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Everything posted by Dante

  1. This isn't the actual car. Same thing though. Mine was green with baby moon hub caps.
  2. She's very cute. Seems like a nice personality as well. I didn't know about the old man losing a million in real estate back in the 80's. Very good to bounce back after that investing 10,000 in the pawn shop.
  3. McCarthy was correct. He was demonized just like everyone else that comes out against the left. Eventually, the Soviets got their way. Infiltrated the media, academics and now 60 years later the cold war is being fought domestically. Can't outlaw a party. Just the subversive elements that want to reverse the basics like the free market, property rights, free speech etc.
  4. What has to change, in order for me to become something even close to a fan, is eliminate the phony diving. Not only is it hard to stomach from a competitive point of view (these guys should act more like men ) it absolutely sucks any kind of flow or pace out of the game. Once it gets going some guy hits the ground like he just took a Larry Holmes uppercut (see the '79 fight vs Mike Weaver). Apon replay you see the nearest player contact was a good 2 feet away. And whats even worse the announcers make it seem like it was close. Even they can't, or are not allowed, to say how laughably fake it is.
  5. In every sport. NFL, NHL, soccer it always is a bad, bad strategy to circle the wagons and turtle. I understand the concept of protecting against the deep pass and quick strike. The thought of giving up half of the ice or playing field without resistance has always seemed a much worse option. Especially against highly skilled teams. Sweden was so dumb to play passive against the world champs who were down a man! The manager should be fired. No way I would play it that way. I would attack in the German end and force them to work their way out. Tougher when down a guy.
  6. Damn I liked that guy.
  7. I've always thought when in business or your income depends on the public, it's foolish to show your political hand. No matter if your a restaurant or entertainer. To alienate at least half your potential customers or fan base is moronic. Like all left-wing useful idiots, their actions and thoughts are governed by emotion not logic. So this guy did what all SJW's do.
  8. Caught dead to rights? No defense? Nothing to see here. It's all just "thorough editing" I guess the FBI agents discussing how they were going stop Trump from being prez was thorough editing as well. https://www.thedailybeast.com/liberal-group-looks-to-out-james-okeefes-project-veritas-operatives
  9. If your going to do an all women flick they had better be hot. There none or very little hotness going on here. Didn't they learn from the all chick Ghostbusters disaster no one is buying this shite? Who would green light this turd? Should be fired. We will have to check this one out.
  10. Just joined the Athletic. From the coverage I've seen so far, it's well worth it. I got a 1-year subscription for my brother as well.
  11. Yeah, I guess. It was funny but out here it wouldn't have been a joke.
  12. Crap couldn't find a thing on it. It was on the radio when they were talking about it just after Trump got elected. KGO out here probably. It did come up a couple times though. I thought for sure I would find something.
  13. I appreciate the Beatles. Very talented in all aspects of music. The problem for me is that they are all my two brothers played when young. I think I was 12 before I realized there was any other groups out there. I guess I just got overexposed/burnt out on them. I did hear a Ringo country tune that I hadn't heard in years I really liked though. That said, I think I liked "Help" the best. Not sure it could be sentimental because I loved the movie as a kid.
  14. Nah not old. Just playing on Young's "Old Man" song lyrics
  15. When Trump got elected there was talk out here of seceding and installing Barry as the de facto King. Nice thought if you live outside the state. The worst possible scenario if you live here. But maybe if it is marketed to the millions of dumb asses out here that way they might bite?
  16. Good point. They are the ones that should have the light shone on them for being irresponsible and cruel
  17. Didn't know that. Didn't they win it not long ago? Or at least come close?
  18. bah..sound like an Old Man. You should really look at your life! Skynard more energy! Did Crosby go out with her?
  19. Seems like that doesn't it? I was shocked when they didn't make it.
  20. Maybe the Canadian, US and Italy teams can all get together and have a Bocce ball tourney over the next couple weeks!
  21. If Uraguay is in it you have to tune in to that game. Lous Suarez is the guy who bites other players.
  22. Play with themselves?
  23. I love the picture of the gun in the foreground and the sweet innocent illegal looking confused. Classic!
  24. Love Skynard and Young. Skynard is really good though. Still holds up great today. Young used to go to a lot of Shark games but checked out when he took up with that fish movie actress. Moved to LA never to be seen again.
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