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Everything posted by Dante

  1. As much as I would like to bash all the experts for bashing us I cant because up until a few weeks ago, I agreed with them. Now, after seeing Willis's development, i'm starting to eat crow and glad of it. Go Willis!!
  2. Man are you me or my evil twin posting or something?? Right on the money again! I think exactly the same way. I hope they trash the season to bring the players AND the owners back to reality. Hey to make a omlette you have to break a few eggs, right? Maybe the NHL will lose a few teams to improve the overall quality. The players get far too big a cut of the income as it is and the owners and Bettman have done nothing to help the actual game. They have let it degrade into a clutch and grab scrum. All Betman cares about is some pie in the sky national US tv contract.
  3. Right on the money Clements!
  4. Not only is the secondary weak, they are only ranked 21st against the run. Could bode well for some nice ball control offence. Thinking very positive here but at this point I really do think we are better than them on defence. I just hope we dominate time of possesion.
  5. ooops..sorry Kelly the Dog
  6. Exactly how I look at it MDH. A few weeks ago things looked bleek beyond any hope for the future. However, the Bills have shown alot of progress the last couple games and I can say I could not be happier at this point. Im thinking that they have a pretty good chance of winning 3 of those next 5 games providing they play like they did today. I, for one, would be very satisfied with that given how things looked earlier. Man, if what the other poster said about not giving up a sack in the last two games is true, the Bills really may be on the way back. Can you imagine if a month ago someone said the Bills would not give up a sack against the Cards( a very aggressive D,( 8th in team sacks) and the Jets(has the league leader in sacks Abraham) back to back? I would have said they were hopeless Bills appologists, fanboys whatever.
  7. No im not pissed at all. Im perfectly satisfied with Drew today. It really is the best game he is played in a while. While for some that is throwing 4 or 5 TD's Drew has a different standard for me. Im thrilled with 2 tds and no fumbles or throws forced into coverage or balls tossed up for grabs in desperation. Like I said, if the Bills can run Drew will be ok. But just ok and that obviously is enough to be competitive.
  8. Hey you have to be fair. Its the second game in a row he has failed to screw it up. Although I certainly do not think he is a championship or even playoff caliber qb, he can be adequet under the right circumstances. Like a great running game and decent pass protection.
  9. Wow, one of our linemen actually owning someone. Things really are looking up!
  10. It's the best game Ive seen Drew play in over a year. He didnt panic when pressured. He didnt eat it or toss it up for grabs into coverage. I think alot of it is due to the good running game we had going. Kudo's to the real stars of this game the Offensive line. Again, no mistakes(besides special teams) and decent O line play and this is what the Bills can do. Very nice to see Magehee contiune his improvment and Lee Evans!!!!
  11. Decent machine Colorado but do yourself a favour if you want to play Doom3 and Half Life 2 with the eye candy that make these games special. Pay for another 512mgs ram and bite the bullit and get yourself either a ATI Radeon 800XT or a Nvidia 6800GT or Ultra. The GT is a better buy because its almost as fast(can be overclocked to Ultra speeds) and $100 cheaper. Its going to cost you another $500 or so but will be WELL worth it. The nvidia 5750 just isnt going to cut it with those games. Hope this helps.
  12. I have it. I can play. I am definitely not a high level online player though.
  13. I am happy with progress at this point for next season. Any talk of playoffs is absolutely ridiculous. Leftover euphoria after wins over the Cards and Dolphins??? C'mon. Im satisfied with positive growth in the offensive line and also our running game. Drew is a write off at this point and im looking forward to Losman. Magahee is promising. I think alot of your "should win" really have to be put in the catagory of "could win" Thats makes the proposition of winning any one of those games iffy at best. If we finish with 6 or 7 wins I would be encouraged. I think thats a more realistic number.
  14. How about those goth kids? "yah...conformist"
  15. Wow really? Have you ever played Unreal Tournament 2K4 or Ravenshield? I havent seen anything close to UT as far as instant gratification run and gun shooting. And Ravenshiled is a fantastic tactical shooter. Both have far superior eye candy as well.
  16. Any console game, including Halo 2 with all its hype, cant compare to a PC game. XBox is ancient technology compared to a GeForce6800 or ATI 800 equiped computer. Screen resolution alone is enough reason for Halo 2 to be inferior to Half Life 2. This is a no brainer. Half Life 2 by a huge margain.
  17. I love your avatar ByTor. I chuckled when I saw that.
  18. Why? I know the Bills suck but they arent going to be bad for that long are they?? Hey look at the positives. At least we have the Republicans in office for the next while.
  19. I think if Drew doesnt give the ball up we have a pretty good chance at beating the Jests. I think our D is good enough and I hope MaGahee's recent success isnt just a blip. If he can run I think we can win. This from a pessimist.
  20. Well the deficit and health care are mutually exclusive issues. If everyone wants government funded health care than you havent seen anything yet as far as budget deficit goes. Get both hands on your wallet because Uncle Sam is coming for your cash if that ever happens.
  21. Cant agree more. Personally Im sort of happy that Bush won only because he wont be quite as bad as Kerry and the Democrats. But believe me im no Bush fan. The choice sucked. Where are the Ben Franklins and Thomas Jeffersons anymore?
  22. Ive never seen her. Can someone post a pic?
  23. I kinda lump Goodenow,players together. As far as teams go there are two culprits that throw out the most ridiculous money for average players and thats the Rangers and Clarke with the Flyers.
  24. Things to blame for NHL's current state. 1. Bob Goodenow....Old school union blockhead. No give at all. 2. Garry Bettman....No concern for the game itself and the quality of the product. Only concerned with cash influxes in the form of tv contracts and expansion fees. Has to go. 3. New York Rangers...overpaying both marginal and star players. This drives up the contracts of all the top players. 4. Philadelphia Flyers....see #3
  25. Drew did not make any mistakes for once. No, he wasnt spectacular, but he didnt kill us with ints or fumbles today either. He was adequet and thats the best we can hope for. Just shows what can happen when you dont turn the ball over 5 times in a game. Let the D give us a chance to win every game. Lets not get too jacked up about DB today. It was a defensive win and the Bills actually ran the ball. The fact is he is a barely average qb at this point.
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