 2020 makes it more obvious wouldn't you think? You actually believe all this shite is happening organically?
  15. One of our suppliers is printing 5000 or so Starbucks BLM tee shirts. I felt like asking him if he's comfortable printing for a terrorist/racist organization. BLM not Starbucks. Starbucks is just your usual left coast commie corporation.
  16. I believe this. Tear down Trump. Tear down property rights, free market. In general individual liberty must go and a new "Peoples Utopia" must rise like the Phoenix. Or something along those lines
  17. When Americans that protested the lock down peacefully the media and left wing government portrayed them as domestic terrorists. Super spreaders being being selfish attempting the crime of freedom! No violence. No criminal activity and a lot of them were armed. Now real terrorist groups like Antifa and BLM are "peaceful protesters" as they murder, burn and destroy.
  18. Damn there is a great reality show right there as well! Can we get Bravo on it??? Only if a couple of the bikers are gay lol.
  19. Totally predictable. Getting ready to lock us down again for the fall.
  20. Even though this is more or less a made for tv reality show already, I have a way to take it to the next level. Maybe pitch this for PPV I'm sure none of the controlled media would buy it. Blockade/Siege CHAZ. Figure out a way to get cameras in there. Air drop (like in Escape From New York) or drones. Cut off all services. Power, water, fuel and worst of all for these guys, wireless. Now sit back and watch the fun! How long before we get to watch terrorists resort to cannibalism? A week or maybe two? Not sure what the timeline is on something like that. Even before the inevitable people munching it would be fun to watch a bunch of gammas trying to survive.
  21. Covid 19=Plague We all need a good laugh. Well this guy makes me LOL all the time. This is a REAL comic not the phonies like Kimmel, Fallon etc that need a team of 20 writers. His comments on all this stuff is hilarious
  22. The burden of proof is on you. Your the one with outrageous claims of a black plaque so vicious that world economy was put in a controlled demolition. A plaque so insidious you can't even see it! So evil that it can hide during riots and I imagine, so clever it will return before the November election. You sheep are the "conspiracy theorists' not me. I'm just observing and reporting .
  23. After I've gone to the maternity ward and drank a couple babies blood. Or I might have better luck at Planned Parenthood. They speed up the murder process.
  24. You should be happy. I'm saying there is a definite possibility this girl didn't die. Or would you rather her be some sort or martyr to advance your Marxist agenda? Talk about being in some sort of layered hell it isn't me.
  25. Fake until it's proven to me. All I got is no death spikes. A horribly unreliable test. Falsified death certificates. Empty hospitals worldwide. Even more empty surge tents that were torn down a couple of weeks after they were put up. Only reason why I believe this is because I have seen endless footage from real citizen reporters who do not work for any bought and sold news outlet. What else...? Dont' know anyone that has been the least bit sick. No one I know knows of anyone they know that is sick. Honestly I haven't even seen anyone cough let alone have a fever. So yeah. If there was no msm (known confirmed liars that have been caught several times faking test lines. Fake bootlegged footage from Italy and SA passed of as NYC) and no NWO and government puppets spewing their laughable misinfo 24/7 you would never realize you were supposed to fear for your life from the common cold. Yes I am the fakevirus guy who realizes most of this shite is either fake or grossly misrepresented. Forgive me if I have a hard time believing proven liars when they push this stuff.
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